Department: Amharic Language and Literature

Lemma Nigatu Tarekegn

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Title: Dr.

Full Name:   Lemma Nigatu Tarekegn

Nationality: Ethiopian

Academic Rank: Associate Professor

College/Institute: CSSH

Department/Team: Department of Ethiopian Languages and Literature – Amharic.

Field of Specialization: Folklore

Research interest: Folklore and Culture


  • Tarekegn, L. N., & Terefe, M. F. (2019). Hebo: New year ritual of Yem people in South West Ethiopia. International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding6(4),  588-608.
  • Tarekegn, L. N., & Mengistu, M. G. (2019). Social Stigmatization of Manjo People and its Socio-Economic and Environmental Implications, the Cases of Bonga and Dawro Towns and Their Environs,48(5), 60-75.
  • Getachew, M., & Nigatu, L. (2022). Traditional hunting associated oral literature and its environmental impacts in Southwestern Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Social Sciences and Language Studies (EJSSLS)9(2), 57-71.
  • ለማ ንጋቱ፤ (2010) ‹‹ለፎክሎር ጥናት የፍካሬ ልቡና ትወራ ሚና፤ በተመረጡ ሁለት የግብረ-ወሲብ ተረቶች ማሳያነት›› (ባሕዳር ዩኒቨርሲቲ የምርምር መጽሔት፣ ቅጽ1፣ቁ1) ለማ ንጋቱ፤ ‹‹በጎንደር ዙሪያ ወረዳ የቦታ ሥሞች ኬትመጣና ለነገሥታት የቀረቡ ዝርው ትረካዎች ትንተና››፤ ባህል ሚኒስቴር፣ አዲስ አበባ (2010) (ከሌሎች ሥራዎች ጋር በመጽሐፍ የታተመ የምርምር ሥራ)፡፡ ለማ ንጋቱ፣ (2010) ‹‹ብቻ … ብ …ቻ ምን ይሆና … ል!››፤ የ‹‹ባሕታዊ›› ገጸባህርያት ስነጽሑፋዊ ፋይዳ ፍከራ፣ በፍቅር እሰከ መቃብርና በቴዎድሮስ እንባ ረጅም ልቦለዶች›› በሀዲስ ዓለማየሁ በአራተኛው ሀገራዊ ጉባዔ የቀረበና በባህል ጥናት ተቋሙ መጽሔት የታተመ (ደብረ ማርቆስ ዩኒቨርሲቲ) ለማ ንጋቱ፤ (2011) ዘማሪዋ ዔሊና ሌሎች ማራኪ ታሪኮች ለልጆች፣ አዲስ አበባ፡፡ (ለልጆች የተዘጋጀ መጽሐፍ)፡፡


Manyalew Abate

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Title: Dr.

Full Name:  Manyalew Abate

Nationality: Ethiopian

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

College/Institute:  CSSH

Department/Team: ELL-Amharic

Field of Specialization: Literature

Research interest:  Literature


 Kidane Debebe

  1. Personal Information
  • Title: Mr.
  • Full Name: Kidane Debebe Kasse
  • NationalityEthiopian
  • Academic Rank Lecturer
  • College: Social science and Humanities
  • Department: Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature – Amharic
  1. Publications
  • No
  1. Research interest: Literature, Cultural Issues
  2. Contact Address:
  • Email:
  • Mobile: +251913827028
  • P.O. Box: 378, Jimma, Ethiopia

Manyalew Abate

  1. Personal Information
  • Full Name : Manyalew Abate Bayeh
  • Title: P.h.D., Assis. Professor
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: P.h.D.,Assis Professor
  • Department: Ethiopian language & Literature_ Amharic
  • College/Institute: College of social sciences and Humanities
  1. Publications:

2 publications on Board

  • Women’s Voice through Literary Communication: Analysis of Recurrent Themes in Amharic Novels by Women Writers

                                       (From 1980 – 2006 E.C.)

  • Stylistic Analysis of Thomas Campion’s Poem Chery-Ripe (There is a Garden in her Face)
  1. Research Interest:
  • Literature & folklore
  • Cultural studies
  • Language teaching
  1. Contact Details:


Habtam Abebaw

1.Personal Information

  • Full Name: Habtam Abebaw Mequanenet
  • Title: Miss
  • NationalityEthiopian
  • Academic Rank Lecturer
  • Department: Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature – Amharic
  • College/institute College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  1. Publications:      
  2. Research interest:  Language Teaching
  3. Contact Address:
  • Email:
  • Mobile: +251960824331
  • +251968300149
  • P.O. Box: 378, Jimma, Ethiopia

Bosena Tsedalu

1.Personal Information

  • full nameBosena Tsedalu Taye
  • titlemrs.
  • nationalityethiopian
  • academic ranklecturer
  • department: ethiopian language(s) and literature – Amharic
  • College/institute: College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  1. Publications:
  • No             
  1. Research interest
  • literature folklore and culture
  1. Contact Details
  • email:
  •  mobile: +251941587173





 Yikber Yimesgen


  1. Personal information
  •    Full NameYikber Yimesgen Almaw
  •    Title: Mr
  •     NationalityEthiopian
  •     Academic Rank Lecturer
  •     Department: Ethiopian Language(s) and Literature – Amharic
  •     College/Institute:– College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  1. Publication
  • No

3. Research interest:  Language Teaching

  4. Contact Address:


Mobile: +251922267137


P.O. Box: 378, Jimma, Ethiopia