Mr: Demeke Kibru Anisa (MA)

Mr: Demeke Kibru Anisa (MA)


Hospitality and Tourism Management


Full Name:

Academic Rank:

Mr: Demeke Kibru Anisa (MA)


Level of education & Specialization: BA in Hospitality and Tourism Management

MA in Tourism Development and Management

College: Business and Economics
Department: Hospitality and Tourism Management
Professional experiences: 5 Year
Leadership experience Head Department of Hospitality and Tourism Management since December 2020
Research Interest
  1. Tourism and Hospitality Marketing
  2. Ecotourism and Wildlife Management
  3. Destination Development and Management
On-going researches
  1. Challenges of Adopting e-marketing in the Hospitality Industry of Ethiopia: The case from hotel industry in Jimma Zone
  2. The effect of service quality on customer satisfaction in Taxi service at Jimma Town
  3. Assessment of Handicraft sectors its link with the Tourist Market
List of Publications written properly (may be as APA citation style): ____________________________
Membership in any associations and related committee, councils, groups:
  1. Academic Council Members in Business and Economics College
  2. ___________________
Training and workshop participation and other performance certificates:
  1. ____________________
  2. ____________________
Contact Address:        P. O. Box:    378

       Office Tel.:    +251472115887   Mobile 0947161285

       E-mail Address: /




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