Jimma Institute of Technology (JiT) is a higher education institute for engineering and technology disciplines that meets international standards. The JiT will provide university-level services in education, research, and technology transfer to serve regional demands in the Oromia region and the country.JIT shall be premier engineering and technology institute in the western and south western Ethiopia and distinguished as one of the leading engineering, research and educational institutein the nation. It aspires to Improve Ethiopia’s quality of life through application-oriented research; community focused engineering and technological discoveries; and the education of future leaders in the fields.
- To educate prospective graduates, provide knowledge and develop skills in planning, design, engineering technology and manufacturing for the industry and commerce
- To conduct technology-based applied research, projects and studies that are based on priorities that reflect the needs of the national and regional industries and economies carefully obeying environmental standards
- To create an study and working environment that is conducive to the cultivation of social skills and entrepreneur-ship among students and staff
- To serve as a model for other educational institutions within the country and provide them with the necessary technological education and advanced training as well as highly qualified staff
- To cooperate closely with private enterprises in promoting and developing local and national technological know-how.
- To cultivate democratic culture and values that underpins plural, diverse and tolerant society.
- To serve the community and society at large through providing of effective and efficient professional and capacity building services
- To embed and strengthen the innovative educational philosophy of CBE
The following values should serve as the basis for all measures taken during implementation phase and future management of the JiT:
Academic freedom and autonomy :
The JiT makes use of its academic freedom and institutional autonomy in order to improve its services and prevents its activities from being subjected to unnecessary or inappropriate interventions or misuse by its own members. In order to ensure exemplary performance, the JiT operates with the highest possible standards of professionalism and ethics and seeks to provide high-quality services as efficiently as possible.
Sustainability :
The JiT is an Ethiopian institute. The Director and the other international experts have the role to facilitate the necessary reform by offering their knowledge and experience. They will lead the transformation process for a limited period of time. Ethiopians will take over the leadership of JiT. The sustainability of the implementation process will largely depend on the recruitment of experienced staff and the successful establishment of a post-graduate program.
Social responsibility :
The JiT strives to reach its full potential in order to fulfill its social responsibility through the active participation of its students and staff in community development activities and public services. It aligns its activities in such a way that it is able to carry out the social responsibility with commitment as a public institution. It serves society by bringing about positive changes and contributing to social transformation.
Transparency and public accountability :
The JiT is accountable to Jimma University and other stakeholders by providing clear and open records of all of its operations. As a public institution, each resource received from the government (or taxpayers) brings value for money and its director is held accountable for its performance. The JiT is committed to regularly communicating its performance reports, financial statements, external audit reports, budgets and plans for the future and holds open meetings with all stakeholders. It makes information easily accessible in order to strengthen its transparency and public accountability.
Committed leadership and Staff :
The JiT leadership and staff are dedicated to excellence and has a strong will to succeed and excel in its endeavors. It is characterized by the integrity and competence needed to accomplish its mission and a resolute focus on the strategic issues.
Community Involvement and Empowerment :
Education is community-based in Jimma institute of technology. Community is our partner not passive recipient of our resources or decisions. Therefore, we do not dictate what is good for the community but work with the community to identify problems and suggest solutions. Community is sovereign in deciding what is good for its members.
Networking for Collaboration and Partnership:
We believe working with organizations and different actors at different levels has better impact and can serve as a collective forum for sharing wealth of experience, information and resources.
Mutual Respect, Collegiality and Team Spirit:
We all share the same dream of transforming Jimma institute of technology into a world-class Ethiopian university. We consider our staff as members of one big family and treat one another with fairness, honesty and mutual respect.
Gender Sensitivity:
Gender is a cross-cutting issue that needs to be mainstreamed in every aspect of our endeavors and decisions. We are determined to rectify the prevailing gender inequity and imbalance in our staff and student population.
- The JiT offers application oriented study programs in the field of engineering and technology for the national and regional demands.
- Teaching and training of students is practice-oriented, in all education programs include an industrial apprenticeship and study related hands-on projects.
- The graduates are equipped with engineering and technological skills that open employment opportunities on domestic industries and services in Ethiopia.
- The coursework is structured in an interdisciplinary approach focused on solutions creating an impact on the development of the regional and national economies.
- The JiT is a partner for regional industry, and communities
- The JiT is a recognized institute with international partnerships on dedicated fields of research.
- The JiT is a learning organization to improve its standards and quality of services. This includes continuing training of staff, self-assessment and evaluation.
Developing effective institutional governance, leadership and management:
To develop outstanding institutional governance, leadership and management system that creates conducive institutional environment for effective execution of training, research and service activities of the institute.The JiT is managed progress oriented. Staff and Management will be assessed upon achievements.
Acquiring capacity for attraction, development and retention of qualified people:
To transform JiT to become an institution of preference for qualified academic and administrative staff and create an enabling environment where they can fulfill their potential and contribute their utmost to realization of the institute’s vision, mission and goals.
Developing adequate infrastructure and state-of-the-art ICT facilities:
To develop adequate level and type of physical and ICT infrastructure for teaching, research, and service purposes of the institute through planned and systematic investment and maintenance.
Boosting up Resources generation and management capacity:
To create and sustain sufficient and diverse bases of resources and establish effective management of these resources to achieve high quality teaching, research and service that will enhance the reputation and competitiveness of the institute.
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