CBE Mission
To serve the community and serving and engaging local, national, and global communities through its cherished and innovative Community Based Education (CBE)
Background & Underlying Principles
Jimma University is the first innovative community-oriented university in Ethiopia, 1983 CBE occupies a key position in the educational programs and research schemes of JiT Community Based Education, CBE is a means of achieving educational relevance to the community needs and consequently of implementing a community oriented educational program, The community-based education provides, multi-disciplinary training and integrates the university with the community.
• CBE in general has enabled the Jimma institute of Technology
To train professionals in diverse of studies in a community Setting
To encourage a team approach in treating societal problems
To work with local communities with greater conviction
To undertake problem based research activities which take into
Consideration the priority needs of the community
• The students deployed for CBTP/DTTP/TTP/SRP program will be continuously evaluated by peer, supervisors and stakeholders.
• In addition, the mode of evaluation consists of written examination, action plan preparation, reporting and presentation of the results of the CBTP/DTTP/TTP/SRP activities.
• The grading system will be as per Senate Legislation.
Strategies of CBE
The strategies of implementing CBE at JU are designed on three main programmers which are expected to take 20% of the allotted time of the overall curricula
Community Based Training programmed (CBTP) 20 ECTS
Developmental Team Training programmed (DTTP) 5ECTS
Team Training paining programmed (TTP) 5 ECTS
Community Based student Research (SRP) 12 ECTS
Community Based Training programme (CBTP)
The CBTP is an integrated institutional programme which runs in phases from first year to graduation along with an in-built regular follow -up programme each phase has specifically defined educational objectives During each phase students as a group (10-12) are assigned to urban semi-urban or rural communities witch an approximate population of 5000-10,000.
Program objectives
At the of the course students are expected to
Define green economy through green technologies for the community
Define demographic socio-economic , political and environmental aspects of a given community ( determinants of socio- economic status)
Make community diagnosis and draw an action plan which would enable students to suggest appropriate intervention measures
Organize intervention utilizing the concept components and strategies of community participation and multi -sect oral approach
Plan and conduct problem -oriented research
The DTTP is a component of CBE and implemented in post graduate (PG) programs. The students of different discipline in an institute which formed a team review the Woreda/Kebele plan and take activities from the Kebele and plan for data analyses and intervention, ,DTTP enables students to work in a team with different professionals to make a difference in development .
The PG students are exposed for two months in a community.
mobilize the community;
solicits funds;
involves the community in each steps
As per the JU’s community based education philosophy, senior students from health professions is attached to the nearby teaching health centers and hospitals for two months in the TTP. From JiT the 3rd year students from Biomedical Engineering department, because the department close relationship with the health profession, join the TTP group. The main objective are
• To enable students to work as a member in addressing the problems faced by a community
• To enable them to apply the knowledge and skills of their profession integrating these with the knowledge and skills of their members of the team and service personnel
• To give them a chance to learn through hands on experience and in real life situations
• At the end of the coarse students actives and functional organization of the community health equipments problem
• Describe the specific role and rancidities of a member within a team
• Identify priority equipments problem plan implement, and evaluate team activities according to the needs and resources of the community.
• Use communication skills to involve the community and other sectors in the activities
• Conduct continuing education activates.
• Participate with members of the team in research oriented activities towards solving community problems.
• Enhance service provision improving coverage
Community Based Student’s Research Program (SRP)
In order to enhance the student’s problem solving skill final year students carry out an independent research project the study is to be
• Problem oriented
• Community based
• Scientifically and ethically acceptable
• Feasible and action oriented