The department is chaired by the Department Head. Issues will be brought to the Department Council (DC) and settled after discussion among the members in the DC meeting. All academic staffs are members of the DC.

Chalchissa Amentie Kero
Department of Management
Title Full Name: University: College Department | Doctor Chalchissa Amentie Kero Jimma Business and Economics Management | |
Qualification | Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in management | |
Academic Rank | Associate Professor | |
Specialization | Management Science (Market and strategic management) | |
Position | Dean of College of Business and Economics | |, | ||
Phone; | +251-910-18-33-77 | |
Professional experiences: | 14 years | |
Leadership experience | Since, February22//2021 - Dean of College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Ethiopia Since, February/2018 I am Coordinator of Community Based Education and Partnership at College of Business and Economics From August/16/2013 to April 15/2015 I was Coordinator of Reform and Academic Quality Assurance at College of Business | |
Areas of research interest | Strategic Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Leadership, Change Management and Marketing management | |
Teaching | Courses I am teaching at Post Graduations (Masters Students) Business Research Methods and Advanced Statistical Tool Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Strategic Management Marketing Management Quantitative Analysis for Decision making Courses I am teaching PhD-Students at different Universities Qualitative Research for PhD students with different Research design and advanced software Advanced Quantitative Research for PhD students with different advanced software Advanced Statistical MODEL and Multivariate Analysis (By, AMOS, STATA, PLS-SMART Strategic management Advanced Market strategic management Management theories and system thinking Advanced Marketing Communication | |
Publications | 1.Chalchissa A.(2013)Employees and Management Relationship(EMR).LAP Lambert Acadamic publisher Available on line :
2. Emnet N. and Chalchissa A. (2013).An investigation of higher education student’s entrepreneurial intention in Ethiopian Universities: Technology and business fields in focus. Basic Research Journal of Business Management and Accounts ISSN 2315-6899 Vol. 2(1), pp. 30-35, August 2013
3. Chalchissa A. and Emnet N.(2013)Women’s involvement as an effective management tool in decision-making in oromia region’s public organizations: Basic Research Journal of Business Management and Accounts ISSN 2315-6899 Vol. 2(3), pp. 36-42,
4. Zelalem M. and Chalchissa A,(2014) The importance of microfinance and credit service for women economic development, Case study in Yirgalem Town, Ethiopia. Basic Research Journal of Business Management and Accounts ISSN 2315-6899, Vol. 3(5) pp. 75-79, July 2014
Available online
5. Chalchissa A and Emnet N. (2014). The study on female undergraduates’ attitudes toward and perceptions of entrepreneurship development (Comparison public and private universities in Ethiopia). Global journal of management and business research: online ISSN: 2249-4588 & print ISSN: 0975-5853
6.Andualem G.,Shimelis Z., and Chalchissa A.(2015)Factors Determining the Success of Micro and Small Enterprises in Ethiopia (The Case of Arbaminch Town). Social and Basic Science Resarch Review. Vol3(2).Pages: 69-76 ISSN: 2313-6758
Available online:
7. Chalchissa A. and Zarihun A.(2015). Impact of Motivation Strategies on Employee-Management Relationship: A Case Study of Jimma University in Ethiopia. Social and Basic Science Resarch Review. Vol 3,(3) Pages: 167-179 ISSN: 2313-6758
Available online:
8. Chalchissa A. Abdissa G. and Emnet N.(2015). Perceived Factors Affect Female Undergraduates’ Attitudes Toward Entrepreneurship Development. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol.5(2), ISSN 2250-3153 Available online:
9. Uki Gelashe , Chalchissa Amentie, KK Kaushik & Geremew Muleta (2015):Assessment of Factors Affecting Women Participation in Managerial Positions in Selected Public Organizations in Jimma Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia : Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Vol 15 ( 4) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853
10. Emnet Negash & Chalchissa Amentie(2015) Assessing Entrepreneurial Characteristics among Public University Students In Ethiopia :Global Journal of Management and Business Research.Vol 15(13) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853
11. Chalchissa Amentie, Emnet Negash & Abdissa Gurmessa (2016) Self-Employment Perception of Female Undergraduate Students in Ethiopia: Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Vol 16 (3) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853
12. Chalchissa Amentie, Emnet Negash & Lalise Kumera(2016) :The Effects of Firms’ Characteristics on the Growth of Medium and Small Business in Developing Country (Case Study Ethiopia) Global Journal of Management and Business Research: Vol16(6) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853 By
13.Amentie Chalchissa, Negash E, Kumera L (2016): Barriers to Growth of Medium and Small Enterprises in Developing Country: Case Study Ethiopia. J Entrepren Organiz Manag 5(3): 190. doi:10.4172/2169-026X.1000190
14.Chalchissa A.,Sogbossi B., Amoussouga G (2016): Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Market Information processing in SMEs’ Innovative performance in Developing country; presented on 2ND Annual Research conference at university of parakou,Benin ( Nov 14 to 17/2016)
15.Chalchissa A., Sogbossi B., Amoussouga G (2017):. The effects of Market Information processing on product innovation success: Study of SMEs in Ethiopia,presented on the Conference for African Marketing Association at University of Parakou, Benin( April 0/4 to 07/2017).
16. Chalchissa A.K, Sogbossi B.B, Amoussouga GF (2017): The effects of Network ties on product innovation success:Study of SMEs: Global Journal of Management and Business Research:A Administration and Management Vol 17 (4): Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Pr int
17.Amentie Chalchissa, Sogbossi B.B., Amoussouga G.F (2017):.Does Market Information processing improve product innovation success of Small and Medium enterprises: Business and Economics Journal V8 (2). ISSN 2151-6218, Bus EcoJ8:298. DOI:10.4172/2151-6219.1000298
18. Chalchissa A., Negash E, Kumera L. (2017): Rating the effects of Owner managers’ characteristics on the growth of small business: Academy of Social Science Journal ASSJV2.10: 1000-1006
19. Chalchissa,A.K and Sogbossi B. ( 2017),competitive strategy orientation and product innovative success: mediating market orientation a study of small-medium enterprises in ethiopia. global journal:marketing vol17 (3), online issn: 2249-4588& print issn: 0975-5853
20. LaliseK, EmnetN and ChalchisaA (2017)Obstacles and Motivations of Post Graduate Students to Go for Entrepreneurship Activities: A Study on Selected Ethiopian Public Universities: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Vol 7, Issue 8, 285 ISSN 2250-3153
21. Kibru K and Chalchissa A(2019): The Effect of Non-Financial Incentive Scheme On Employees’ Motivation (In Case Of Commercial Bank Of Ethiopia In Jimma Town): International Journal of Commerce and Finance, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 76-86
22. Kituma M. ,Chalchissa A and Lalise K(2019):Effect of Non- Financial Compensation On The Employees’ Job Performance: A Case Of Jimma Geneti Woreda Health Centers In Horro Guduru , Ethiopia: International Journal of Commerce and Finance, Vol. 5, Issue 2,31-44
23. Chalchissa A and Sogbossi B(2019) Determinants of Innovative Success of Small to Medium Enterprises in Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne :Journal of Science and Sustainable Development (JSSD), 2019, 7(1), 53-65
24. Amanuel Bekele and Chalchissa Amentie(2021): Organizational Structure, Technological Change and Organizational Performance: A Case of Hadiya Zone Public Sectors, Ethiopia: Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics (HAJBE), 2021, 5(1), PP: 1 – 9 ISSN: 2617-0078 (Print), 2617-0086 (Online)
25. Tsegaw Zewdie, Chalchissa Amentie, Lalise Kumera((2021).The Effect of Entrepreneurial Factor on Performance of Small and Micro Enterprise in Manufacturing Sector (Case Study in Jimma Town): Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics (HAJBE), 2021, 5(1), PP: 10–17 ISSN: 2617-0078 (Print), 2617-0086 (Online)
26. Duba M. G. and Chalchissa A.K(2022) Role of strategic marketing management practice in business profitability: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) JETIR January 2022, Vol. 9, Issue 1
Accepted Articles to be published
1. Effects of entrepreneurial orientation on product innovative success: A study of small to medium enterprises by Chalchissa Amentie and Bertrand Sogbossi
On-going Researches: | 1. Effect of entrepreneurial orientation and leadership on sustainable performance agribusiness firms 2. Effect of network ties and marketing strategy on sustainable performance of firms 3. Effect of socio-cultural factors and strategic management in maintaining Sustainable agribusiness 4. Analysis on Impacts of Business Strategy on Sustainable Performance of Medium enterprises in Ethiopia 5. The effects of the resource based and the knowledge-based views on the performance of medium enterprises | |
Awards | ü For Academic year of 2014/2015: I was rewarded as the best researcher among all staffs of College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Ethiopia. ü For Academic year of 2020/2021: I was rewarded as the best researcher among all staffs of College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Ethiopia ü For Academic year of 2020/2021: I was rewarded as the best teachers( Academic performer) among all staffs of College of Business and Economics, Jimma University, Ethiopia | |
Special training or Diploma |
Transformational Leadership
Membership in any associations and related committee, councils, groups: | 1.Member of Ethiopian Management professional Association
2.Member of African Marketing Association and
3. Member of Committee, Councils, Groups
Training and workshop participation and other performance certificates: |
Contact Address c | ||
P. O. Box:- | 378 | |
Office Tel.: | ||
Cell Phone: | +251-910183377 | |
Fax | ||
E-mail Address: |,, | |
Skype: | chchalchissa |
Department of Management |