Welcome to Jimma Institute of Technology (JIT) at Jimma University, located at 350 km southwest from the capital city, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. JIT has a vision to be a world-class university (WCU) in the field of Science and Technology. The WCU, in general, has three characteristics, i) a high concentration of talent, faculty, student, researcher and internationalization, ii) a significant financial budget, and iii) an excellent governance with strategic vision and leadership. For meeting this WCU standard, JIT will make every effort under the leadership of Scientific Director. Importantly, JIT has a plan to develop Center of Excellence (CoE) in the fields of Aerospace, Artificial Intelligence, Bioscience & Biotechnology, Chemical Technology & Materials Science, Civil Engineering & Building Technology, Electronics & Telecommunication, Electrotechnology & Biomedical Research, Energy & Environmental Research, Industrial Manufacturing Technology, and Machinery & Materials. Through these CoE activities, we will not only contribute to the national sustainable development, but also to the international scientific society’s advancement. Finally, do not forget “publish or perish”, because we are in the hugely competitive academic environment of the global community.
Engr. Ephrem Wakjira (Candidate PhD)
Scientific Director
The Scientific Director Office
Jimma Institute of Technology
Jimma University
P.O. Box 378, Jimma, Ethiopia
E-mail: ephrem.wakjira@ju.edu.et
Website: https://www.ju.edu.et/jit/
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