BSc in Information Science Course Description

INSC 2111—Introduction to Information Science (6). Introduces information science, covering history, philosophy, and methodologies. Topics include information systems, origination, classification, and key issues like bibliometrics, retrieval, and AI

SNIE 1012—Inclusiveness (3). Students will learn how to assess, understand and address the needs of persons with disabilities and provide relevant/extra support from experts to benefit all citizens equally.

INSC 2113—Information and Digital Literacy (5). Explores information and digital literacy in organizations, covering systematic instructional design, needs assessment, varied teaching methods, and evaluating learning and programs for effective information use.

INSC 2115—Fundamentals of Database (5). Overview of database theory and practical applications, concepts, architecture (internal, conceptual, external), data models (hierarchical, network, relational), design principles, ER-model, normalization, SQL, & QBE basics

INSC 2221—Fundamental of Programming I (5). Focuses on methodology, emphasizing software engineering principles. Students develop skills in problem analysis, design, and implementation using contemporary methods, inheritance, polymorphism

INSC 2222—Fundamental of Programming II (5). Prerequisites: INSC 2221. Covers C++ essentials: File management, recursion, function overloading, linking files, STL usage, data structures, bitwise operators, exceptions, templates, OOP fundamentals, inheritance, polymorphism.

INSC 2223—Advanced Database (5). Prerequisites: INSC 2115. Covers advanced aspects of DBMS, including relational and object-oriented databases, query processing, distributed systems and security. It emphasizes their significance in various fields.

INSC 2112—Fundamentals of Data Science (5). Covers challenges of utilizing abundant data and introduces Data Science tasks. It aims to equip students with skills in data analysis, modeling, visualization, and communication.

INSC 2524—Data Communication and Networking (5). Covers Computer Networks, OSI and TCP/IP models, Internet, protocols, signals, transmission media, encoding, switching, error control, network topologies, LANs, WANs, addressing, and security.

INSC 2826—System Analysis and Design (5). Covers information systems development phases, emphasizing initiation, analysis, design, development, implementation, and maintenance. It balances theory and application, emphasizing modeling concepts and practical project

INSC 3415—Collection Development and Management (4). Covers principles and processes for creating and managing Information center collections, prioritizing identification, evaluation, selection, acquisition, and preservation. Includes diverse patron needs and legal consideration

INSC 3223—Visual Basic Programming (5). Prerequisites: INSC 2221, INSC 2222. Covers essential programming skills for Windows app development using Visual C#. Include Visual program structure, syntax, implementation, hands-on application building with .NET Framework.

INSC 4913—Information Storage and Retrieval System (5). Explores both traditional and recent advancements in information retrieval, covering text processing, indexing, querying, organization, and classification. Topics include efficient indexing, retrieval models, and evaluation

INSC 3713—Internet Programming (5). Covers internet and WWW, client-server architecture, protocols, static and dynamic pages, client-side scripting, and markup languages. Introduce students to website creation concepts and maintain websites.

INSC 3414—Knowledge Organization and Management (7). Covers subject analysis, classification, and control of information resources. It includes Dewey decimal and LCC systems, subject headings, catalog organization, and principles of information indexing.

INSC 3516—System Administration and Networking (5). Prerequisites: INSC 2524. Covers HP-UX 11i, HP’s UNIX OS, covering advanced system administration on a standalone server. Prepares students for HP-UX System Administrator roles in diverse environments

INSC 3625—Digital Libraries (5). Involves creating, promoting, and selling digital products to solve niche-specific problems. It’s a profitable business leveraging the digital shift, incorporating channels like SEO, social media.

INSC 3721—Advanced Web Programming (5). Prerequisites: INSC 3713. Covers the business logic service in multi-tier architecture, addressing gaps in web development. Emphasis is on server-side programming using Java or alternative languages for web-based applications.

INSC 3222—Data Structure and Algorithm (5). Prerequisites: INSC 2221, INSC 2222. Introduces the nature of data structures, different algorithms, searching techniques and other related topics.

INSC 3211—Object Oriented Programming (5). Prerequisites: INSC 2221, INSC 2222. Emphasizeson the methodology of programming from an object-oriented perspective and software engineering principles. It allows students to develop the ability to analyses programming

INSC 3624—Automation of Library and Information Systems (5). Explores the integration of technology in libraries, addressing information systems, key concepts, reasons for automation, components, requirements, and challenges in library automation.

INSC 2825—Research Methods and Evaluation (5). Overview of research principles, techniques, theories, and hypotheses. Covers experimental/non-experimental research, measurement, data collection, analysis, interpretation. Emphasizes quantitative methods, research processes

INSC 3112—Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (5). Prerequisites: INSC 3222.Covers AI knowledge through Python-based labs, covering methodologies, tools, and theoretical aspects. Students apply concepts in practical sessions, projects, and assignments to strengthen comprehension

INSC  4712—Student Research Project Phase I (5). Help Students identify problems, acquire skills, analysis, and project design. They develop projects, enhancing practical skills to solve technical issues and excel in the industry.

INSC 3826—Scholarly Communication and Bibliometric (4). Explores scholarly information production, dissemination, and evaluation, covering print and digital modes, formal and informal models. Emphasis on open access, peer review, and the information professional’s role.

INSC 3327—Information Sources and Services (4). Covers bibliographic information sources and services, emphasizing user needs and preferences. It integrates print and electronic resources, focusing on practical experience in reference services, information retrieval skill

INSC  4615—Multimedia System (5). Covers fundamental concepts and techniques of multimedia systems, addressing components, applications, media elements, digital signal processing, compression, and Optical Storage Media, offering a comprehensive understanding

INSC 4914—Data Mining and Data Warehousing (6). Covers data warehousing, data mining concepts, dimensional modeling, data warehouse architectures, OLAP, project planning, and knowledge discovery process for comprehensive understanding in these areas

INSC 4316—Industrial Practice (5). Students  will go to  various information centers, gaining experience for one-month and  learnpractically under a professional supervisor’s guidance, who evaluates based on performance.

INSC 4426—Management of Library and Information Center (5). Covers comprehensive aspects of information practice, introducing theories, techniques in contemporary management science, preparing students for managerial roles in libraries through instruction, and critical reflections.

INSC 4422—Archives and Records Management (5). Provides overview of archival, records, and museum management, covering key questions about their importance, guiding principles, components, appraisal, arrangement, and the impact of information technologies

INSC 4821—Student Research Project II (5). Prerequisites: INSC 4712.

Students engage in Research Project phase II, contributing to problem-solving activities, system development, and documentation. Emphasis on originality and innovation in addressing community problems.

INSC 2123—Data Curation   and Management (3). Covers data curation and management, emphasizing lifecycle activities like content creation, metadata design, database entry, access policies, and data reuse for scholarly and educational purposes

INSC 4323—Information Policy and Security (3). Covers information policy, security, cyberspace law, information services. Emphasizes critical thinking on policy issues in the evolving information environment. Addresses government and private sector roles.

INSC 4324—Introduction to Health Informatics (3). Introduces health informatics, emphasizing optimal data use for healthcare advancement. It covers evidence-based Medicine, technology applications, ethical issues, practical skills in managing health information systems

INSC 4325—Information Marketing (3). Involves creating, promoting, and selling digital products to solve niche-specific problems. It’s a profitable business leveraging the digital shift, incorporating channels like SEO, social media.