Mr.Terefe Mitiku
Head, Department of Oromo Folklore and Literature.
Contact address
P. O. Box:378
Office Tel:+251471122507
Cell Phone:+251921341289
E-mail Address:
All academic staff members are immediate members of the Department Council (DC), having an equal vote on any matter that calls for a decision. Chaired by a head (HOD), the Department runs various activities. The head chairs the DC, distributes activities among staff members, and facilitates interaction with various organs of the College, the University and the community. Supported by the community-based philosophy of the University, the Department strives to actualize maximum community interactions, which the activities of the staff and students exhibit. Research and fieldwork of the staff are among the major components. The fieldwork entails the observing, recording, preserving and analysis of the actions and activities of the community. Students are also checked for their ability to adequately interact with local people and help solve societal problems through the activities and assignments devised which they are required to implement. The Department Head checks and manages this; s/he also facilitates such activities, coordinates the staff and the students to deal with different organs of the community.
As folklore is multidisciplinary, teams manage divided and varied courses of their respective disciplines. These include folklore, ethnography, anthropology, linguistics, history, literature, research, filming, cinematography and other documentation courses. Committees run varied activities. Exam Committee, research committee, promotion/external linkage committee and graduate committee are the major organs under the department.
The objectives and activities of the Department urge for the establishment of a special archiving and documentation team run by a coordinator to manage the activities of the Archival and Documentation Centre. Here data collected from fieldwork is processed, organized, documented, displayed and preserved for future use in teaching, research, material development, and community service. The coordinator facilitates work, activities and practices of students, technical assistants, and staff. S/he plans requests for, follows up and acquires necessary resources for the centre to effectively implement the activities required and expected. Besides this, s/he secures the proper management and documentation and archiving of the data collected from fieldwork. All staff members are responsible for contributing to and carrying out activities at the centre.
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