The department is chaired by the Department Head. Issues will be brought to the Department Council (DC) and settled after discussion among the members in the DC meeting. All academic staffs are members of the DC.
Full Name: Mr. Endalew Gutu Tarfa
Academic Rank: Lecturer
Qualification: Masters of Science in Accounting and Finance
Field Of Specialization: Accounting and Finance
Research Interest:Corporate Finance, Public Finance, public tax and related issues.
On-Going Researches:-
- Grand Theme:Assessment of Tax Revenue Audit Practices in Ethiopia a case of Ethiopian Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA).
- Principal Author: Effects of Tax Audit on Revenue Generation a case of ERCA
- Co Author: Effects of Internal Control System on tax Revenue audit Performance a Case of ERCA
- Co Author: Effects of Tax Audit on the Taxpayers’ Compliance a Case ERCA
List Of Publications:
- Assessing the effectiveness of group based borrowing of Oromia credit and saving share company, Jimma zone , Ethiopia
Contact Address
- P. O. Box:378
- Office Tel.:+251471117515
- Cell Phone:+251913759922
- Fax:+251471112040
- E-Mail
Department of Accounting and Finance |