Program objectives
The PhD degree in Industrial Economics is designed in order to address the growing human resource needs of industries and HEIs in Ethiopia for Industrial economists. Hence, the general objectives of the program are to:-
- Make training and research on Industrial economics the sources of innovation and a critical means of solving the multifaceted challenges and problems surrounding the manufacturing industry sector,
- Build the capacity of public and private industries sector ministry, agencies, and policy research institutestoassist the infant industries development in the country to become dynamic, competitive, and sustainable.
- Produce competent high-level industrial economists (having the required knowledge, skills, ethical values or attitude) the sector desperately needs to address impediments related to industrial development in the country;
- Place our graduates at the forefront of industrial economic science, whether they choose careers in policy research institutes, university teaching, consulting firms and public sectors.
- In the long run, the knowledge and skills acquired through PhD level rigorous training in Industrial economic analysis and quantitative techniques will also help graduates to engage in development related applied research and/or work as professional economists in the governmental, non-governmental organizations, private sector, and international agencies and play pivotal role in the evaluation of the impacts of various industrial policies and strategies.
Admission requirement
Applications to the PhD program Industrial economics at Department of Economics are accepted ones a year prior to the beginning of the year. Admission to the program is on competitive bases and will be based on the cumulative average score of CGPA at MSc or MA level, entrance exam result, and service years/work experiences of candidates. Hence, an applicant for admission to the PhD in Industrial Economics should fulfill the following academic criteria;
- The applicant must have completed MSc/MA in economics, (specialized in Economic Policy Analysis,, Development Economics, Agricultural Economics, Natural Resources Economics, Environmental Economics, Labor Economics, Industrial economics and other economics fields) or MPhil degree or equivalent in industrial economics accredited by Higher Education Relevance and Quality Assurance (HERQA) in Economics,
- Applicants must have completed MSc/MAdegree in related field(s) of study other than economics listedabove but have taken three core economics courses- (Advanced Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Mathematics specific to their field (e.g., Advanced Mathematics for Economists, Finance, or Managers, etc.,) with 3 credit hours and scored a minimum of B grade at postgraduate level.
- All applicants should have a minimum CGPA of 3.00 (or its equivalent if the PG grading scale was different than GPA) during graduation from postgraduate programs in economics and finance; and non-academic requirements.
Duration of study
The PhD program in Industrial economics is literature-based thesis four years program fully taught in English. It has been restructured to a 2+2 year degree. The first two years of the Program is devoted to a range of post-MSc courses. The last two years of the PhD program are dedicated to full-time research for the completion of the doctoral thesis.
Full time (regular) students admitted to the program after fulfilling all the academic criteria and are expected to complete their study in four years’ time (or 8 semesters) under normal circumstances. But, the duration of the study for those who have joined the regular program after taking the three bridge courses will be five years (or 10 semesters). The case of any delayed student, who failed to complete his/her study within the duration of study mentioned in this section, shall be decided according to the University’s legislation. Upon completion of the program, graduates will earn a PhD’s Degree in Industrial Economics from Jimma University, recognized by the Ministry of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.
Graduate profile (Program outcome)
Graduates of PhD in Industrial economics should obtain competence of knowledge, skills, as well as attitudinal change described below.
Knowledge: – Upon completion of their study graduates should gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of:
- various aspects of strategic interaction between behavior of firms and determinants of industrial structure,
- a broad range of advanced methods and models that economists use to design and analyze firms and manufacturing industrial policies and strategies, particularly in developmental state,
- how appropriate technological innovation, adoption, and diffusion theories can be used to investigate core real world challenges of industrial sector and industrial parks planning, regulatory, and management tools/mechanisms,
- procedures of qualitative and quantitative research methods to analyze industrial sector development, and
- modern industrial projects development, appraisal, monitoring, and management techniques
Skills: – Upon completion of their study, our graduates should be able to:
- work extensively with theoretical models of industrial economics and develop analytical skills they can transfer to other kinds of intellectual problems,
- manipulate up to-date statistical software packages for econometrics modeling to strategic interaction between firm behavior and industrial structure and analyze questions in business strategy, competition policy, and regulation mechanisms,
- design policies and strategies that could address developmental states critical manufacturing industries and industrial park challenges and strategies,
- conduct rigorous quantitative and qualitative researches and analyzea range of regional and national industrial challenges, problems, and policies for industrial sector development, and
- develop/plan, appraise, monitor and evaluate, and manage industrial projects
Attitude:-The program should also enable graduates to develop the following attitudinal changes:
- Act professionally and debate intellectually with different scholars and professionals in seminars, conferences, and workshops. on industrial economics and development issues
- Advocate public accountability in the dissemination of knowledge and research findings to regional and national institutions for effective manufacturing industries and industrial parks development
- Having rational attitude towards developmental state industrial policies and strategies of the country
- Promote scientific research ethics free from plagiarism and acknowledging the property right of scholars and institutions in their research work
- Participate actively and voluntarily in initiation, planning/formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of local industrial projects, including SMS industries and community capacity development.
Graduation requirements
- The candidate must satisfy the following requirements to qualify for graduation PhD Degree in Industrial Economics;
- There must be No “F, NG or I‟ grade in any course taken.
- To complete courses in the program, a candidate needs to obtain a minimum CGPA of 3.00 in total credit hours of 53 course work and a maximum of one “C or C+ ” grade in all courses.
- When the CGPA of the student is less than 3.00 and if the student has more than one “C”, the student shall repeated one less the causes with “C ” and score a minimum grade of “B”.
- The candidate must write an acceptable master thesis in development economics and related areas and should obtain a satisfactory grade or above for graduation, which may appear on the transcript but will not be used for calculation of the CGPA of the student.
- Furthermore, students are expected to undertake the research thesis and score at least ‘fair’.
Degree Nomenclature
Up on successful completion of their study, the graduates will get PhD degree having the following nomenclature in English and Amharic.
In English: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Industrial Economics
Amharic: “የፍልፍስፍናዶክትሬትዲግሪበኢንዱስቲሪኢኮኖሚክስ”
Course Breakdown by Year and Semester
Course no |
Course title |
Cr. Hour |
IACFN711 | Advanced Microeconomics |
3 |
IECON 712 | Advanced Macroeconomics |
3 |
IECON 713 | Dynamics and Applied Industrial Econometrics |
3 |
PhD Seminar in economics |
Total |
9 |
Course no |
Course title |
Cr. Hour |
IECON 721 | Applied Econometrics |
3 |
IECON 722 | Advanced research methodology in economics |
3 |
IECON 723 | Advanced Statistical Methods and Application |
3 |
IECON 724 | Industrial projects and investments analysis and Management |
3 |
PhD conference in economics |
Total |
12 |
Course no |
Course title |
Cr. Hour |
IECON 832 | Game theory and transaction cost economics |
3 |
IECON 833 | Industry and Development |
3 |
IECON 834 | Technology transfer, adoption, and diffusion |
3 |
Attendance on PhD seminar in economics |
Total |
9 |
Course no |
Course title |
Cr. Hour |
IECON 841 | Industrial policy modeling |
4 |
IECON 842 | Industrial policy and strategies analysis and design |
4 |
IECON 843 | Strategic issues for Sustainable industrial Development in developing countries |
4 |
IECON 844 | PhD Proposal writing |
2 |
Attendance on PhD conference |
Total |
14 |
Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hours |
Preparation of research proposal (Preliminary of 1st paper) |
3 |
Presentation of research proposal and plan for future research |
Data collection |
Total |
3 |
Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hours |
Completion and publication of 1st paper |
3 |
Participation & Presentation in PhD seminars/conferences |
Data collection |
Data entry, coding, analysis, and write up |
First draft of 2nd paper |
Total |
3 |
Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hours |
Draft PhD thesis submitted |
3 |
First draft of 3rd papers |
Completion and publication of 2nd paper |
Total |
3 |
Course No. | Course Title | Cr. Hours |
Finalize and submit the PhD thesis |
3 |
Completion and publication of 3rd paper |
Mock defense/presentation in internal seminar |
Participation & Presentation in PhD seminars/conferences |
PhD viva |
Total |
3 |
Grand Total |
47 |
BECO Programs |