BA degree in Music
The music school is focused on equipping the trainees with performing and organizing skills. However, good musicianship requires an all-rounded personality to bind with the knowledge that could not only play the musical instruments but also think, create, and positively impact the society he/she apart. Observations reveal that there is an acute felt need for better-trained music performers, educators, researchers, and organizers.
The main objective of the program is to provide students a wide range of knowledge and experience in music performance and expose them to the historical, social, theoretical, stylistic, and creative issues that pertain to the various music genres. Thus, the program will have the following specific objectives:
• To equip students with a professional qualification in music performance
• To develop the students’ skill and knowledge of performing various types of music
• To provide students with a thorough grounding in music performance
• To provide students with a wide range of knowledge on the past and present music performers, ensembles, compositions and …etc
• To train students in the field’s histories, theories, and methods in relation to a variety of musical styles
• To develop the students’ creativity and improvisational ability
Admission requirements
Potential candidates who join the Department should fulfill the entire criterion:
Scoring pass mark in preparatory examination as per EFDR Education Ministry regulations;
Those who have earned diploma from teachers training institutions like TTC in Music and have the tendency or potential to analyze musical materials and appreciate music are acknowledged.
Any diploma holders in any field of study and encompass interest to study music and have qualifications or certifications at post high school level are also eligible.
Candidates need to successfully demonstrate their musical talent through an audition.
The audition would normally be conducted on the basis of the department.
Prospective applicants should meet certain physical requirements pertinent for musicians.
Students are admitted to B.A Degree in Music program on the basis of interest; and capacity for music study as indicated by their academic records, performance in the interview or another method of assortment and musical experience. Selection is done through a multi-mode, multi-criterion. Candidate’s academic records, references, interviews and work experiences will also be considered.
The study needs naturally gifted and interested entrant; is compulsory for all of the candidates
Admission requirements for Diploma holders in music from similar institutions or colleges:
A candidate should also bear his/her original diploma
A candidate be supposed to successfully score a pass mark in the entrance exam to be administrate his/her previous Major area by the school and an applicant should meet all the application requirement of the institution.