Tefera Tadesse

Name: Tefera Tadesse (PhD)
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor 
College/Institute: College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Department/Team: Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies
Field of Specialization: Curriculum and Instruction
Research Interest:
  1. Dr. Tadesse’s major research interests are in the higher education, quality teaching and learning, student engagement, classroom instruction, and equity and social justice in education.
  2. List of Publications: Tadesse, T., Mengistu, S., & Gorfu, Y. (2016). Research-based Evaluation to inform Changes in the Development of Undergraduate Sports Science Education in Ethiopia. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, 18, 42-50. 
  3. Tadesse, T., & Mengistu, S. (2015). A Review of the Undergraduate Sport Science Curriculum in Ethiopian University Setting: A Program Level Analysis. Paper presented at the second National EYSA Research Conference, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 5-6, 2015. 
  4. Tadesse, T., & Gillies, R. (2015). Nurturing Cooperative Learning Pedagogies in Higher Education Classrooms: Evidence of Instructional Reform and Potential Challenges. Current Issues in Education, 18(2), 1-18. 
  5. Tadesse, T. (2014a). The Fundamentals of Curriculum Development, Implementation, and Evaluation within the Context of Ethiopian Sports Academy Programs. Paper presented at the first National EYSA Research conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, July 04-05, 2014.
  6. Tadesse, T. (2014b). Quality Assurance in Higher Education in Ethiopia: Boon or Bandwagon in the Light of Quality Improvement? Journal of Higher Education in Africa, 12(2), 131-157. 
  7. Jimma, T. T. (2014). Improving Quality in Higher Education through Cooperative Learning Pedagogies: An Ethiopian Example. (Doctoral Dissertation), the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
  8. Chisholm, M., Jimma, T.T., Tatsuya, N., & Manathunga, C. (2012). Political geographies of academic development in Jamaica, Ethiopia and Japan: reflections on the impossibilities of neutrality. International Journal of Academic Development, 17(3), 265-270.
  9. Tadesse, T. (2012). The missing lacunae in the Ethiopian higher education quality imperatives: Stakeholder views and commentaries. School of Education Postgraduate Research Conference 2012, Brisbane, Australia. 
  10. Tadesse, T., Manathunga, C., & Gillies, R. (2012). Making sense of quality teaching and learning in the higher education in Ethiopia: Unfolding current realities for future promises. Paper presented at the 9th ICED Conference: Across the Globe Higher Education Learning and Teaching, July 23-25, 2012 Bangkok, Thailand.
  11. Tadesse, T., Asmamaw, A., & Getachew, K. (2012). Female students’ participation and academic achievement in universities: An exploration of the current state, contributing factors, and possible remedies. Lambert Publishing Book Company. 
  12. Tadesse, T. (2011). Preventing gender-based violence and promoting safety in the Ethiopian higher education. OSSREA Publication Series.
  13. Tadesse, T. and K. Getachew (2010). “An exploration of undergraduate students’ self-reported academic dishonesty at Addis Ababa and Jimma Universities.” Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences, 5(2)79-99. 
  14. Tadesse, T. and K. Getachew (2009). “Faculties’ Perception and Responses to Academic Dishonesty of Undergraduate Students in Education, Business and Economics.”
  15. Hunde, A., Tadesse, T., & Kebede, E. (2010). Analysing the experience of teaching, learning, and assessment: The case of JimmaUniversity. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the Annual Research Conference at Jimma University, Jimma.
  16. Tadesse, T., Melesse, W. & Assefa, W. (2009). The practice of Learner-centered methods in upper primary schools of Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences, 4(2) 27-44.
  17. Tadesse, T, & Getachew, K. (2009). Faculties’ Perception and Responses to Academic Dishonesty in Undergraduate Students of Education, Business and Economics. An article accepted for publication in the Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences, 4(2) 57-72.
  18. Tadesse, T., Melesse, W. & Assefa, W. Teacher Development Program Impact Study Based on Classroom Observation of New Teachers in the Ethiopian Upper Primary Schools. (Proceedings of the fourth National Conference on Teacher Education in Ethiopia), Bahir Dar University from March 17-19/2008.)
  19. Tadesse, T. (2006). Evaluating quality in the Ethiopian higher education: The case of Jimma University. (Unpublished Master’s Thesis), the University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands.  
  20. Kassie, T., Yenet, W., Haddis, A., Tadesse, E., Tadesse, T., & Teshager, L. (2004). Lifestyle and Personal Health. 
Contact address
  • P.O.Box: 5110
  • Office Tel.:
  • Cell Phone: +251 917 801007
  • Fax:
  • E-mail Address: tefera.tadesse@ju.edu.et