Department Administration
The architecture program at Jimma University is housed within the Jimma Institute of Technology (JiT). A scientific director at the vice president level oversees the Jimma Institute of Technology, a semi-autonomous institute of technology (IoT) established by the “IoT Autonomous Directive 001/2013” and operating under the larger Jimma University administrative structure. A program coordinator oversees the architecture program in the civil and environmental engineering faculty at the Jimma Institute of Technology campus. The program coordinator is responsible for the overall management and leadership of the program. The program coordinator coordinates student activities such as exhibitions, competitions, and various aspects of the programs, including course scheduling and class logistics, and is responsible for monitoring compliance with the university. The program coordinator also serves as the program liaison with the Institute’s communication team, providing ideas for the website, brochures, posters, and other media. The program coordinator is the first point of contact for internal and external communication regarding the program and represents the department at the faculty academic commission (FAC).
At the faculty level, the dean oversees all programs and departments within the faculty, including the architecture program. The faculty dean is the chief executive officer of the faculty and is accountable to the scientific director. He serves as the chairperson of the Faculty Academic Commission and has other duties and responsibilities given to the deans in J.U. Senate Legislation (2007), Article The dean’s office coordinates with the institute director and vice scientific director’s office on academics, budgeting, accreditation, and strategic planning.
As per IoT Directive (2013) Articles 5.6.1 to 5.6.4, the Scientific Director is, with the status of a Vice President, the Chief Executive Officer of Jimma Institute of Technology, and he is responsible for leading the day-to-day operation of the Institute and the implementation of the Institute’s Strategic Plan. He is a member of the Senate Executive Committee and the Senate of the University. He is accountable to the president of Jimma University and the supervisory board. The Institute’s scientific director office works closely with the university administration on budgeting and resource allocation issues.
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