Full name: |
Mohammed Abdulselam Adem |
Academic Rank: |
Lecturer |
Level of education & Specialization: |
Msc in Accounting and Finance, BA degree in Accounting and Finance |
Business and Economics |
Department: |
Accounting and Finance |
Professional experiences: |
7 years (5 years of full time Lecturer and 2 years of Graduate assistant at different Higher Institutions) |
Leadership experience |
- Office of Student Affairs and Registrar Coordinator at Business and Economics College, Jimma University
- Former Dean, College of Business and Economics, Bonga University from September 2020 up to September 2021
- Researcher and Senior Lecturer of Accounting and Finance, BECO, Jimma University
Research Interest |
- Implementation of Modern cost and management accounting techniques and its contribution for organizations profitability.
- Application of Cost accounting methods and its relevance for decision making.
- Accounting Information system and its application
- All other business related areas including entrepreneurship , economic development , marketing etc.
On-going researches |
- Assessment of The Economic Impact of Covid-19 on Financial Performance of Selected Business Sectors In Jimma Zone: The Survey Study
- Assessment of Factors affecting Financial Independence of Rural Women Entrepreneurs in case of Selected Rural areas of Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia.
List of Publications written properly (may be as APA citation style):
- Mohammed Abdulselam Adem (2021). Adoption of Cost and management accounting techniques: Survey study on selected manufacturing firms in and around Addis Ababa, Ethiopia published on Munich, GRIN Verlag as Book Version and currently available for sale on Amazon.com @ https://www.grin.com/document/1009527
- Mohammed Abdulselam Adem & Amanuel Desalegn Untiso, (2021). Improving Female Students’ Academic Achievements: Special Evidence from 2nd Year Management Department Students of Bonga University, Ethiopia. International Journal of Educational Studies, 4(3), 127-136. Available at: https://doi.org/10.53935/2641-533x.v4i3.164
- Mohammed Abdulselam Adem and Bekana Dembel Tura, (2019). Adoption of Cost and management accounting techniques: Survey study on selected manufacturing firms in and around Addis Ababa, Ethiopia published on International journal of Science and Research Publications, Volume 10, issue 2, 2020. Available : http://dx.doi.org/10.29322/IJSRP.10.02.2020.p98112
- Mohammed Abdulselam Adem and Bekana Dembel Tura, (2019). The Effect of Corporate Governance Mechanism on the Financial Performance of Microfinance Institutions: Evidence from Ethiopian Microfinance Institutions published on Research journal of Finance and Accounting Vol. 10. Issue No.21, 2019 Available online at: https://core.ac.uk/display/270187604?utm_source=pdf&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=pdf-decoration-v1
Membership in any associations and related committee, councils, groups: |
1. Member of Teachers Association at Bonga University up to August 2021
2. Member of Young Accountant profession (YAP) since 2015, in ASTU. |
Training and workshop participation and other performance certificates:
- Certificate of appreciation for recognition of my outstanding achievements in the year 2020/2021 at Bonga University.
- Certificate of appreciation for my successful completion of training on ‘Enhancing Research through developing Research Skills’ at Bonga University provided from March 19-20, 2021.
- Certificate of Recognition from Federal Anti-corruption commission for honorably registering my Assets at Bonga University.
- Two Certificates of Appreciation in recognizing my contribution to community service for helping elderly people who have economical problem, found in Bonga town through deducting 1% regularly from my monthly salary which is organized by Bonga University under community service program since 2019/2020 G.C.
- Higher Diploma Certificate in recognition of my successful completion of Training on HDP program at Bonga University, Ethiopia awarded on September 5, 2019.
- Certificate of appreciation for my successful completion of training on ‘Instructional skills’ at Bonga University provided on February 4, 2018.
- Certificate of appreciation in recognition of my services and participation during implementation of Jimma University Philosophy, Community based education (CBE), in the strategy of Developmental Team Training Program (DTTP), at Jimma University, Ethiopia awarded on May, 2017.
Contact Address:
· P. O. Box: 378
· Office Tel
· E-mail Address:
§ Mobile: +251-927337434/0934764469
§ E-mail: ibsaaabdulselam50@gmail.com |