Reform and Quality Assurance

First Name: Fisseha Mikre
Academic Rank: Associate Professor(PhD)
College/Institute: College of Education and Behavioral Sciences

Department/Team: Psychology

Department/Team: Educationl Psychology

Coordinating Office of Reform and Quality Assurance

Background information

The office was established in September, 2014 as Academic Quality Assurance Office and later renamed as Reform and Academic Quality Assurance Office.


The objective of the office is to maintain standards of teaching and learning process, research undertaking, and community services provided by the college.

 Duties and Responsibilities

The office will have responsibilities of monitoring and providing support for various departments and offices with respect to tasks listed below.

1. Teaching-Learning Process

  • Course syllabus (is it in line with the modularized curriculum? Assessment methods and criteria clearly indicated in the course syllabus? )
  • Class progress (First day first class and progression of classes as per the schedule)
  • Implementation of modularization curriculum (Student-centred learning, …)
  • Implementation of continuous assessment and feedback provision ( frequency of CA,  timely submission of grade, how feedback is provided, remedial work)
  • Mechanisms in place (Exam committee) to check exam quality and see that assessment conducted in accordance with the University’s stated procedures, appeals procedure.

2. Academic staff

  • Recruitment of the staff (objective, fair and transparent)
  • Teachers qualification
  • Teachers’ evaluation and feedback provision/ consequence/
  • Staff work load
  • Staff development

3.      Learning Resources  

  • Conducive classroom (smart classroom, neat, whiteboard, chalkboard…)
  • Library (availability of different books, adequacy and appropriateness of each      reference materials…)
  • Computer laboratory for under graduate and post graduate students (availability, adequacy, appropriateness. )
  • Reading room for post graduate students (availability, adequacy, appropriateness..)
  • Monitoring, evaluating and improving resources listed above regularly

4. Student support system

  • Support in the form of tutors, counselors, and other advisers
  • Effectiveness of the support services available to the students

5. Research

  • Post graduate research (Presence of guiding procedures, evaluation procedures, Usage)

6.Community service

  • Extent of the community service by the department and the areas of the service, if any 
  • Quality of the service rendered

7. Staff development army

  • Organization of case team and meeting (how often?)
  • Case team leader (How often they meet?)
  • Availability of well thought plan
  • Presence of minute (for both case team and case team leader)
  • Report (timely? how many? and quality)   

8. Students development army

  • Organization of peer learning group and meeting (how often?)
  • Organization of students’ batch transformation forum
  • Availability of well thought plan (for both)
  • Presence of Minute (for both)
  • Collaboration of mentors with peer group
  • Report (timely? how many? and quality)   

9. Administrative development army

  • Organization of case team and meeting (how often?)
  • Case team leader (How often they meet?)
  • Availability of well thought plan
  • Presence of Minute (for both case team and case team leader)
  • Report (timely? how many? and quality)   

10.  Service standard (Citizen charter)

11.  Implementation of Kaizen

Strategic Direction

As per the college strategic plan, the office plans to address issues related to the teaching learning process, research and community service.
