

Professional profile

Upon completing the undergraduate study program in Biology Education, a graduate is supposed to acquire the following skills and knowledge:


Critical thinking and problem- solving ability


  • Graduates will be able  to  solve  problem  by  implementation  of  the  scientific  process  of forming hypotheses, gathering and critically evaluating information from the literature, the use of technology etc..
  •   employing experimental design in laboratory, field settings and synthesizing and analyzing information by using numerical and statistical technique


Scientific concepts (Knowledge)


  • Proficiency in a range of basic biological concepts such as: molecular, cellular and organismal perspectives
  • Demonstrate knowledge of material and an understanding of a range of concepts and issues in those areas of Biology.


Effective communication

Graduates will be able to engage in effective scientific communication in a professional setting, including technical writing, oral presentation and use of available technology.


Ethical responsibility


  • Apply ethical practice and behaviour in all aspects of biological scientific endeavours and demonstrates the ethical aspects of science, their conduct as a scientist and their conduct as a citizens.


Cultural diversity


  • Graduates will be able to approach and solve biological problems critically with scientific literacy in individual and group settings and incorporate a diversity of ideas and approach.
  • Interact professionally in situation with others having different background culture, education and interests.


5.1.   Graduate profile

After completing B.Ed degree in Biology, the graduates are able to: –


  • To teach biology from grades 7-10.
  • To teach his/her minor field of study (Chemistry) during shortage of Chemistry graduates.
  • To prepare teaching materials.
  • To conduct research in biological education and related fields.
  • To operate basic biological equipments.
  • To systematically collect and identify biological materials.
  • To undertake graduate training in teaching Biology
  • To handle environmental and conservation problems and to teach the society.


Admission Requirements

Candidates admitted to the Department of Biology must:


  • Fulfill the university entrance cut off point for teacher education is to be set by the MOE.
  • Have diploma in natural science teaching from Teachers Training Colleges/Institutions without any course exemption.
  • Details for admission shall be as stated by the University regulations and specific to the department.
  • Have pass mark in natural science entrance examination; or equivalent.


Graduation Requirements

In order to qualify for graduation, a candidate should fulfill the following requirements:


  • A total of 147 credit hours and concern university rule


Degree Nomenclature


  • Upon successful completion of the program within FOUR years the candidates will be awarded the following degree:
  • In English:  ―Bachelor of Education in Biology (B.Ed.)‖
  • In Amharic: ―የትምህርት ባችለር ዲግሪ በስነ-ህይወት‖


Medium of Instruction

        The courses will be delivered in English language.


Duration of the study

The Bachelor of Education in Biology Program is a four year program divided into eight equal semesters.


Total load

The total load the Bachelor of Education in Biology Program is 147 credit hours or 240 CP.


Courses of Year II Semester I


No Courses C. Code Cr Hrs L T P H Cp Owner Department
1. Cell Biology Biol 2021 3 2   3   5 Biology
2. Cryptogamic Botany Biol 2031 3 2   3   5 Biology
3. Inorganic chemistry Chem 2091 3 3       5 Chemistry
4. Foundations of Education TECS 2011 3 3       5 Tecs
5. Educational Psychology Psyc 2011 2 2 0 0 5 3 Psychology
6 Curriculum Studies TECS 2021 3 3       5 Tecs
7 Global trends GlTr1011 2 2 0 0 6 4 Political Science
    Total 19         32  

Courses of Year II Semester II


No Courses C. Code Cr Hrs L T P H Cp Owner Department
1. Invertebrate Zoology Biol 2052 3 2   3   5 Biology
2. General Microbiology Biol 2062 3 2   3   5 Biology
3. Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry Chem 2092 3 3       5 Chemistry
4. Practical Analytical Chemistry Chem 2094 1     3   2 Chemistry
5. Phanerogamic botany Biol 2032 2 1   3   3 Biology
6. General Methods of Teaching TECS 2032 2 2       3 TECS
7. Instructional Design and Technology TECS 2042 2 2       3 EdPM
8. Practicum I Prac 2012 2     4   3 Biology + Tecs
    Total 18         29  

Courses of Year III Semester I


No Courses C.Code Cr Hrs L T P H Cp Owner Department
1. Vertebrate Zoology Biol 3051 3 2   3   5 Biology
2. General Entomology Biol 3053 3 2   3   5 Biology
3. Entrepreneurship MGMT1011 3 3 0 0 7 5 Management
4. Introduction to Organic Chemistry Chem 3095 3 3       5 Chemistry
5. Practical Organic Chemistry Chem 3097 1     3   2 Chemistry
6. Subject Area Methods I (Major) BiEd 3081 3 3       5 Biology
7. Teaching in a Multicultural Setting TECS 3061 2 2       3 Tecs
    Total 18         30  

Courses of Year III Semester II


No Courses C.Code Cr Hrs L T P H Cp Owner Department
1. Mammalian Anatomy and Physiology Biol 3052 3 2   3   5 Biology
2. Fundamentals of Biochemistry BiCh 3024 3 3       5 Biology
3. Subject Area Methods II (major) BiEd 4081 3 3       5 Biology
4. Animal Behavior Biol 3054 2 2       3 Biology
5. Action Research TECS 3072 2 2       3 Tecs
6. Practicum II Prac 3012 3     6   5 Biology + Tecs
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning Psyc 3022 2 2       3 Psychology
    Total 18         29  

Courses of Year IV Semester I


No Courses C.Code Cr Hrs L T P H Cp Owner Department
1. Parasitology and Immunology Biol 4061 3 2   3   5 Biology
2. Principles of Genetics Biol 4041 3 2   3   5 Biology
3. Biodiversity and Conservation Biology Biol 4071 2 2       3 Biology
4. Fundamentals of Biostatistics BiSt 4021 3 3       5 Biology
5. Plant physiology Biol 4031 3 2   3   5 Biology
6. School and Society EdPM 4011 2 2       3 EdPM
7. Teachers as Reflective Practitioners TECS 4081 2 2       3 Tecs
    Total 18         29  

Courses of Year IV Semester II


No Courses C. Code Cr Hrs L T P H Cp Owner Department
1. Principles of Taxonomy Biol 4024 2 2       3 Biology
2. Evolution Biol 4042 2 2       3 Biology
3. Biotechnology Biol 4044 2 2       3 Biology
4. Practicum III Prac 4032 3     6   5 Biology + Tecs
5. Inclusive Education Incl 4012 2 2       3 TECS
6. Educational Organization and management EdPM 4022 2 2       3 EdPM
7. Economics Econ1011 3 3 0 0 7 5 Biology
8. Principles of Ecology Biol 4072 3 3       5 Biology
    Total 19         30  

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