Background Information
• Official Name: Department of Media and Communication Studies
Department of Media and Communication Studies has come out as an independent department from the Department of English Language and Literature, which was hosting its programs MA in Public Relations and Corporate Communication (PRCC), MA in Broadcast Journalism (BJ), and the BA in Media Studies (MS). The key players in designing these programs have also been professionals in the English Language and Literature and in Oromo Folklore and Literature, CSSH. Several batches of students graduated before the Department stood on its own, as of early 2019.
The Department by now has five graduate programs and one undergraduate program. While the undergraduate program is BA in Media Studies, the graduate programs are: MA in PRCC, MA in BJ, MA in Print and Online Journalism (POJ), MA in Intercultural Communication and Public Diplomacy (ICCPD), and MA in Applied Linguistics and Development Communication (ALDC).
• Vision, Mission & Objectives:
The Department of Media and Communication Sudies in Jimma University works towards achieving the mission of the country at large and University in particular by producing qualified individuals with the required competence. More specifically, our vision is to produce professionals in Media, Journalism, Public Relations and Communication who can effectively contribute to the nation’s building promoting discussion, dialogue, democracy, freedom of expression and social, cultural and economic growth.
The Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies at Jimma University is an undergraduate program that is offered within three years of study after the students have completed their freshman courses and join the Department. It is a program that recognizes expertise in a professional field of study which is gained through course works, publication projects, and thesis writing. The program has intensive course works and projects as well as practical attachment where the students get practical media work and hands on training session through attachment to media organizations for two months, apart from the regular practice they do at the University’s media studios. Finally, they have to produce theses that deal with challenges and opportunities observed in Ethiopian journalism and in Ethiopian media institutions. Thus, the BA in Media Studies curriculum at Jimma University is designed to meet the need for skilled professionals at both public and commercial media institutions and companies in Ethiopia and beyond. The Curriculum was developed through a collaborative effort supported by Free Press Unlimited with the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands and is bench marked by the UNESCO Model Curriculum for Journalism Education.
The Department of Media and Communication Studies at Jimma University desires to be among the top three Media and Communication / Journalism and Communication Departments found in Universities in Ethiopia. While theoretical knowledge of media, journalism and communication is well respected and duly addressed, our Department gives exceptional focus to practical journalism and/or communication skills that includes recording, editing, script writing and presenting for journalistic and/or image building purposes. Cognizant of the fact that the country is multicultural and multilingual, the Department also aspires to produce professionals in intercultural communication and public diplomacy that duly recognize these facts and contribute to address linguistic, social, cultural, and related issues to use them for the country’s all-rounded development.
• To produce qualified media writers and producers, and communication and/or PR experts.
• To support media organizations and governmental/private organizations/ corporate professionally by providing short term and on-job trainings and conducting applied researches.
• To support national development goals by training communication and media professionals for excellence.
• To support professionalization and development of media professions in Ethiopia, specifically in media, journalism, public relations, and inter-cultural communication and diplomacy.
• To help the nation’s economic growth, political dialogue and social transformation with an in-depth understanding of the historical, socio-economic and socio-political realities of the country.
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