Student Demographics

The total numbers of students enrolled currently in the department are 230. Out of these 157(67%) are BA students who attend in regular program. The rest 76(33%) are MA students who attend both in regular and summer program.. See the student population in the table below.

BA Regular

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year
2nd Year 8 34 42
3rd Year 13 35 48
Total 21 69 90

 Program: MA in Counseling Psychology (Regular)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 4 4 8
2nd Year 6 3 9
Total 10 7 17

 Program: MA in Educational Psychology (Regular)


Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 6 6
2nd Year 5 5
Total 11 11


 Program: MA in Social Psychology (Regular)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 4 2 6
2nd Year
Total 6 6



 Program: MA in Developmental Psychology (Regular)


Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 3 2 5
2nd Year 4 4
Total 7 2 9

 Program: MA in Eraly Child Crae Education (Regular)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 5 5
2nd Year
Total 5 5


Program: MA in Counseling Psychology (summer)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 4 4 8
2nd Year 6 3 9
3rd year
4th year
Total 10 7 17

 Program: MA in Educational Psychology (summer)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd year
4th year


 Program: PhD in Counseling Psychology (Regular)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 1 1
2nd Year 2 2
Total 3 3


 Program: PhD in Educational Psychology (Regular)

Year of study Male Female Total
1st Year 2 2
2nd Year 3 1 4
Total 5 1 6