Biology Department
Full Name: Belachew Beyene Bari (Former Staff)
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Lecturer (MSc)
College/Institute: College of Natural Sciences
Department/Team: Biology
Field of Specialization: Plant Biotechnology
Research Interest
Plant biotechnology (molecular characterization of Ethiopian cereal crops, tissue culture areas such as haploidization, double haploidization, somatic embryogenesis, organogenesis, embryo rescue, micro propagation and others), genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and molecular genetics
List of Publications
- Protocol optimization for in vitro propagation of sweet potato (ipomoea batatas l.) variety Using bud explant on international journal of innovative pharmaceutical sciences and research, ijipsr / 7 (2), 2019, 1-13 department of agricultural, ISSN(online) 2347-2154
- Protocol optimization for in vitro propagation of Kulfo, orange flesh sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) variety using shoot tip culture. African Journal of Plant Science, SSN 1996-0824Copyright © 2018
- Review on Proteomics Technologies and Its Application for Crop Improvement. (iiste.org) Innovative Systems Design and Engineering, 2222-1727 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2871 (Online) Vol.7, No.6, 2016.
- Review on Application and Management of Medicinal Plants for the Livelihood of the Local Community. Journal of Resources Development &Management iiste.org ISSN 2422-8397, Vol.22, 2016.
- Review on Pre and Post-Harvest Management on Quality Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Production. Food Science and Quality Management ISSN 2224-6088 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0557 (Online), Vol.54, 2016
- Review on Roles of Forests in Hydrological and Carbon Sequestration. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, ISSN 2224-3186 (Paper) ISSN 2225-0921 (Online) Vol.6, No.15, 2016.
- Review on Ecotourism Opportunities and the Challenges for Natural Resource Management in Ethiopia. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports, ISSN (Paper) 2312-5187 ISSN (Online) 2312-5179, Vol.21, 2016.
- Ecological and Economic Roles of Agro biodiversity, Journal of Resources Development and Management, ISSN 2422-8397. An International Peer-reviewed Journal.Vol.23, 2016