Engr. Efrem Wakjira
Engr. Efrem is the scientific director of Jimma Institute of technology and assistant professor of Civil and hydraulic engineering in the faculty of civil and environmental engineering at Jimma Institute of Technology Jimma University. He is one of the founding members of the then Faculty of technology during the amalgamation of different colleges to create Jimma University. He has served in various administrative positions both as the dean of the college of engineering and technology, head department of civil engineering and the managing director of the Jimma institute of Technology as it inception. Mr. Efrem obtained his Master degree from the UNESCO-IHE institute for water education Netherlands and is currently at the verge of completing his PHD dissertation at Rostock University Germany. His career in Jimma University has span across different colleges which includes the college of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine. He was the founder and director of the appropriate technology center from 1997-2007. A center he established with grants from Japanese government. Mr. Efrem is actively involved in research related to civil and water resource engineering with emphasis on land and water development. Mr. Efrem has published in peer reviewed journals and has attend many conferences.
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