College Structure, Departments and Programs
The college is managed by the Dean recruited from the academic staff. The dean of the college is the Chairperson of the Academic Commission, the highest decision making body of the college. The academic Commission is composed of the associate dean, administrative director, departments/school heads and coordinators of coordinating offices, students’ representative and teachers’ representative. The dean of the college is responsible to lead both the academic and administrative wings.
The dean has various responsibilities including the chief executive of the college, decides on recruitment and employment of academic staff, renewal of any contract agreement of the academic staff, recommends the opening of new programs and closing of any, prepares annual budget plan, controls the proper use of budget, represents the college in any matters, prepares and implements policies and rules of the college, appoints departments/school heads and program coordinators in consultation with the university president.

In addition to departments the college has various Coordinating offices which collaboratively work with the departments and the dean and associate dean offices;
- Reform and Academic Quality Assurance Coordinating office
- Ethics and Anticorruption Coordinating office
- Community-Based Education and Partnership Coordinating office
- Continuing and Distance Education Coordinating office
- ICT and E-learning Coordinating office
- Registrar and Students’ Affairs Coordinating office
- Research and Postgraduate Coordinating office
- Women and Youth Coordinating office