Weekend – MA Degree In Oromo Language and Literature Teaching

Weekend – MA Degree In Oromo Language and Literature Teaching


2.2.1. Objectives to Teach Afaan Oromo and Literature in Weekend Program

The general objective of Afan Oromo and Literature degree program in weekend is to train high-level qualified personnel capable of working in different settings: mass media workers, secondary school teachers, and public relation officers for governmental and non-governmental organizations. It also helps learners promote research skills in and /or on Afan Oromo and develop their concepts and knowledge of linguistics, literature, socio-cultural aspects of Oromo language.

The Specific objectives are: 

·         To help the learner acquire basic knowledge of linguistics, literature and language skills in general and Afan Oromo in particular.

·         To equip the learner with basic professional knowledge, concepts and skills which enable them to engage in various settings,

·         To provide the learner with the general rules and principles of the language with respect to mass media, public relations and communication.

·      To develop joint and student-centered learning and use problem solving techniques in a number of different situations.

·      To enable students carry out activities in relation to their fields of specialization.

 2.2.2. Entry Requirements

In addition to the requirements of the School of Graduate Study at the Jimma University, admission to Afan Oromo and Literature Teaching Masters Program shall be open to those applicants who:

v  Have completed undergraduate studies in Ethiopian as well as foreign languages and Literature or in any other field of humanities;

v  Successfully pass entrance examination.

v  Have adequate knowledge of Afan Oromo

v  have an interest in studying the Oromo language and culture in general

 2.2.3. Duration of the Study

 The program will last four years for completion


After the end of the program, Afan Oromo and Literature Teaching graduates are expected to have knowledge and skills based on the language and language teaching methodology. Therefore, they are expected to:

v  Teach Oromo language and literature in preparatory schools;

v  Train Oromo language and literature teachers in preparatory , Colleges and Universities;

v  Design curricula and syllabi; prepare Oromo Language teaching materials and textbooks for primary, secondary and tertiary levels.

v  Provide guidance and consultancy services in their field of specialization to regional as well as national educational institutions and culture Bureau;

v  Conduct research on problems and issues pertaining to language teaching;

v  Assist efforts geared towards the development of bilingual and multicultural education in the country;

v  Engage in social and cultural activities related with language and literature.

 2.2.5. Graduation Requirements

In accordance with the graduation requirements of the SGS of Jimma University in general and the College of Social Science and Humanities in particular, graduation with Master of Arts Degree in Afan Oromo and Literature Education requires:

·       successful completion of a minimum of 32 credit hours for course work and 6 credit hours of thesis work;

·       A minimum CGPA of 3.00 for course work and a minimum grade of ‘satisfactory’ for thesis work

 2.2. 6. Degree Nomenclature

In English:

v  “Master of Arts Degree in Afan Oromo and Literature Teaching”

In Afan Oromo:

v  “Digrii Aartii  Lammaffaa  Afaan Oromoofi Og-Barruu Barsiisuutiin”