Anbessa Dabassa Koricha

Anbessa Dabassa Koricha


Biology Department

  • Full Name:  Anbessa Dabassa Koricha
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Associate professor
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Microbiology (Fungal Taxonomy & Systematics)
  • Research interest:

    • Research on the Biodiversity, physiology, ecology, systematics, population genetics, genomics, biotechnology application and evolutionary biology of yeast, filamentous fungi, and Bacteria.
    •  Analysis of the production, mechanism and molecular epidemiology of pathogenic microorganisms’ and their drug resistance.
  • Publications: 
    1. Anbessa Dabassa Koricha, Dayong Han, Ketema Bacha, F. Bai (2019). Diversity and distribution of yeasts in indigenous fermented foods and beverages of Ethiopia. Journal of the science of Food and Agriculture. 100(9):
    2. Anbessa Dabassa Koricha, Dayong Han, Ketema Bacha, F. Bai (2019). Occurrence and Molecular Identification of Wild Yeasts from Jimma Zone, South West Ethiopia. Journals Microorganisms 7 (12):
    3. Da-Yong Han, Pei-Jie Han, Karl Rumbold, Anbessa Dabassa Koricha, Shou-Fu Duan, Liang Song, Jun-Yan Shi, Kuan Li, Qi-Ming Wang and Feng-Yan Bai (2020) Adaptive gene content and allele distribution variations in the wild and domesticated populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Frontiers Microbiology, 12: 631250.
    4. Chali, B., Dabassa, A., & Bacha, K. (2024). The art of production and microbial dynamics of Bukuri and Cabbage-Shameta: A traditional fermented beverage of Ethiopia. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 35, 100850. 
    5. Teshome Tadessea, Anbessa Dabassa Koricha, Degife Daseb, and Ketema Bacha (2024). Optimization of Bio-ethanol Production Using Response Surface Methodology for Stress-Tolerant Wild Yeasts Isolated from Natural Forests Wiley International Journal of Energy Research. Volume 2024, Article ID 7086047, 21 pages
    6. Semira Kemal, Anbessa Dabassa Koricha (2024). The Art, Microbial Quality, Safety, and Physicochemical Characteristics of Jikita: A Traditional Ethiopian Fermented Beverage. International Journal of Food Science.
    7. Anbessa Dabassa (2011).  Meat Microbiology Monograph. VDM Publishing, Germany.  (  /index.php?id=3435 &objk_ id=486515).
    8. Anbessa D, Ketema B (2012). The prevalence and antibiogram of salmonella and shigella isolated from abattoir, Jimma town southwest Ethiopia. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research (IJPBR), 3(4):143-148. 
    9. Teshome T, Anbessa D (2012).  Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella Isolated from Raw Milk Samples Collected from Kersa District, Jimma Zone, and Southwest Ethiopia. J. Med. Sci., 12(7):224-228. 
    10. Shiferaw D, Geda K, Diriba M , Anbessa D (2013). Microbiological  Analysis of Awetu River and the Proteolytic, and Lipolytic Activities of the Microbial Isolates. J. Med. Sci., 13(2):141-145. 
    11. Anbessa. D, (2013). Evaluation of Home Slaughtered Meat Quality Used for Human Consumption at Household and Food Seller House in Jimma. J. Med .Sci. 13(8):779-784. 
    12. Anbessa, D. and Shiferaw Demissie (2013). Correlation of traditional knowledge with laboratory based salmonella detection in eggshell and contents of market sold egg. Asian Journal of Biological science 6(3):168-174. 
    13. Alebel, W, Anbessa D, Shiferaw, D. (2013). Bacteriological quality and detection of Bovine Mastitis Pathogens of milk Sold in Jimma Town South Western Ethiopia. International Journal of Current Research. 5 (12):3622-3627. 
    14. Shiferaw D, Anbessa D (2013). Evaluation of Physico-Chemical and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Microorganisms Isolated From  Awetu  River,  Jimma Town. Research Journal of Environmental Science. 8(2):101-108. 
    15.  Yihun, M., Shiferaw D., Anbessa, D., (2013). Evaluation of Methicillin resistance Staphylococcus aureus from some cream field bakery products in Jimma town.  Research Journal of Microbiology. 9 (1), 16-24 
    16.  Shelema, T, Shiferaw, D, Anbessa D., (2013). Microbial Safety of Some Selected Spices Sold In Jimma Town, South Western of Ethiopia. Research Journal of  Microbiology. 9(1):43-50 
    17.   Lata Lachisa  and Anbessa D (2013). Synergetic Effect of Rhizosphere Bacteria Isolates and Composted Manure on Fusarium Wilt Disease of Tomato Plants.  Research Journal of Microbiology; New York, 11(1): 20-27. 
    18. Takele Sh. Shiferaw D, Tokuma N and Anbessa D (2016). Comparison of Suitability of Locally Available Substrates For Cultivation Of Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Ostreatus) In Jimma, Oromia, Western Ethiopia. African Journal of Microbiology Research 7(20):2228-2237   
    19. Anbessa D. (2014). Detection of Toxin Producing Fungi in the Corn Kernel during Storage at Jimma and Its Surrounding District. J. Biol. Chem. Research: 31(1):286- 298.
    20. Geleta G, Anbessa D and Beyene Petros (2014). Trends of malaria prevalence in Ilu Gelan, Bako Tibe, and Danno District of West showa Zone, Oromia Region Ethiopia. J.chem. Biol. Sci. 31(1):856-867.
    21. Anbessa D, Girma S, Adam B (2015). Antimicrobial Potential of Leaf and root Extracts of Plantago lanceolata (Qorxobbii/Gortib) Against clostridium. (J. Biol. Chem. Research 32:46-54)
    22. Girma S, Anbessa D, Adam B, Tolessa L (2015). Heavy Metals and Microbial Safety of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Fishes Available in Commercial Market of Jimma Town. (J. Biol. Chem. Research 32:46-54).


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