First Name: Getachew Abeshu Disassa
Academic Rank: Associate Professor(PhD)
College/Institute: College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
Department/Team: Counseling Psychology
Field of Specialization:
Background information
College of Education and Behavioral science (CEBS) was established as Institute of Education and Professional Development Studies in the year 2010 due to business process reengineering in the university. The college carries out both regular teaching, continuing and distance education program for both the academic in-service and regular programs. Continuing and Distance education coordination office was established in 2014 as one of the emerging offices of the college and coordinates distance and summer programs (PGDT, PGDSL, Counseling, Curriculum, EdL, ScL, etc programs) from its establishment in collaboration with the department and JU-CDE Office.
- To provide education and training that fills gaps in the human power needs of the country
- To provide short-term and long term training for individuals who need to upgrade their education through distance, evening, summer etc programs
- To provide opportunities for teachers and students to engage in regular research projects that advances their capacities as scholars.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Providing information for students in all program
- Module preparation and dissemination for summer students
- Work plan and report on the activities done
- Coordinate registration, follow-up, supervise CDE activities
- Facilitate payments for instructors involved in CDE activities
Strategic Direction
Reach quality education to the community needs through diversification of programs in distance and continuing education area of expertise
- P. O. Box: 378
- Office Tel.: +251472115789 (CDE Office)
- Cell Phone: +251917804497
- Fax: +251-471122433
- E-mail Address:,