Name Name: Addisalem Taye Hailu
Academic Rank:Assistant Professor
College/Institute: College of Education and Behavioural Sciences
Department/Team:Counseling Psychology
Field of Specialization:Clinical Psychology
Coordinating Office of Higher Diploma Program
Background information
The Higher Diploma Programme (HDP) was developed as a result of the study into the quality and effectiveness of teacher education in Ethiopia, (Livingstone et al, 2000), which identified the needs of teacher educators in Ethiopia. The HDP started in all 21 teacher education institutions in October 2003 (1996 EC), as a new compulsory qualification for all teacher educators.
The programme continually develops in line with government policies and strategies. Presently the ESDP IV and the Growth and Transformation Plan 2010/11 – 2014/15 (GTP) have informed the direction. The significant expansion in tertiary education has resulted in the need for more trained teacher educators, to guarantee the quality and to achieve the sector goals, and to meet the demand for the HDP.
Those who educate the teachers must themselves be of high quality, be highly competent and be educated for the specifics of their role to produce better teachers and to improve the learning of all students in Ethiopia. The programme provides teacher educators with support for their development as effective and reflective practitioners with enhanced professional status.
The aim of the Higher Diploma Programme for teacher educators is to improve the quality of education in Ethiopia through a licensing programme that will develop the skills and professionalism of teacher educators, MoE (2011).
When this aim is translated into objectives, the programme will enable teacher educators to:
- support the implementation of the GTP
- identify their own needs and become a professional, reflective teacher educator demonstrating high standards of professional ethics
- develop teaching as a skill, based on sound theoretical knowledge and experience
- role model good practice and contribute to institutional and community development
- provide a high quality learning experience for student teachers
- be involved in action research, collaborative learning and team work
- address gender issues and social inclusion
Duties and Responsibilities
The success of the Higher Diploma Programme depends partly on establishing an effective and mutually supportive group of candidates with the Higher Diploma Leader (HDL) and the Higher Diploma Tutors (HDTs).
The Higher Diploma Leader is responsible for:
- Leading the programme
- Running two 2 hour timetabled sessions each week
- Organising a weekly meeting with other HDL(s) and HDTs to plan and share work
- Training HDTs for leadership
- Having at least 2 professional interviews with each candidate
- Liaising with CTE/University staff, local schools, REB, MoE, VSO and IFESH as appropriate to arrange Higher Diploma activities
- Continuous assessment of candidates by a regular check of completed work with written constructive feedback (recommended every week)
- Providing informal support for candidates outside formal sessions
- Coordinating arrangements for moderation visits
- Attending Higher Diploma workshops organised by MoE and/or moderating universities
- Liaising with other education initiatives in the institution, i.e. ELIC, ADRC, CPD, Gender & HIV & AIDS
Higher Diploma Tutors
- FneedsHigher ollo up on Higher Diploma Programme graduates to assess the impact of the programme on teaching and learning and to identify
- Normally be a candidate for the Higher Diploma at the same time as being a tutor on the programme
- Assist the HDL plan the twice weekly taught sessions
- Support, and increasingly take a lead in the delivery of the taught sessions
- Facilitate and take a lead in group discussions and feedback
- Observe candidates’ lessons and give constructive feedback
- Assist the HDL to assess candidates’ performance and written work
- Show initiative in planning and undertaking research assignments
- Provide support for candidates, including professional interviews
- Participate in HDP workshops organised by MoE and/or moderating universities
Higher Diploma candidates will:
- Commit themselves fully to the Programme
- Attend all taught sessions on time
- Participate actively in group work
- Complete lesson plans and evaluations, the reflective activities and other activities during taught sessions
- Cooperate with the HDL and HDTs to ensure the smooth running of the HDP
- Prepare materials ready for the taught sessions as required
- Complete and hand in all the assignments on time
- Complete the module assessment and self assessment at the end of each module
- Complete the portfolio for the final assessment on time
Contact Address: Addisalem Taye
Phone: +251911774413
P.O.X: 378