
Afan Oromo and Literature

Full Name:  Teshome Belayneh (PhD)

Nationality: Ethiopian

Academic Rank: Assistant Professor

College/Institute: Social Science and Humanities

Department/Team: Afaan Oromoo and Literature

Field of Specialization: General Linguistics

Research interest: Areas of Descriptive Linguistics (Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics) and Areas Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching, Language Materials Development, Language Testing, and Language and Technology)


  1. Teshome Belayneh (2011) .The syntax of Verbal and Nominal clauses in Yem, online, www. (Monograph) Tariku Sime, Teshome Belayneh & Alemayehu Fekede. (2013). “Survey of research terms used in Afan Oromo: With special reference to thre Universities in  Ethiopia.” Journal of Languages and Culture, 4 (7).  pp.115-122.
  2. Eriste Akawak, Teshome Belayneh and Chimdi Wakuma.  (2016).“Variations of Dialect Based Spelling and Words in Afan  Oromo Composition: The Case of Students  the Department of Afan  Oromo and Literature, Published in proceedings of  Jimma University annual research conference.
  3. Teshome Belayneh, Birhanu Deme and Chimdi Wakuma. (2017). “Afan Oromo Grammar focusing on the Morpho-syntactic Features of  Lexical and  Functional Categories” Published in proceedings of Jimma University Annual Research Conference.
  4. Tsahaay Baay’isaafi Tashoomaa Balaayinaa (202). Sakatta’a Ogummaa Seerlugaa Kitaaba Barattootaa Afaan Oromoo Kutaa 11ffaa” Gadaa Journal / Barruulee Gadaa,Vol.4,No1, P.80-97
  5. Ayehu Bacha , Teshome Belayneh and Kusa Gemeda (2018) : Euphemistic  Expressions of Oromo: From Linguistics Perspectives”  Jimma University,  CSSH.


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