Reform and Academic Quality Assurance Coordination
Background Information
Reform and Academic Quality Assurance Coordination office is one of the coordination office that established by Higher education to support reform and quality assurance work at respective college level. It is working with the guidance and supervision of University’s Academic quality assurance and relevance director, in addition to College dean’s direction.
To support reform and quality assurance work at respective college level.
Duties & responsibilities
Academic Remedial Action Related Responsibilities:
- Prepares guidelines for student remedial actions and associated business plans
- Organizes and participates in student and academic staff orientations regarding remedial activities in the college
- Receives student applications and course teams through the respective department regarding the kind and level of remedial actions
- Assesses and identifies remedial action to be taken based on continuous assessment results of the student and categorizes applicants based on their gaps
- Organizes the preparation of a remedial programme package according to the report from the respective department (arranges instructors/tutors for the specific course/s, or skills)
- Organizes tutorial classes for female students in collaboration with the Office of Gender Affairs Director of Jimma University
- Ascertains continuous assessment as per the timeframe in collaboration with departments
- Follows up on the progress of continuous assessment for remedial programme classes.
- Assures that decisions on the student progress are made by course teams and/or departments as per the guideline.
- Follows up the progress of the students who have taken remedial action
- Ensures that all financial matters of remedial programme including payments of fees are settled.
- Ensures proper provision of academic advisory services to students by their respective departments
- Collects feedback on effectiveness of remedial interventions to better plan and help minimize student attrition rate
- Reports on and publishes results/outcomes of remedial programs
Quality Assurance Related:
- Ensures the continued focus and practice of discussion on the processes of teaching, learning and assessment between the head and students representatives’ (once every two weeks); and Ensures the continued focus and practice of discussion on the processes of teaching, learning and assessment between the Dean and/or the Academic Remedial Action and Quality Assurance coordinator (once every two months).
- Provides orientation for students placed in Academic Remedial program.
- Holds a review discussion with students who participated in the Academic Remedial program.
- Facilitates a discussion forum for academic staff of the college with the dean, APQA director, Senior Director for CBE, Research and Postgraduate Study, Senior Director for Students’ Affairs, Director for registry, Vice President for Academics, Research and Students’ Affairs, Vice president for Administration and Development once every semester.
- Facilitates a discussion forum for student’s representative from the college /Institute with the college dean, APQA director or Vice President for Academic, Research and Students Affairs, dean of students’ services, and director for registry once in a semester.
- Assists department /college in developing standards for academics, research, learning centers such as classrooms, laboratories, libraries, etc.
- Assists in establishing central examination data base. Sample exams for each course will be collected at the end of each semester.
- Oversees the functioning of the examination committee and team charters’ activities at the department level.
- Assists in developing policies and the instruments for quality assurance of academic programs.
- Actively involves in university and college level internal and external quality assessment/audit activities
- Assists in developing and reviewing examination policies and ensure their proper implementation
- Proposes the improvement plan based on quality assessment results in collaboration with departments/ colleges/APQA office.
- Is the point of contact for students’ complaints regarding teaching / learning and/or assessments
- Participates in the orientation for newly employed instructors
- Reports any shortcomings directly and frankly to the dean of the college and if needed to the APQA office
- Reports results of Quality assurance activities to the departments, dean and APQA office.
- Ensures the college maintains the best academic programs
Administration: Management structure, Accountability, etc
- It is directly accountable for College dean.
- For additional assignment, the office has direct link with Director for Institutional Quality Assurance.
Contact Address:
Jimma University, Business & Economics College Campus, Room # 109
Contact Person:
Mr. Abel Worku Tassew (Ass. Prof.)
BECO, Reform and Quality Assurance Coordinator
Contact Address:
- P. O. Box: 378; Jimma University; Jimma, Ethiopia
- Office Tel.: 047 111 75 15/047 112 38 22
- Cell Phone:
- +251 913 021710/+251932283170
- E-mail Address:
- Skype abeltassew