Department of Accounting and Finance
Academic Rank: | Assistant Professor |
Level of education & Specialization: | MSc in Accounting and Finance, PhD- Candidate in Accounting and Finance |
College: | Business and Economics |
Department: | Accounting and Finance |
Professional experiences: | Since, September 18,2009GC [12 years] |
Leadership experience | · HoD of Accounting and Finance department @ MTU
· Coordinator of MTU Reform Office in Procurement & Finance division · Coordinator of College Reform and Academic Quality Assurance @ JU · Coordinator of Agribusiness & Leadership Institute @ JU · Owner and Manager of AWT Training and Business Consultancy |
Research Interest: | Corporate Finance, Financial innovation, Public Finance, & Accounting Information System |
On-going Researches: | 1. Determinants of Hotel Business Innovation and its impact on Financial performance of 3-5 star hotel in Ethiopia
2. The Impacts of Organizational Climate on employees Commitment in 3-5 star hotels of Ethiopia |
List of Publications: | Principal or Co-Author:
1. Abel W. and Aregu A. (2017) Prospects and Challenges of Micro Insurance Investment in Bench Maji Zone. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering Vol7 (8). Pages: 233-263 ISSN: 2249-0558. http://www.ijmra.us 2. Aregu A. and Abel W. (2018) The Impact of investment Diversification on financial performance of Commercial Banks in Ethiopia. Financial studies. Vol 22(3). Pages: 41-55. ISSN 2066 – 6071. http://fs.icfm.ro/vol22i3p41-55.pdf 3. Abel W. and Aregu A.(2018) Determinants of micro-insurance business performance in Ethiopia. Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies, 4(4), Pages160-172. ISSN: 2149-0996 https://www.um.edu.mt/library/oar/handle/123456789/34166 4. Abel W. and Aregu A. (2018) Determinants of Micro Insurance Social Performance in Ethiopia ; Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics. Vol1(2). Pages: 19-31 ISSN: 2617-0078. https://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/jbeco/article/view/605/62 5. Aregu A. and Abel W. (2018) Determinants of Micro Insurance Demand in Jimma Zone. International Research journal of Business studies. Vol11(3). Pages:145-157 . ISSN: 2338-4565. https://doi.org/10.21632/irjbs 6. Abel W. and Aregu A. (2019) The effect of Risk Management on Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Ethiopia. Financial studies. Vol 23(1). Pages: 25-38. ISSN 2066 – 6071. http://fs.icfm.ro/FS1.2019.Paper02.pdf 7. Mohammed M., Kenenisa L., and Abel W.(2018) Determinants of life insurance demand in Ethiopia, Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy Ventura Vol. 21, No. 3, December 2018 – March 2019, pages 293 – 302. ISSN: 2088-785X. https://journal.perbanas.ac.id/index.php/jebav/article/view/1474 8. Deresse M. and Abel W. (2020) Effect of COVID -19 on the Banking Sector in Ethiopia, Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics, Jimma University. Special Issue I. Pages: 28-38. ISSN 2617 – 0078. http://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/jbeco/article/view/2131 9. Abel W. and Deresse M. (2020) The Effect of COVID -19 on Insurance Industry in Ethiopia, Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics, Jimma University. Special Issue I Pages: 39-44. ISSN 2617 – 0078. http://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/jbeco/article/view/2132 10.Abel W. and Deresse M. (2020) The Effects of COVID-19 on Tax Administration in Ethiopia, Horn of Africa Journal of Business and Economics, Jimma University. Special Issue I. Pages: 45-52. ISSN 2617 – 0078. http://journals.ju.edu.et/index.php/jbeco/article/view/2133 11.Determinants of Financial Innovation in Ethiopian commercial banks ….Under publication process 12.The Impact Of Financial Innovation On Competitive Advantage And Financial Inclusion In Ethiopia….Under publication process |
Membership in academic associations & academic related committee, councils, groups…. | 1. College discipline committee
2. College academic staff promotion committee 3. Member & Secretary of the College’s Academic Commission 4. Member & Secretary of the College’s Research and Ethical Review Board 5. Member of Accounting & Finance Department Council 6. Accounting Society of Ethiopia 7. Golden life member and volunteer in Family guidance association of Ethiopia 8. JU’s past 3rd strategic plan performance evaluation committee member. 9. BECO’s past 3rd strategic plan performance evaluation committee member |
Training and workshop participation and other performance certificates: | ‘ Student supervisor in CBTP and Student research project (SRP) of Undergraduate students
‘ Awarded excellence in performance for the year in 2017/2018 academic year. ‘ Participated on program level EMBA curriculum self-assessment workshop in 2020. ‘ Participated on JU laboratory review workshop in 2020. ‘ Participated on PhD in Accounting and Finance curriculum development workshop in 2020. ‘ Training taken: o International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS) o International Public Sector Accounting Standards(IPSAS) ‘ Provide training for:- o Jimma Town Youth on financial plan preparation o Jimma Town Tax Payers on New Tax Regulations and Tax Accounting. o Jimma District Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia on Kaizen philosophy and its application. o Jimma Poly Technique Construction students selected from various district in Jimma zone that organized in collaboration with American College of Technology (ACT) and GIZ as a part of the program provide technical support to young entrepreneur in Construction Programme on Microsoft Project Software application. o Young entrepreneur TOT trainers selected from various district in Jimma zone that organized in collaboration with GrowthTip consultancy firm and ICIPE NGO on topics such as: Financial management, statement preparation, record keeping, budgeting, cash flow, liquidity management, and saving and loan application procedures. ‘ Conference participation: – ‘ Present Research findings held in May,2014 by Jimma University ‘ 10th Annual Research Conference of JU and 9th GKEN Annual event held in April 18-19,2019 by Jimma University |
Contact Address | |
P. O. Box: | 378; Jimma University; Jimma, Ethiopia |
Office Tel.: | 047 111 75 15/047 112 38 22 |
Cell Phone: | +251 913 021710/+251932283170 |
Fax: | – |
E-mail Address: | aworku946@gmail.com |