S. No. Course Title Course No. Cr. hrs. Course category
1 Seminar I (Advanced topics in Aquaculture and Fisheries I) Biol 741 1 Compulsory
2 Seminar II (Advanced topics in Aquaculture and Fisheries II) Biol 742 1 Compulsory
3 Independent Study Biol 743 2 Compulsory
4 Advanced Techniques in Aquaculture Biol 711 3 Compulsory
5 Advances in Fish Stock Assessment and Management Biol 722 3 Compulsory
6 Advanced Limnology Biol 732 3 Elective
7 Advanced Research Method and Scientific Writing Biol 744 2 Elective
8 Doctoral Dissertation Biol 841 12 (P/F) Compulsory


Bridge courses
1 Introduction to Fish Diversity and Biology Biol 501 2  
2 Fisheries post-harvest Technology Biol 503 2  
3 Statistics for a Biologist Stat 505 2  
4 Feed and Nutrition in Aquaculture Biol 514 2  



Based on the DGC assessment, candidates whose MSc background are not directly or related to Fisheries and Aquaculture will be required to take the following bridge courses from the MSc program in Aquaculture and Fisheries before becoming eligible to register for the PhD courses proper during Year I Semester I. Consequently, for such students the course work duration before proceeding to the PhD Dissertation will be one and half academic year. These courses are considered part of the student’s PhD training and thus appear on the student’s academic transcript. The course schedule for students taking bridge courses will accordingly extend from Year I Semester I through Year II Semester I i.e. one and half academic year.

Year I Semester I (for students taking bridge courses)


Bridge courses    
Course Title Course No. Cr. hrs.
Introduction to Fish Diversity and Biology Biol 501 2
Fisheries post-harvest Technology Biol 503 2
Statistics for a Biologist Stat 505 2
Feed and Nutrition in Aquaculture Biol 514 2
Total 9

Year I    Semester I    (Year I Semester II, for students taking bridge courses)


Course Title Course No Cr.hrs.
Advanced Techniques in Aquaculture Biol 711 3
Seminar I (Advanced topics in Aquaculture and Fisheries I) Biol 741 1
Independent Study Biol 743 2
Total 6

Year I    Semester II (Year II Semester I, for students taking bridge courses)


Course Title Course No Cr.Hr.
Advances in Fish stock Assessment and Management Biol 722 3
Seminar II (Advanced topics in Aquaculture and Fisheries II) Biol 742 1
Elective Biol 7xx 2-3
Total 6-7

Year II    Semester I (Year II Semester II, for students taking bridge courses)


Course Title Course No. Cr. hrs
Doctoral Dissertation* Biol 841 12 (P/F)
Total 12 (P/F)
*Doctoral Dissertation  will continue to the end of the program