BSc Degree Program in Biology


Professional Profile

Upon completing the undergraduate study program in Biology, a graduate is supposed to acquire the following skills and knowledge:


  • Critical thinking and problem- solving ability.
  • Graduates will be able to solve problem by implementation of the scientific process of forming hypotheses, gathering and critically evaluating information from the literature, the use of technology etc.
  • Employing experimental design in laboratory, field settings and synthesizing and analyzing information by using numerical and statistical technique.
  • Graduates will be able to create their own business enterprise by applying the knowledge they will grasp from their education journey.

Scientific concepts (Knowledge)


  • Proficiency in a range of basic biological concepts such as: molecular, cellular and organismal perspectives.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of material and an understanding of a range of concepts and issues in those areas of Biology.

Effective communication


  • Graduates will be able to engage in effective scientific communication in a professional setting, including technical writing, oral presentation and use of available technology.

Ethical responsibility


  • Apply ethical practice and behavior in all aspects of biological scientific endeavors and demonstrates the ethical aspects of science, their conduct as a scientist and their conduct as a citizens.
  • Respects the diversity of culture, ethnicity, religion etc. of the others.

Cultural diversity


  • Graduates will be able to approach and solve biological  problems  critically  with scientific literacy in individual and group settings and incorporate a diversity of ideas and approach.
    • Interact professionally in situation with others having different background culture, education and interests.

        Graduate Profile

Upon completing the undergraduate study program in Biology, a graduate should develop scientific concepts, critical thinking, creativity and problem solving ability, effective communication skills and ethical responsibility with the appreciation of cultural diversity. Specifically the graduate can:


  • Use and handle basic biological lab equipment, chemicals and reagents effectively.
  • Transfer basic knowledge concerning cellular biology.
  • Transfer knowledge of the anatomy, morphology, physiology and adaptation of plants and animals for different environmental conditions.
  • Value the economic and ecological importance of plants and animals.
  • Apply botanical techniques on gardening, cultivation, collection and preservation of plant specimens.
  • Categorize and classify animals based on their Phylogenetic relationships.
  • Establish business enterprise on apiculture and sericulture products.
  • Design and formulate insect pest and vector management strategies.
  • Plan   and     implement             sustainable    management    strategies    in    the   conservation          and utilization of aquatic resources.
  • Design and apply aquaculture techniques in the commercial production of aquatic organisms.
  • Apply microbial techniques in isolation, identification, cultivation and characterization of microorganisms used in Agriculture, Medicine, Industries, Environment and related sectors.
  • Identify and systematically categorize organisms based on evolutionary relationship.
  • Apply herbarium and zoological museum techniques.
  • Document indigenous knowledge on conservation and utilization of natural resources.
  • Enhance the capacity of national parks and environmental protection agencies.
  • Apply mitigation measures on environmental changes.
  • Design preventive and management measures against infectious diseases.
  • Assist in immunodiagnostic research activities.
  • Participate in awareness creation in HIV/AIDS and other epidemic diseases.
  • Develop project proposals, conduct Biological researches and write scientific report in Agricultural, Medicinal, Industrial and related sectors.
  • Apply and use molecular and biotechnological techniques in various sectors to solve societal problems.
  • Apply biological field techniques and experimental design.
  • Assist in experimental and practical applications of the principles in plant and animal hybridization.
  • Use    tissue culture and biotechnology techniques in                    experimental           and practical applications.
  • Identify different behavioral patterns displayed by animals.
  • Pursue postgraduate trainings in national as well as international higher learning institutions.
  • Teach biology in high schools and higher learning institutions after receiving basic pedagogical trainings.
  • Provide professional service and leadership in biological disciplines, positively influence the society and serve as agent of change in matters related to biological sciences such as conservation and management of natural resources, disease control, and food security.

Program Requirements

Admission Requirements

In order to be admitted to the Undergraduate Program of the Department of Biology, a candidate must:


  1. Have successfully completed freshman program (First year courses); as per the admission rules and regulations of the university and ministry of Science and Higher Education or
  2. Have diploma in biology or other related biological disciplines from any accredited higher learning institutions.

Graduation Requirements

In order to qualify for graduation, a candidate should collect the following credit hours: A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 out of 4 is required for graduation. No graduation is allowed with an “F” grade in any one of the courses.

Degree Nomenclature

Upon successful completion of the program, the candidate will be awarded the following degree.


  • In English “Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology” and
    • In Amharic የ ሳይንስ ባችለር ዲግሪ በስነ-ህይወት”.

Medium of Instruction


  • English

Duration of the Study


  • The Biology Bachelor Program is a 4-year program divided into eight equal semesters.