Amharic Language and Literature


The Department of Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature- Amharic is one of the departments under the College of Social Sciences and Humanities. It was established, as one of the departments under the Faculty of Education, after its birth from the Department of English in the year 2003 (1995 E.C). The department has been running a BA and MA programs for regular, summer and distance programs. In the past fiften years more than 1500 students are graduated in the regular, summer and distance programes. The graduates are working in different regions and sectors on diiferent fields.

Recently, the department has been launched three postgraduate programs namely M.A in Amharic Language and Literature Teaching, MA in Applied Linguistics in Ethiopian Languages and Cultural Studies (Amharic) and MA in Ethiopian Literature and Folklore. All programs aretargated to produce well equped professionals one in teaching Amharic by increasing their knowledge of Amharic language instructional theory and practice and fills the gapby training Etiopian Languages and Litrature (Amharic) who can describe languages, explain language teaching and lerning methodology, develop writing systems, prepare dictionaries, write  language syllubus, textboooks and premiers and the otherone provides research skills and methods in Ethiopian languages and culture studies. Having this fact, the department of Ethiopian Language and Literature- Amharic planned to train and educate the learners who join the department as per the university and Ministry of Education Universities admission requirements. In order to do so, the needs of different resources and facilities are unquestionable. Accordingly, to run the program the department of Ethiopian Language and Literature- Amharic consists of staffs that include five PhD and five MA holders (one of them is a PhD candidate at Addis Ababa University). And two BA holders (both are MA students).


To become the center of academic excellence in language, literature, culture and skill studies by adopting a newly emerging paradigms and analytical thinking as well as practices in the areas of language and literature studies which lay the ground for the advancement of quality education and sustainable development in the country. Because as a multi lingual & multi-cultural nation Ethiopia needs well-qualified professional language experts in the fields mentioned above. Thus, the department has been launched in response to the shortage of local language experts in different sectors as well in the nation.The target of the department, therefore, is to educate and train general language experts who work in different governmental and non- governmental offices.


The mission of the programmed is to offer education that emphasizes on the pursuit of knowledge through research and institution and the development of a critical understanding on the issues of language, literature and teaching profession nationally. Therefore, the main emphasis of the Amharic courses will be on those elements, which are designed to provide skilled, knowledgeable & all rounded experts.


A graduate of Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature- Amharic program is expected to demonstrate the ability and able to serve/work as to:

·   Writers and editors of reports (both general and technical); minutes, newspaper dispatches (releases, and articles), essays, and speeches;

·   Editors, critics, and reviewers of literary works

·   Compilers and editors of dictionaries;

·   Translators, interpreters and terminologists;

·   Public relations officers in various bureaus, offices and organizations.

·   Researchers in issues related to literature (oral and written), literacy, language, language planning, society and culture.

·   Consultants in issues related to language, literature & culture.

·   Training researchers in the field of literature and human concerns, and,

·   Conducting research on the various languages and literatures of Ethiopia.

·   Provide guidance and consultancy services in their field of specialization to regional as well as national educational institutions and culture bureau; Evaluate teaching issues, learning needs and culture content in particular Amharic language learning environment.

·         Conduct research on problems and issues pertaining to language teaching; particularly, conduct research in the area of Amharic language teaching and learning.

·         Develop an understanding of the linguistic theories that underpin modern approaches to language teaching. To provide strong methodological and pedagogical basis for Amharic Language and literature education;

·         Apply a variety of language teaching methodologies for diverse teaching and learning situation. To train competent personnel who will be engaged in preparing and designing language teaching materials, text books, syllabi and curricula at all levels;

·         Expertise in designing and implementing language courses that meet the needs of particular groups of students.

·         Experts, who undertake independent study on Applied Linguistics and cultural studies.

·         A high level of skill on the formal and substantive aspect of applied linguistics.

·         Language and linguistics teachers at secondary and tertiary levels.

·         Editors in culture,linguistics texts,books and journals.

·         Lexicographer in Ethiopian languages especially on little known languages.

·         Consultants, practitioners, Film producers, Documentation experts, Text book writers, Premier writers.


The Department of Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature- Amharic has such study areas as literature, linguistics and language skills. Candidates who have successfully completed the preparatory program with a passing mark in both social and natural science entrance examination, thus, can be admitted for BA programs.  On the other hand all those who  have completed undergraduate studies in Ethiopian as well as foreign languages and literature, Linguistics or in any other field of humanities; Applicants are required to have a B.A. or BEd degree in teaching Amharic, Ethiopian Languages and Literature, English major and Amharic Minor, and Pedagogical Science Composite Amharic (Pedagogical Science-Amharic). As well as The program admits candidates from the BA degree graduates preferably in Linguistics and other related disciplines such as the Ethiopian Lnguages and Literature (Amharic), Afaan Oromo, Tigringa,   Afaan Oromo Folklores, and  department of English Language and Literature, and other Social Science fields for MA programs.


The training program for regular classes lasts for three years and is divided into six semesters for a total of 190 ECTS. (Including CBE courses)

             MODE OF DELIVERY

Delivery of Modules and Courses in this program is designed on mixed approach that is parallel, block and semester based system for undergraduate regular program.


The graduates can work in the areas of:-

ü  Teaching

ü  Communication and journalism

ü  public relations

ü  Researches

ü  Culture


ü  Ministry of education

ü  Ministry of  culture

ü  State and private media

ü  Anti-corruption institutes and bureaus

ü  Development associations

ü  Research institutions and many others