Department: Mathemtices Department

Yesuf Obsie Mussa

  • Title: Dr.
  • Full Name:   Yesuf Obsie Mussa
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Operations Research
  • Research interest: Differential equations, Fractional calculus, Queuing theory and

Stochastic process.

  • Publications:
  1. Vijaya Laxmi P. and Yesuf, O.M. Renewal input infinite buffer batch service queue with single exponential working vacation and accessibility to batches, International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research, 3(2), 2011, pp. 219-243. DOI:10.1504/IJMOR.2011.038912

  2. Vijaya Laxmi P. and Yesuf, O.M. Analysis of finite buffer general input queue with Markovian service process and accessible and non-accessible batch service, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 6(4), 2010, pp. 929-944. doi: 10.3934/jimo.2010.6.929

  3. Yesuf, O.M. and Vijaya Laxmi, P. (2009). Performance analysis of accessible batch service queue with multiple exponential working vacations, Proceedings of the 12-th International Conference on Information Technology, McGraw-Hill, pp. 309-314.

  4. Yesuf, O.M. and Vijaya Laxmi, P. (2010). Performance analysis of a renewal input bulk service queue with accessible and non-accessible batches, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Internet Technology, Springer-Verlag, pp. 152-156. ISBN-13 978-3-642-11658-2 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York

  5. Vijaya Laxmi P., Gosami, V. and Yesuf, O.M. (2010). Finite buffer single vacation queue with accessible and non-accessible batch service, International Journal of Information and Management Sciences, 21(2), 125-142.

  6. Vijaya Laxmi P., Gosami, V. and Yesuf, O.M. (2010). A renewal input accessible and non-accessible batch service queue with server’s vacation, Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics, 39(2), 113-138.

  7. Vijaya Laxmi P., Gosami, V. and Yesuf, O.M. (2010). Finite buffer renewal input multiple exponential vacations queue with accessible and non-accessible batches, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 5(3), 227-234.


  1. Rida T., Yesuf O. and Alemayehu S. (2018). The Improved ( G ‘/G)-Expansion Method to the Generalized Burgers-Fisher Equation, Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Applications, 3(1), 16 – 30.

  2. Deressa, C.T., Mussa, Y.O., Duressa, G.F., Optimal Control and Sensitivity Analysis for Transmission Dynamics of Coronavirus, Results in Physics (2020),

  3. Wayinhareg Gashaw Belayeh , Yesuf Obsie Mussa , and Ademe Kebede Gizaw, Approximate Analytic Solutions of Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Klein–Gordon Equation by Using the Reduced Differential Transform Method, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2020, Article ID 5753974, 12 pages 10.1155/2020/5753974

  4. Dessalegn Mekonnen Yadeta, Ademe Kebede Gizaw, Yesuf Obsie Mussa, “Approximate Analytical Solution of One-Dimensional Beam Equations by Using Time-Fractional Reduced Differential Transform Method”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol. 2020, Article ID 7627385, 13 pages, 2020.

  5. Yesuf Obsie Mussa, Ademe Kebede Gizaw, Ayana Deressa Negassa,

“Three-Dimensional Fourth-Order Time-Fractional Parabolic Partial Differential Equations and Their Analytical Solution”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2021, Article ID 5108202, 12 pages, 2021.

  1. Alemayehu Tamirie Deresse, Yesuf Obsie Mussa and Ademe Kebede Gizaw Analytical Solution of Two Dimensional Sine-Gordon Equation, Advances in Mathematical Physics, Volume 2021, Article ID 9279022, 15 pages Etc.

  • Contact Address:
  • Email:
  • Tel: +251943221919
  • Fax: —
  • P.O. Box: 378

Worku Tilahun Aniley

  • Title: Mr.
  • Full Name:  Worku Tilahun Aniley
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Numerical Analysis
  • Research interest: Numerical solution of singularly perturbed problems
  • Publications:

1. Anilay WT, Duressa GF, Woldaregay MM. Higher Order Uniformly Convergent Numerical Scheme for Singularly Perturbed Reaction-Diffusion Problems. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal. 2021;61(3):591-612.

2. Woldaregay MM, Aniley WT, Duressa GF. Novel Numerical Scheme for Singularly Perturbed Time Delay Convection-Diffusion Equation. Advances in Mathematical Physics. 2021 Feb 28;2021.

3. Woldaregay M, Aniley W, Duressa G. Fitted numerical scheme for singularly perturbed convection-diffusion reaction problems involving delays. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2021(00):6-.


Woinshet Defar Mergia

  • Title: Dr.
  • Full Name: Woinshet Defar Mergia
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Assistant professor
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Numerical Analysis
  • Research interest: includes

1. The development of numerical methods for a class of hyperbolic problems.

2. Design, analysis and implementation of numerical methods for singularly perturbed problems.

3. Higher-order methods for slow-fast dynamical systems in population Biology.

  • Publications:

1. W.D. Mergia and K.C. Patidar, Efficient simulation of a slow-fast dynamical system using multirate finite difference schemes, Quaestiones Mathematicae 39(5) (2016), 689-714.

2. W.D. Mergia and K.C. Patidar, Fractional-step θ-method for solving singularly perturbed problem in ecology, Advances in Computational Mathematics 44(3) (2018) 645-671.

3.W.D. Mergia and K.C. Patidar, High-order semi-implicit linear multistep LG scheme for a three-species competition-diffusion system in two-dimensional spatial domain arising in ecology, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 84 (2020) p. 105151


  • Contact Address:

Wesen Legesse Teketel

  • Title: Dr.
  • Full Name:  Wesen Legesse Teketel
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Assistant professor
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Differential Equations
  • Research interest: Boundary value problems, fractional order differential equations, financial mathematics, corporate banking.
  • Publications:
  1. K.R.Prasad, L.T.Wesen, N.Sreedhar, Existence of positive solutions for second order undamped Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems, Asian-Euro. Jour. Math., 9(4)(2016), World Scientific Publishing,
  2. K.R.Prasad, L.T.Wesen, N.Sreedhar, Multiplicity of positive solutions for second order Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems, Creat. Math. Inform., 25(2016), No.2, 215–222.
  3. K.R.Prasad, B.M.B.Krushna, , L.T.Wesen Existence result for multiple positive solutions of Riemann-Liouville fractional order three-point BVPs, Bull. Intern. Math. Virt. Inst., 6(2016), 25–36.
  4. K.R.Prasad, B.M.B. Krushna, , L.T.Wesen .Existence of positive solutions for a coupled system of (p, q)-Laplacian fractional higher order BVPs, Int. Jour. of Anal. Appl., 9(1)(2015), 54–67.
  5. K.R.Prasad, B.M.B. Krushna, , L.T.Wesen Existence of even number positive solutions for a coupled system of fractional order BVPs with (p, q)-Laplacian, Bulletin of Mathematics and Statistics Research, Vol. 5, S1, 2017.
  6. K.R.Prasad, B.M.B. Krushna, L.T.Wesen, Existence results for positive solutions to iterative systems of four-point fractional order boundary value problems in a Banach space. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
    13(4 ) (2020)
  7. K.R.Prasad, L.T.Wesen, N.Sreedhar, Existence of positive solutions for higher order p-Laplacian BVPs, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, (2018)15:19, Springer Int. Pub.
  8. Wesen Legessa Tekatel, Beyene Yosef Nurebo. Comparing Financial Performance of state Owned Commercial Bank with Privately Owned Commercial Banks in Ethiopia. European Journal of Business Science and Technology.5(2)2019, 200-21,
  9. L.T Wesen and K.G. Yeneblih. Multiple Positive Solutions for Second Order Three Points Boundary Value problems in Cone. Int. J. Open Problems Compt. Math., Vol. 13, No. 3, September 2020 ISSN 1998-6262; Copyright ©ICSRS Publication, 2020.
  10. L.T Wesen and K.G. Yeneblih. Existence of Three Positive Solutions for Higher Order Separated and Lidstone Type Boundary Value Problems with p-Laplacian. Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, V. 11, No 2, 2021, July ISSN 2218-6816.

  11. L. T. Wesen, M. SARADA DEVI.  Financial Performance Analysis: A study on Selected  Private Banks in Ethiopia, MBA thesis, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33643.39203.

Contact Address:

Solomon Bati Kejela

  • Title:Mr.

  • Full Name:  Solomon Bati Kejela

  • Nationality: Ethiopian

  • Academic Rank: Lecturer

  • College/institute:College of Natural Sciences

  • Department: Mathematics

  • Field of specialization: Differential Equations

  • Research interest: I am interested to do a research on the area of fluid mechanics, dynamical system, thermodynamics, and differential Equations.

  • Publications:

  1. Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Method for Investigation of Effects of Thermal Radiation, Internal Heat Generation, and Buoyancy on Velocity and Heat Transfer in the Blasius Flow

  2. Investigation of Effects of Thermal Radiation, Magnetic Field, Eckert Number, and Thermal Slip on MHD Heimenz Flow by OHAM, Journal of mathematics, Volume 2021.

  3. Analytical Analysis of Effects of Bouyancy, Internal Heat Generation, Magnetic Field, and Thermal Radiation on a Boundary Layer over a vertical Plate with a Convective Surface Boundary Condition, International Journal of Differential Equations, Volume 2020.

  4. Fitted Numerical Method for Singularly Perturbed Differential-Difference Equations, International Journal of Differntial Equations,Volume 2020

  5. Numerical Solutions of Second Order Initial Value Problems of Bratu-Type equation Using Higher Ordered Rungu-Kutta Method, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 10, October 2017.


  • Contact Address:

  • Email:

  • Tel:0917087264/0942634459

  • P.O.Box:

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Sisay Dibaba

  • Title: (Dr. / Mr./Mrs.)
  • Full Name:  Mr. Sisay Dibaba
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: (Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant professor/Lecturer etc)
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization:
  1. Numerical Analysis
  2. BSc in Civil Engineering
  • Research interest: numerical analysis
  • Contact Address:
  • Tel:+25191822019
  • Fax:
  • P.O. Box:


Semira Hussien Alemu

Title: Mrs.

Full Name: Semira Hussien Alemu

Nationality: Ethiopian

Academic Rank: Lecturere

College/institute: College of Natural Sciences

Department: Mathematics

Field of specialization: Functional Analysis

Research interest: Fixed Point Theory

Contact Address:

  • Email:

  • Tel: +251911382001

  • Fax:

  • P.O. Box:

Nigussa Lemessa Bayissa  

  • Title: Mr
  • Full Name:Nigussa Lemessa Bayissa  
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Analysis
  • Research interest: Analysis (Complex Analysis)
  • Publications: None
  • Contact Address:
  • Email:
  • Tel: 0949650118
  • Fax:
  • P.O. Box:

Mustefa Abduletif Mohamud

  • Title: (Mr.
  • Full Name:  Mustefa Abduletif Mohamud
  • Nationality:
  • Academic Rank: Lecturer
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Analysis
  • Research interest: I have interest
  • Publications: On process
  • Contact Address:
  • Email:
  • Tel: 0910156409
  • Fax:
  • P.O. Box:

 Melkamu Goshina Adino

  • Full Name:  Melkamu Goshina Adino
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: (Lecturer )
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Department: Mathematics
  • Field of specialization: Differential Equations
  • Research interest:Differential Equations area


  • Contact Address:
  • Email:
  • Tel:+251921178935/+251931101137
  • Fax:
  • P.O. Box: