Tadesse Habtamu Tessema

Tadesse Habtamu Tessema


Biology Department

  • Full Name: Tadesse Habtamu Tessema
  • Nationality: Ethiopian
  • Academic Rank: Associate Professor, Ecological and Systematic Zoology; wildlife Ecology
  • College/institute: College of Natural Sciences
  • Field of specialization: Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
  • Research interest
    • Biodiversity assessment at remotest and less accessible parts of the country and elsewhere 
    • Conservation and sustainable use of wildlife resources
    • Improvement of the civet musk, through improving home management (the trapping, caging, housing, feeding, health and other related systems) of civet in privet farms and commercializing the product
    • Cataloguing the wildlife diversity of South-western part of the country
    • Mapping the ecotourism potentials of Southwestern Ethiopia 
    • Assessing the ecology, determining the conservation status and economic significant wildlife resources of the south western Ethiopia 
    • Consultancy services in commercial civet musk production 
    • Rodent ecology research and the economic impact assessment
  • Publications
    1. Tefera GG, Tessema Tadesse H, Bekere TA, Gutema TM (2024) Human- common hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius)-conflict in the Dhidhessa Wildlife Sanctuary and its surrounding, Southwestern Ethiopia. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0303647. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0303647 
    2. Tariku M. G., Alemneh M., Abebayehu A., Dessalegn O. G., Shiferaw D., Tibebu A., Dejene G., Tadese H., Dagne T. D., Diress T. and  Nils C. (2023). Wildlife roadkill in Southwestern Ethiopia: Hotspots, drivers, and victim species. Heliyon: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19783.
    3. Nimona A., Tsegaye G., Tadesse H. and Tolera Kuma (2024). Diversity, distribution, and relative abundance of medium and large-sized mammals in Chukala Mountain Forest, East Shoa Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. BMC Zoology, 9:18 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40850- 024-00207-x
    4. Tadesse Habtamu and Afework Bekele (2008). Habitat association of insectivores and rodents of Alatish National Park, northwestern Ethiopia. J. Tro. Ecol. 1: 1-11.
    5. Tadesse Habtamu and Afework Bekele (2012). The species composition, relative abundance, and habitat association of small mammals along the altitudinal gradient of Jiren Mountain, Jimma. Afr. Jou. Ecol. 51: 37–46    https://doi.org/10.1111/aje.12005       
    6. Tadesse Habtamu and Afework Bekele (2011). Population status and potential hazard posed by the Bohor reedbuck in Jimma airport compound (JAC), southwestern Ethiopia. As. J. Ani. Scie. 6: 278-290. https://doi.org/ajas.2012.278.290
    7. Matthias De Beenhouwer, Jan Merten  and Tadese Habtamu (2015). Camera trap observation of crested rat (Lophiomys imhausi, Muroidea: Rodentia) in Belete-Gera montane rainforest, south-western Ethiopia, Afr. J. Ecol. 1-3 doi: 10.1111/aje.12237
    8.  Dereje Negeri, Tsegaye Gadisa and Tadese Habtamu (2015). The Diversity, Distribution and Relative Abundance of Medium and Large-sized Mammals in Baroye Controlled Hunting Area, Illubabor Zone, Southwest Ethiopia. Intl. J. of Mol. Evol. and Biodivers, 5: 1-9 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40850-024-00207-x
    9. Brnesh Hailemariam, Tsegaye Gadisa, Tadese Habtamu and Gelaye Gebremichael (2015). THE STATUS AND FEEDING ECOLOGY OF MENELIK’S BUSHBUCK (Tragelaphus scriptus, MENELIKI, NEUMANN, 1902) IN WOF-WASHA FOREST, NORTH SHOA, Ethiopia.  Inter.J. Curr. Res. 7: 16366-16370 https://api.semanticscholar.org/CorpusID:221138635
    10. Rabira Gonfa, Tsegaye Gadisa and Tadesse Habtamu (2015). The diversity, abundance and habitat association of medium and large sized mammals of Dati-Wolel National Park, Western Ethiopa. Inter. J. Biodi. Cons. https://doi.org/10.5897/IJBC2014.0808
    11. Tadesse Habtamu, Afework Bekele, Abdu Mohammed, Taye Tolemariam, Belay Birlie, Berhanu Belay (2017). Parasites of wild and captive African civets (Civettictis civetta) from Limmu, Southwestern Ethiopia. Asian J. Anim. Scie. DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2017
    12. Tadesse Habtamu, Afework Bekele, Raya Ahmed, Tsegaye Gadisa, Belay Berlie, Taye Tolemariam and Berhanu Belay (2017). Diets of the African Civet Civettictis civetta (Schreber, 1778) in selected coffee forest habitat, south- western Ethiopia. Afr. J. Ecol, doi: 10.1111/aje.12390
    13. Tadesse Habtamu, Tesfaye Serbessa, Afework Bekele and Jeffrey R. (2016). THE COMPOSITION OF PERINEAL GLAND SECRETION (MUSK) FROM THE AFRICAN CIVET CIVETICTTIS CIVETTA (SCHREBER, 1776). Intern.J . Curr. Res. 8: 27787-27794.
    14. Tadesse Habtamu (2019): Civet husbandry in Ethiopia
    15. Tadesse Habtamu and Ewnetu Hailu (2009). The role of Continuous professional Development (CPD) in improving teachers competency. Proceeding, “Education Expertise Canter (EEC)”, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
    16. Tadesse Habtamu (2011). Wildlife Ecology and Management. Module prepared for distance course, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopa, 93 pp.
    17. Dereje Denu and Tadesse Habtamu (2010). Principles of Ecology. Module prepared for distance course, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopa, 187, pp.


Phone: +251911962721

Email: tadesse.habtamu@ju.edu.et