Assistant Professor
Department of Accounting and Finance
Full Name: Mohammed Getahun Musa
Title: Mr. (Assistant Professor)
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
Department: Accounting and Finance
College: Business and Economics
- Publications:
- Mohammed Getahun (2016). Capital Structure and Financial Performance of Insurance Industries in Ethiopia: Global Journal of Management and Business Research: C Finance Volume 16 Issue 7 Versions 1.0.
- Mohammed Getahun (2016). The Challenge and Prospects of Small Scale Enterprise in Ethiopia: A Survey of Some Selected Small Scale Enterprise in Addis Ababa City: International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 5, May 2016, 617 ISSN 2250-3153.
- Mohammed Getahun and Deresse Mersha (2018). The role of TVET in Accounting in meeting the demand of the profession: A study in selected organizations in Oromia regional state. Research journal of finance and Accounting. 9(23) 63-74
- Mohammed Getahun and Deresse Mersha (2020). Skill Gap perceived between employers and accounting graduates in Ethiopia. Financial Studies. Volume 24,PP 65-90
- Deresse Mersha Lakew and Mohammed Getahun Musa (2019).Preparedness to Teach International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) In Ethiopia: A Study in Selected Universities. International Journal of Commerce and Finance, 5(2), PP.147 – 157
- Deresse Mersha Lakew and Mohammed Getahun Musa (2019). Assessment of undergraduate accounting and Finance education in Ethiopia. International Journal of Business and Social Research. 9(2) PP. 21 -37
- Deresse Mersha Lakew and Mohammed Getahun Musa (2019). Limitations of outcome based Accounting curriculum in Ethiopia. Financial Studies. 23(1) PP.56 -81
- Deresse Mersha Lakew and Mohammed Getahun Musa (2019).Evaluation of Outcome-Based Accounting Education and Training In Selected Colleges In West Oromia, Ethiopia Business, Management and Education.17, 1-20.
Attached with compressed file
- Research Interests:
- Financial markets, financial practices and sustainability;
- Values, culture and international finance;
- Common pool resources management and its financing;
- Interdisciplinary financial studies;
- Finance and international development;
- International financial crises and regulation;
- International financial integration and architecture;
- Behavioral aspects in finance;
- Methodologies and the conceptualization of finance;
- Accounting education – needs and trends;
- Public finance and taxation
- Contact Details:
Emails: mamegetahun@gmail.com
Tel: +251910904907/913924445
Fax: _______________
Po.Box: 378