Department: Biology Department

Tadesse Habtamu Tessema


  • Full Name: Tadesse Habtamu Tessema
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor, Ecological and Systematic Zoology; wildlife Ecology
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  • Research interest
    • Biodiversity assessment at remotest and less accessible parts of the country and elsewhere 
    • Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources
    • Improvement of the civet musk, through improving home management (the trapping, caging, housing, feeding, health and other related systems) of civet in privet farms and commercializing the product
    • Cataloguing the wildlife diversity of South-western part of the country
    • Mapping the ecotourism potentials of Southwestern Ethiopia 
    • Assessing the ecology, determining the conservation status and economic significant wildlife resources of the south western Ethiopia 
    • Consultancy services in commercial civet musk production 
    • Rodent ecology research and the economic impact assessment
  • Publications
    1. Tefera GG, Tessema Tadesse H, Bekere TA, Gutema TM (2024) Human- common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius)-conflict in the Dhidhessa Wildlife Sanctuary and its surrounding, Southwestern Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0303647. pone.0303647 
    2. Tariku M. G., Alemneh M., Abebayehu A., Dessalegn O. G., Shiferaw D., Tibebu A., Dejene G., Tadese H., Dagne T. D., Diress T. and  Nils C. (2023). Wildlife roadkill in Southwestern Ethiopia: Hotspots, drivers, and victim species. Heliyon:
    3. Nimona A., Tsegaye G., Tadesse H. and Tolera Kuma (2024). Diversity, distribution, and relative abundance of medium and large-sized mammals in Chukala Mountain Forest, East Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. BMC Zoology, 9:18 024-00207-x
    4. Tadesse Habtamu and Afework Bekele (2008). Habitat association of insectivores and rodents of Alatish National Park, northwestern Ethiopia. J. Tro. Ecol. 1: 1-11.
    5. Tadesse Habtamu and Afework Bekele (2012). The species composition, relative abundance, and habitat association of small mammals along the altitudinal gradient of Jiren Mountain, Jimma. Afr. Jou. Ecol. 51: 37–46       
    6. Tadesse Habtamu and Afework Bekele (2011). Population status and potential hazard posed by the Bohor reedbuck in Jimma airport compound (JAC), southwestern Ethiopia. As. J. Ani. Scie. 6: 278-290.
    7. Matthias De Beenhouwer, Jan Merten  and Tadese Habtamu (2015). Camera trap observation of crested rat (Lophiomys imhausi, Muroidea: Rodentia) in Belete-Gera montane rainforest, south-western Ethiopia, Afr. J. Ecol. 1-3 doi: 10.1111/aje.12237
    8.  Dereje Negeri, Tsegaye Gadisa and Tadese Habtamu (2015). The Diversity, Distribution and Relative Abundance of Medium and Large-sized Mammals in Baroye Controlled Hunting Area, Illubabor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Intl. J. of Mol. Evol. and Biodivers, 5: 1-9
    9. Brnesh Hailemariam, Tsegaye Gadisa, Tadese Habtamu and Gelaye Gebremichael (2015). THE STATUS AND FEEDING ECOLOGY OF MENELIK’S BUSHBUCK (Tragelaphus scriptus, MENELIKI, NEUMANN, 1902) IN WOF-WASHA FOREST, NORTH SHOA, Ethiopia.  Inter.J. Curr. Res. 7: 16366-16370
    10. Rabira Gonfa, Tsegaye Gadisa and Tadesse Habtamu (2015). The diversity, abundance and habitat association of medium and large sized mammals of Dati-Wolel National Park, Western Ethiopa. Inter. J. Biodi. Cons.
    11. Tadesse Habtamu, Afework Bekele, Abdu Mohammed, Taye Tolemariam, Belay Birlie, Berhanu Belay (2017). Parasites of wild and captive African civets (Civettictis civetta) from Limmu, Southwestern Ethiopia. Asian J. Anim. Scie. DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2017
    12. Tadesse Habtamu, Afework Bekele, Raya Ahmed, Tsegaye Gadisa, Belay Berlie, Taye Tolemariam and Berhanu Belay (2017). Diets of the African Civet Civettictis civetta (Schreber, 1778) in selected coffee forest habitat, south- western Ethiopia. Afr. J. Ecol, doi: 10.1111/aje.12390
    13. Tadesse Habtamu, Tesfaye Serbessa, Afework Bekele and Jeffrey R. (2016). THE COMPOSITION OF PERINEAL GLAND SECRETION (MUSK) FROM THE AFRICAN CIVET CIVETICTTIS CIVETTA (SCHREBER, 1776). Intern.J . Curr. Res. 8: 27787-27794.
    14. Tadesse Habtamu (2019): Civet husbandry in Ethiopia
    15. Tadesse Habtamu and Ewnetu Hailu (2009). The role of Continuous professional Development (CPD) in improving teachers competency. Proceeding, “Education Expertise Canter (EEC)”, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    16. Tadesse Habtamu (2011). Wildlife Ecology and Management. Module prepared for distance course, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopa, 93 pp.
    17. Dereje Denu and Tadesse Habtamu (2010). Principles of Ecology. Module prepared for distance course, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopa, 187, pp.


Arega Tsegaye


  • Full Name:  Arega Tsegaye Bedasso
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Biomedical sciences & PhD candidate in Tropical and Infectious Diseases
  • Research interest:
    • Host-parasite molecular interaction 
    • Parasite biology 
    • Vector biology and ecology 
    • Insecticide resistance mechanisms and management 
    • A novel vector control tool
  • Publications
    1. Arega Tsegaye, Assalif Demissew, Dawit Hawaria, Ashenafi Abossie, Hallelujah Getachew, Kassahun Habtamu, Teshome Degefa, Xiaoming Wang, Ming-Chieh Lee, Guofa Zhou, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Guiyun Yan. Anopheles larval habitats seasonality and environmental factors affecting larval abundance and distribution in Arjo-Didessa sugar cane plantation, Ethiopia. Malaria Journal. 2023 Nov 15;22(1):350.
    2. Arega Tsegaye, Assalif Demissew, Dawit Hawaria, Hallelujah Getachew, Kassahun Habtamu, Abebe Asale, Guiyun Yan, Delenasaw Yewhalaw. Susceptibility of primary, secondary and suspected vectors to Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infection in Ethiopia. Parasites & vectors. 2022 Oct 21;15(1):384.  doi: 10.1186/s13071-022-05467-5.
    3. Arega Tsegaye, Lemu Golassa, Hassen Mamo, Berhanu Erko. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency among malaria suspects attending Gambella hospital, southwest Ethiopia. Malaria journal. 2014 Dec;13:1-7.
    4. Arega Tsegaye, Assalif Demissew, Ashenafi Abossie, Hallelujah Getachew, Kassahun Habtamu, Teshome Degefa, Xiaoming Wang, Ming-Chieh Lee, Guofa Zhou, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Guiyun Yan. Genotype Distribution and Allele Frequency of Thioester-containing protein 1(Tep1) and Its Effect on Development of Plasmodium Oocyst in populations of Anopheles arabiensis in the Ethiopia (under review in Plose One)
    5. Lemu Golassa, Arega Tsegaye, Berhanu Erko, Hassen Mamo. High rhesus (Rh (D)) negative frequency and ethnic-group based ABO blood group distribution in Ethiopia. BMC research notes. 2017 Dec;10:1-5. doi: 10.1186/s13104-017-2644-3.
    6. Wakshuma Gari, Arega Tsegaye, Tsige Ketema. Magnitude of anemia and its associated factors among pregnant women attending antenatal care at Najo General Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia. Anemia. 2020;2020(1):8851997. doi: 10.1155/2020/8851997
    7. Ashenafi Abossie, Assalif Demissew, Hallelujah Getachew, Arega Tsegaye, Teshome Degefa, Kassahun Habtamu, Daibin Zhong, Xiaoming Wang, Ming-Chieh Lee, Guofa Zhou, Christopher L. King, James W. Kazura, Guiyun Yan & Delenasaw Yewhalaw. Higher outdoor mosquito density and Plasmodium infection rates in and around malaria index case households in low transmission settings of Ethiopia: Implications for vector control. Parasites & Vectors. 2024 Feb 6;17(1):53.
    8. Ashenafi Abossie, Hallelujah Getachew, Assalif Demissew, Kassahun Habtamu, Arega Tsegaye, Xiaoming Wang, Daibin Zhong, Ming Chieh Lee, Teshome Degefa, Guofa Zhou, Christopher L King, James W Kazura, Guiyun Yan, Delenasaw Yewhalaw. Residual Plasmodium vivax malaria transmission and individual and household risk factors through reactive case detection study in Arjo Didessa, Southwestern Ethiopia (under review Malaria Journal).
    9. Kassahun Habtamu, Hallelujah Getachew, Ashenafi Abossie, Assalif Demissew, Arega Tsegaye, Teshome Degefa, Xiaoming Wang, Ming-Chieh Lee, Guofa Zhou, Solomon Kibret, Christopher L King, James W Kazura, Beyene Petros, Delenasaw Yewhalaw, Guiyun Yan. The effect of single low-dose primaquine treatment for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria on hemoglobin levels in Ethiopia: a longitudinal cohort study.  Malar J. 2024; 23: 208.
    10. Asrat Tekle, Arega Tsegaye & Tsige Ketema. Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) and Its Determinants Among People Living with HIV/AIDS at Bonga, Kaffa, South-West Ethiopia. Patient preference and adherence. 2024 Dec 31:543-54.  doi: 10.2147/PPA.S445164
    11. Temesgen Bekele, Lata Lachisa, Arega Tsegaye, Ketema Bacha, Tsige Ketema. Efficacy of Albendazole and Mebendazole Against Soil Transmitted Infections among Pre-School and School Age Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health. 2024 May 2:1-21.  DOI: 10.1007/s44197-024-00231-7
    12. Hallelujah Getachew, Assalif Demissew, Ashenafi Abossie, Kassahun Habtamu, Xiaoming Wang, Daibin Zhong, Guofa Zhou, Ming-Chieh Lee, Elizabeth Hemming-Schroeder, Lauren Bradley, Teshome Degefa, Dawit Hawaria, Arega Tsegaye, James W.Kazura, Cristian Koepfli, Guiyun Yan & Delenasaw Yewhalaw Asymptomatic and submicroscopic malaria infections in sugar cane and rice development areas of Ethiopia. Malaria Journal. 2023 Nov 8;22(1):341.
    13. Dawit Hawaria, Solomon Kibret, Assalif Demissew, Arega Tsegaye, Denekew Bitew, Guiyun Yan, Delenasaw Yewhalaw. Survivorship of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato in irrigated sugarcane plantation scheme in Ethiopia. Parasites & vectors. 2021 Dec;14:1-0.
    14. Assalif Demissew, Abebe Animut, Solomon Kibret, Arega Tsegaye, Dawit Hawaria, Teshome Degefa, Hallelujah Getachew, Ming-Chieh Lee, Guiyun Yan, Delenasaw Yewhalaw. Evidence of pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles amharicus and Anopheles arabiensis from Arjo-Didessa irrigation scheme, Ethiopia. PLoS One. 2022 Jan 14;17(1):e0261713.
    15. Assalif Demissew, Dawit Hawaria, Solomon Kibret, Abebe Animut, Arega Tsegaye, Ming-Cheih Lee, Guiyun Yan, Delenasaw Yewhalaw. Impact of sugarcane irrigation on malaria vector Anopheles mosquito fauna, abundance and seasonality in Arjo-Didessa, Ethiopia. Malaria journal. 2020 Dec;19:1-8.


Tsige Ketema


  • Full Name:  Tsige Ketema Mamo
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Biomedical Sciences
  • Research interest:
    • Malaria epidemiology and surveillance 
    • Severe pathologies, cryptic infections (hypnozoites) and their biomarkers, 
    • Plasmodium spp genetic variability
    • Soil transmitted helminthes (STH) epidemiology and the deworming program
    • Anti-malarial/anti-helminthic drug’s efficacy testing 
    • Traditional medicinal plant with anti-plasmodial and immune-modulatory activities
    • Clinical Research (Clínical trials, critical appraisal)
    • Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
    • Biology technological instruction
  • Publications: 
    1. Ketema T and Basset Q (2024). Primaquine for children, once and for all. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health,  (in press)
    2. Asfaw W, Bekele T, Geshere G, Simma EA,Tuge DC, Ketema T  (2024). In vivo Efficacy of Chloroquine plus Primaquine Combination Therapy against Uncomplicated Clinical Plasmodium vivax Malaria infection in Limu Kossa District, Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Malaria Journal, (in press)
    3. Aster Alemu , Beshada Lemma , Temesgen Bekele, Geleta Geshere , Eba Alemayehu Simma Cherinet Tuge, Tsige Ketema (2024). Malaria Burden and Associated Risk Factors in Kaffa zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Malaria journal, (under review)
    4. Eticha, M.D., Hunde, A.B. and Ketema, T (2024). Designing a Context-Driven Problem-Solving Method with Metacognitive Scaffolding Experience Intervention for Biology Instruction. J Sci Educ Technol.
    5. Tefera S, Bekele T, Ketema T (2024). Effect of seasonal variability on the increased malaria positivity rate in drought-prone malaria endemic areas of Ethiopia. Journal of Parasite and Disease, 2024; 10.1007/s12639-024-01720-z)
    6. Bekele T, Lachisa L, Tsegaye A, Bacha K, Ketema T (2024). Efficacy of Albendazole and Mebendazole Against Soil Transmitted Infections among Pre-School and School Age Children: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Epidemiol Glob Health. 2024, doi: 10.1007/s44197-024-00231-7
    7. Tekle A, Tsegaye A, Ketema T (2024). Adherence to Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) and Its Determinants among People Living with HIV/AIDS at Bonga, Kaffa, South-West Ethiopia. Patient Prefer Adherence, 5; 18:543-554. doi: 10.2147/PPA.S445164. PMID: 38476589; PMCID: PMC10929121.
    8. Tefera S, Bekele T, Getahun K, Negash A, Ketema T (2022). The changing malaria trend and control efforts in Oromia Special Zone, Amhara Regional State North-East Ethiopia. Malar J 21, 127, https://doi.org10.1186/s12936-022-04149-y
    9. Yehualashet Ayele, Geleta Geshere, Tsige Ketema (2022). Magnitude of Anemia in patients infected with Plasmodium vivax malaria at Showa Robit Health Center, Central Ethiopia. Ethiopian Journal of Education and Sciences 17 (1), 1-13
    10. Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Kefelegn Getahun, Hernando A. del Portillo, Quique Bassat (2021). Plasmodium vivax epidemiology in Ethiopia 2000-2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.  15(9):e0009781. doi: 10.1371/journal. pntd.0009781.
    11. Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Kefelegn Getahun, Quique Bassat (2021). In vivo efficacy of anti-malarial drugs against clinical Plasmodium vivax malaria in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Malar J 20, 483.
    12. Tsige Ketema and Quique Bassat (2020). Estimating the hidden magnitude of the malaria community burden. The Lancet Infectious Diseases  20 (8). DOI:10.1016/S1473-3099(20) 30142-0
    13. RJ Commons, JA Simpson, K Thriemer, GS Humphreys, T Abreha, SG Alemu …, Ketema T et al. (2018). The effect of chloroquine dose and primaquine on Plasmodium vivax recurrence: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network systematic review and individual patient pooled meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 18: 1025–1034 10.1016/S1473-3099(18)30348-7.
    14. RJ Commons, JA Simpson, K Thriemer, GS Humphreys, T Abreha, SG Alemu, … Ketema T et al.(2019). The haematological consequences of Plasmodium vivax malaria after chloroquine treatment with and without primaquine: A Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. BMC Medicine (2019). 17:151
    15. Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2013). Plasmodium vivax associated severe malaria complications among children in some malaria endemic regions of Ethiopia. BMC Public health 13:637. doi:10.1186/1471-2458-13-637
    16. Tsige Ketema, Kefelegn Getahun, and Ketema Bacha (2011). Therapeutic efficacy of chloroquine against Plasmodium vivax malaria in Halaba district, SNNPR, Ethiopia. Parasite Vectors, 4: 46
    17. Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Esayas Alemayehu, Argaw Ambelu (2015). Incidence of Severe Malaria Syndromes and Status of Immune Responses among Khat Chewer Malaria Patients in Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0131212. doi :10.1371/ journal.pone.0131212
    18. Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Tarekegn Birhanu and Beyene Petros (2009). Chloroquine resistant Plasmodium vivax Malaria in Serbo town, Jimma zone, south west Ethiopia. Malaria Journal, 8: 177 10.1186/1475-2875-8-177 
    19. Tsige Ketema, Moti Yohannes, Esayas Alemayehu, Argaw Ambelu (2015). Effect of chronic khat (Catha edulis, Forsk) use on outcome of Plasmodium berghei ANKA infection in Swiss albino mice. BMC Infectious Diseases. 15 (170). doi: 10.1186/s12879-015-0911-2
    20. Tsige Ketema, Moti Yohannes, Esayas Alemayehu, Argaw Ambelu (2015). Evaluation of immunomodulatory activities of methanolic extract of khat (Catha edulis, Forsk) and cathinone in Swiss albino mice. BMC Immunology, 16:9 doi: 10.1186/s1286500725
    21. Tekletsadik Solomon and Tsige Ketema (2011). Microbiological safety of street vended Ayib in Jimma town, south west Ethiopia. Ethiopian J. Educ Sci. 7: 81-91
    22. Tesfahun Lamboro, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2016). Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella and Shigella Species Isolated from Outpatients, Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology, Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 4210760, 8 pages,
    23. Tiruneh T, Geshere G, Ketema T. Prevalence and Determinants of Soil-Transmitted Helminthic Infections among School Children at Goro Primary School, South West Shewa, Ethiopia. Int J Pediatr. 2020 Aug 27;2020:8612054. doi: 10.1155/2020/8612054
    24. Tsegaye Shamebo, Ketema Bacha and Tsige Ketema (2016). The growth potential and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of Salmonella species and Staphylococcus aureus isolated from mobile phones of food handlers and health care workers in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 10(8), 254-259.
    25. Tsige Ketema (2012). Pathogenesis of Severe Malaria and Treatment. In: Malaria: Etiology, Pathogenesis and treatments. Eds: A.M. Peterson and G.E.Calamanderi. Nova Science Publisher. Inc.  pp 1-38
    26. Tsige Ketema, Tsegaye Gadisa, and Ketema Bacha (2008). Microbiological Safety of Fruit Juice served in Cafes/ Resturants, Jimma town, Southwest Ethiopia. Ethiopian J. Health Sci. 18: 95 -100
    27. Yohannes Demissie and Tsige Ketema (2016). Complicated malaria symptoms associated with Plasmodium vivax among patients visiting health facilities in Mendi town, Northwest Ethiopia. BMC Infectious Diseases 16:436, DOI: 10.1186/s12879-016-1780-z
    28. Abdulkadir Beyan, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2011). Antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of some Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) isolated from Ergo, traditional Ethiopian fermented milk.  Ethiopian J. Educ Sci. 7: 9-17
    29. Abdurezak Jemal and Tsige Ketema (2019). A Declining pattern of Malaria Prevalence in   Ethiopia: Scientific Evidence from Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes 12:290
    30. Alemayehu Dugassa, Ketema Bacha, Tsige Ketema (2014). Microbiological quality and safety of some selected vegetables sold in Jimma town, South-western Ethiopia. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 8(11): 633-653, 
    31. Getachew Geleta and Tsige Ketema (2016). Severe Malaria Associated with Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax among Children in Pawe Hospital, Northwest Ethiopia, Malaria Research and Treatment. Volume 2016 (2016), Article ID 1240962,
    32. Getachew Geleta and Tsige Ketema (2017). Prevalence of Malaria and Frequency of Severe Symptoms among Pregnant Women in Pawe Hospital, North Western Ethiopia. Ann Clin Pathol 5(2): 1109.
    33. Gosa Girma, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2014). Microbial load and safety of paper currencies from some food vendors in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes, 7:843  doi:10.1186/1756-0500-7-843
    34. Hussien Ali, Ketema Bacha, and Tsige Ketema (2011). Bacteriological safety of well waters used for drinking in Jimma town, south west Ethiopia. Ethiopian J. Educ Sci. 6 (2): 95 -108
    35. Merkin Anato and Tsige Ketema (2018). Anti-plasmodial activities of Combretum molle (Combretaceae) [Zwoo] Seed extract in Swiss Albino Mice’. BMC Research Note 11:312.
    36. Merkin Anato, Mesele Bezabih, and Tsige Ketema (2018). Effect of Combretum molle (Combretaceae) seed extract on hematological and biochemical parameters. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 12(5), 55-63. 5897/JMPR2017.6523   
    37. Mohammed Yasin, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2015). Physico‑chemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water of different sources, Jimma zone, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Res Notes, 8:541. DOI 10.1186/s13104-015-1376-5
    38. Reda Name, Ketema Bacha, Tsige Ketema (2017). Microbiological quality and safety of some-street-vended foods in Jimma Town, Southwestern Ethiopia.  African J Microbiol Res. 11(14): 574-585, doi: 10.5897/AJMR2014.7326
    39. Tsige Ketema, Esayas Alemayehu, Argaw Ambelu (2015). Practice and attitude toward khat (Catha edulis) and cigarette smoke health effects among residents of Halaba Kulito town, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Biological and Chemical Research. 32 (1):374-386 
    40. Fasil YilmaKetema BachaTsige Ketema (2013). Hygienic Food Handling Practices.


Sheleme Guzo Diro


  • Full Name:  Sheleme Guzo Diro
  •  Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Assistant professor
  •  College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Plant Biology and Biodiversity Managment
  • Research interest:
    • Plant Ecology
    • Ethnobotany
    •  Climate change and plant distribution
    •  Land-use and land-cover (LULC) change detection
    •  Biodiversity conservation
    • Agrobiodiversity
  • Publications
    1. Sheleme Guzo, Sileshi Nemomissa, Ermias Lulekal (2023). Ethnobotanical study of underutilized wild edible plants and threats to their long-term existence in Midakegn District, West Shewa Zone, Central Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 19:30.
    2.  Sheleme Guzo, Sileshi Nemomissa, Ermias Lulekal. Woody species diversity potential and population structure across the small-scale agroforestry farming system of the Midakegn District, West Shewa Zone, Ethiopia. Trees, Forests and People, 15(2024):100493.
    3.  Sheleme Guzo, Sileshi Nemomissa, Ermias Lulekal (2024). Predicting current and future distribution of wild edible Syzygium afromontanum (F. White) Byng. under climate change in Ethiopia. Brazilian Journal of Botany,
    4. Sheleme Guzo, Sileshi Nemomissa, Ermias Lulekal (2024). Time series land use land cover change analysis and its drivers in Midakegn District, Central Plateau of West Shewa, Ethiopia. Paper under review at Arebian Journal of Geoscience.


Kitessa Hundera



Ketema Bacha (PhD)


  • Full Name:  Ketema Bacha (PhD)
  • Academic Rank: Professor
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Applied Microbiology/Food Microbiology

 Research interest:

  •  Food Safety, Probiotic LAB of food and animal origins; Starter cultures,
  •  Microbiology of Traditional Fermented Foods and beverage;
  •   Quorum sensing;
  •   Drug resistance (Bacteria and vivax);
  •   Antimicrobial activities of Medicinal Plants; Microbial enzymes and their application in industries,
  •   Other Applied Microbiology related researches


  1. Reda Nemo and Ketema Bacha (2021). Natural Preservative-Based Shelf-Life Enhancement Of Borde; A Traditional Ethiopian Low Alcoholic Beverage, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.15968
  2. Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Kefelegn Getahun, Hernando A. del Portillo, Quique Bassat (2021). Plasmodium vivax epidemiology in Ethiopia 2000-2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Plos. Neg. Trop. Dis., 15(9): e0009781, 2021
  3. Reda Nemo and Ketema Bacha (2021). Microbial quality, physicochemical characteristics, proximate analysis, and antimicrobial activities of honey from Anfilo district. Food Bioscience, 2021
  4. Reda Nemo and Ketema Bacha (2021). Microbial dynamic and growth potential of selected pathogens in Ethiopian traditional fermented beverages. Annals of Microbiology 71(2021):22, DOI: 10.1186/s13213-021-01635-7
  5. Reda Nemo and Ketema Bacha (2020). Microbial, physicochemical and proximate analysis of selected Ethiopian traditional fermented beverage. LWT Food Science and Technology, 131
  6. Anbessa D Koricha, Da-yong Han, Ketema Bacha, FY Bai (2020). Diversity and distribution of yeasts in indigenous fermented foods and beverages of Ethiopia. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 100(9): 3630-3638,
  7. Anbessa Dabassa Koricha, Da-Yong Han, Ketema Bacha, and Feng-Yan Bai (2019). Occurrence and Molecular Identification of Wild Yeasts from Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia. Microorganisms,7: 633; doi:10.3390/microorganisms7120633 
  8. Dele Abdissa, Girma Geleta, Ketema Bacha, Negera Abdissa (2017). Phytochemical investigation of Aloe pulcherrima roots and evaluation for its antibacterial and antiplasmodial activities,  PLOS ONE, 12 (3), e0173882.
  9. Reda Nemo, Ketema Bacha, Tsige Ketema (2017). Microbiological quality and safety of some street-vended foods in Jimma Town, Southwestern Ethiopia, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 11 (14): 574-585
  10. Ketema Bacha, Yinebeb Tariku, Fisseha Gebreyesus, Shibru Zerihun, Ali Mohammed, Nancy Weiland-Bräuer, Ruth A. Schmitz, and Mulugeta Mulat (2016). Antimicrobial and anti-Quorum Sensing activities of selected medicinal plants of Ethiopia: Implication for development of potent antimicrobial drugs. BMC Microbiology, 16:139
  11. Tesfahun Lamboro, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2016). Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella and Shigella Species Isolated from Outpatients, Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Southwest Ethiopia. Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology,
  12. Taddesse Begashaw, Yinebeb Tariku and Ketema Bacha (2016). Antibacterial activity of selected medicinal plants used in South-western Ethiopia. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 10 (46): 1961-1972
  13. Tesfaye Wolde and Ketema Bacha (2016). Microbiological Safety of Kitchen Sponges Used in Food Establishments; International Journal of Food Science,
  14. Mohammed Yasin, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2015). Physico-chemical and bacteriological quality of drinking water of different sources, Jimma zone, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes; 8:541
  15. Tsige Ketema, Ketema Bacha, Essayas Alemayehu,  Argaw Ambelu (2015). Incidence of severe Malaria Syndromes and Status of Immune Response amnong Khat Chewer Malaria Patients in Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 10(7):e0131212. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0131212
  16. Firew Tafesse Gulelat Desse  Ketema Bacha and Haile Alemayehu (2014). Microbiological quality and safety of street vended raw meat in Jijiga town of Somali Regional State, southeast Ethiopia. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8 (48): 3867-3874
  17. Gosa Girma, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2014). Microbial load and safety of paper currencies from some food vendors in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. BMC Research Notes, 7:843
  18. Alemayehu Dugassa, Tsige Ketema   and Ketema Bacha (2014). Microbiological quality and safety of some selected vegetables sold in Jimma town, Southwestern Ethiopia. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 8(11), 633-653.
  19. Teshome Tadesse and Ketema Bacha (2014). Microbiological Quality and Safety of raw Milk Collected from Kersa District, Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. J. Biol. Chem. Research  31 (1): 546-561
  20. Tekalign Kejela and Ketema Bacha (2013). Prevalence and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) among Primary School Children and Prisoners in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials, 12:11
  21. Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2013). Plasmodium vivax associated severe malaria complications among children in some malaria endemic areas of Ethiopia. Journal of Public Health, 13:637
  22. Ketema Bacha, Hans Jonsson and Mogessie Ashenafi (2010). Microbial Dynamics during the Fermentation of Wakalim, a Traditional Ethiopian Fermented Sausage, J. Food Quality, 33:370-390
  23. TsigeKetema, Kefelegn Getahun and Ketema Bacha (2011). Therapeutic efficacy of chloroquine against Plasmodium vivax malaria in Halaba Kulito town, South Ethiopia. J Parasite and Vectors, 4:46
  24. Abdulqadir Beyan, Tsige Ketema and Ketema Bacha (2011). Antibiotic susceptibility patterns of some LAB isolated from Ergo, A traditional Ethiopian fermented milk. Ethiopia J Educ. Sci., 7:9-17
  25. KetemaBacha, TetemkeMehari and MogessieAshenafi (2011). Effects of Pure and Mixed Cultures of LAB on the Survival and Growth of Some Food-borne Pathogens in fermenting Wakalim, a traditional Ethiopian fermented beef sausage Int. J. Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health,4: 140-151
  26. Ketema Bacha, Tetemke Mehari and Mogessie Ashenafi (2010). Antibiotic Susceptibility Patterns of LAB Isolated From Wakalim,a Traditional Ethiopian Fermented Beef Sausage. Journal of Food Safety 30:213–223
  27. Ketema Bacha, Tetemke Mehari and Mogessie Ashenafi (2009).In-vitro probiotic evaluation of lactic acid bacteria isolated from wakalim, a traditional Ethiopian fermented beef sausage. Ethiop J Health Sci.19:21-27.
  28. Tsige Ketema, KetemaBacha, Tarekegn Birhanu and Beyene Petros (2009). Assessment of chloroquine resistant Plasmodiumvivaxin Serbo town, Jimma Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Malaria Journal, 8:177
  29. Tsige Ketema, Tsegaye Gadisa and Ketema Bacha (2009). Microbiological safety of fruit juices served in cafes/restaurants, Jimma town, Southwest Ethiopia. Ethiopian J. Health Sci. 18: 95 -1005
  30. KetemaBacha, TetemkeMehari  and  MogessieAshenafi  (1999).  Microbiology of the fermentation of  ‘Shamita’,  a  traditional Ethiopian fermented beverage. SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci.22:113-126
  31. KetemaBacha, TetemkeMehari and MogessieAshenafi (1998). The microbial dynamics of ‘Borde’ fermentation, a traditionalEthiopian fermented beverage. SINET: Ethiop.J.Sci.21: 1995-205
  32. Ketema Bacha (1997). Microbiology of ‘Borde’ and ‘Shamita’ fermentation. MSc Thesis, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  33. Ketema Bacha (2007). Microbiology of Wakalim Fermentation, a traditional Ethiopian Fermented Beef Sausage. PhD Dissertation, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.


Meseret Guta Iticha


  • Full Name:  Meseret Guta Iticha
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Assistant professor
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Applied Microbiology
  • Research interest: Food and Industrial Microbiology


  • Publications:
  1.    Meseret Guta, Kassaye Aragaw and Yared Merid (2014). Bacteria from infected surgical wounds and their antimicrobial resistance in Hawassa University Referral Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 8(11):
  2. Mahlet Aleme and Meseret Guta (2017). Isolation and characterization of fungi from the fruit of orange and tomato in Jimma town market sellers, Southwest Ethiopia. Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(3):
  3. Demek Lema, Tokuma Negisho, Meseret Guta and Girma Mosisa (2017). Comparative study on bacterial load from post-harvest vegetables sold at road side and supermarket: in case of Jimma town, Southwestern Ethiopia. Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(4): 10.21474/IJAR01/3775


Efe Abebe


  • Full Name: Efe Abebe Sori
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Lecture
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  • Research interest: Pond productivities in case of organic fertilizer


Netsanet Gonfa Gebisa


  • Full Name: Netsanet Gonfa Gebisa (Former Staff)
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • College/Institute: College of Natural Sciences

Field of Specialization: Botanical Sciences

Research interest: Ethnobotany


  1. ISSN: (Print) (Online) Journal homepage:


Gadisa Natea Neda

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Full name: Gadisa Natea Neda

Nationality: Ethiopian

Academic Rank: Lecturer

College/Institute: Natural Sciences

Field of specialization: Ecolocal and Systematic Zoology

Research Interest: 

  • Animal Ecology (Aquatic and Terrestrial),
  •  Analysis of aquatic ecosystem (Phytoplankton, Zooplankton and Fish) food interaction.
  •  Conservation and sustainable use of Biodiversity, Wetland biodiversity and conservation
  •  Artificial propagation of fishes, Integrated agro-aquaculture,
  •  Impact of climate change on both aquatic  and terrestrial ecosystems,
  •  Microbial contamination of pre and post-harvest of fish.


  1. Gadisa, N. and Delelegn, W. (2012).Some Physico-Chemical Properties and Microbiological Quality of Honey Sold in JimmaTown, Southwestern Ethiopia. J. Biol. Chem. Research. 31: 891-900.
  2.  Gadisa,N., Mulugeta, W., Tokuma, N. and Megerssa,E.(2017) Spawning response of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus (Burchellm1822), Claridae: Teleost) exposed to different piscine pituitary andmsynthetic hormone. Inter. J. of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies. 5(2): 264-269.
  3.  Diriba, F., Shiferaw, D. and Gadisa, N.(2017).Bacteriological and physicochemical quality of Jimma town water supply at pre and post distributed to Jimma town residents, Oromia regional state, southwestern Ethiopia. J. of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences.7:603-611.
  4.  Shiferaw, D., Gadisa, N. and Dasalegn, R. (2017). Microbial Quality and Safety of Bread sold in Cafeteria, Tea and Bread Shop of Jimma Town, Oromia Regional State, Southwest Ethiopia. Int. J. Adv. Res.
  5.  Gadisa, N. (2019). Aquaculture Potential, Status, Constraints and Future Prospects in Ethiopia: A Review. Int. J. Adv. Res.
