College of Education and Behavioural Sciences (CEBS) of JU hosted it’s first-ever PhD Viva Voce examination

On May 23, 2024 G.C, the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies (TECS) at College of Education and Behavioral Sciences (CEBS) of JU hosted it’s first-ever PhD Viva Voce examination under the PhD Program in Education with Specialization in Curriculum and Instruction. Melaku Takele has successfully defended his doctoral dissertation titled ‘Improving Mathematics Teachers’ […]

JU Hosts Center of Excellence Sensitization Workshop and Signs MOU with Stakeholders

The workshop was organized to create a platform for stakeholders’ discussion on improving the quality of education and teacher training. Over 200 participants including Jimma University Senate members and instructors, Jimma Zone and Town Administrations, Educational Office heads, Instructors from Jimma College of Teacher Education, School Directors and Teachers participated on the forum. The workshop […]

PhD Curriculum Review Workshop Held at JU

College of Education and Behavioral Sciences of Jimma University has conducted a national curriculum review workshop to launch three new programs at PhD level from December 15-16, 2017. The purpose of the curriculum review workshop was to expand programs at PHD level in various fields of education and as part of attaining the University’s effort […]

JU Scales up its agreement with University of Oslo

It’s recalled that Jimma University and the University of Oslo signed a collaborative agreement in October 2012 to engage in collaborative research projects, to initiate joint and double degree programs, to document and advance Community Based Education (CBE) and to work on capacity building. Following the concord, the two universities registered significant achievement in capacity […]