BSc in Mechanical Engineering Course Descriptions

MENG 2061—Engineering Drawing (5) Drawing concepts. Types and systems of projection, Isometric and pictorial drawing. Primary, secondary, partial and complete auxiliary views. Sectional drawing. Development of surfaces & Intersection lines of geometries

CENG 2051—Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) (5) Scalars and Vectors, coplanar and no coplanar force systems, Equitation of equilibrium for different force systems, Analysis of simple Structures, Centroid & center of gravity, Area moment of inertial and Friction

MENG 2052—Engineering Mechanics II – Dynamics (5) Pre-requisite CENG 2051, Kinematics and kinetics of particles & Rigid bodies. Relative motion, Dynamic Equilibrium. Work and Energy. Linear and Angular Impulse and momentum, Impact and motion of constrained particles

MENG 2112—Strength of Materials I (5) Stress, Axially Loaded Members, Shear Force and Shear Stress, Bearing Stress, Deformation and Strain, Stress-Strain Diagram, Hooke‘s, Ultimate and Allowable Stress, Factor of Safety, Torsion, Beams & Column

MENG 2132—Engineering Thermodynamics I (5) Concepts and definitions. Properties of pure substances. Energy transport by work, heat and mass. The first and second laws of thermodynamics. Entropy. Availability and Irreversibility

MENG 2122—Engineering Materials I (5) Classifications, Fundamentals, atomic structure, bonds, crystalline structure, Defects in crystalline structures and dislocation theory; Deformation in solids; Mechanical properties Phases transformations, Failure

ECENG 2202—Basic Electricity and Electronics (3) Electrical circuits; Electromagnetism; Alternating Current Fundamentals; Semiconductors and Operational Amplifiers.

MENG 2142—Workshop Practice – I (3) Practical training on basic workshop technology on bench work, sheet metal fabrication. Practical training on metal joining like welding, brazing and spot welding

MENG 3121—Engineering Materials II (5) Pre-requisite MENG 2122, Concepts in phase transformations and Heat treatment, Introduction to ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals, organic and inorganic materials, corrosion and degradation of materials

MENG 3131—Engineering Thermodynamics II (5) Pre-requisite MENG 2132, Ideal gases and their mixtures, gas-steam mixtures, wet air, psychometric charts and air conditioning process. Vapor power cycles. Air standard cycles. Thermodynamic relations. Refrigeration processes.

MENG 3111—Strength of Materials II (5) Pre-requisite MENG 2112, Stresses on Oblique Planes, Pure Shear, Mohr‘s Stress Circle, Strain Energy, Suddenly Applied Load, Statically Indeterminate Structures, Beams, Cylinders & Torsion of Non-circular cross-sections

MENG 3171—Fluid Mechanics (5) Introduction to Fluid Mechanics; Hydrostatics pressure in Fluids; Flow Classification; Properties of fluids; Viscous fluid flows; Turbulent flow in pipes; Gas dynamics (optional)

MENG 3101—Machine Drawing I (5) The course is about; the basic principles and standards in assembly and production drawing: standardization, title block, bill of material, scale, paper size, numbering; Dimensioning, Limit System, fits & Tolerances

MENG 3192—Manufacturing Engineering I (5) Basic concepts of manufacturing, casting shearing and metal forming process. Principles of plastic, rubber, composite, ceramics and glass manufacturing process. Fundamentals of powder metallurgy

MENG 3162—Mechanisms of Machinery (5) Motion; Linkages; Kinematics analysis; computer methods for kinematic analysis; cams; Joints; Governors; Gear Trains; Introduction to synthesis; Force analysis of machinery; Engine torque fluctuation; Balancing & Gyroscopes

MENG 3172—Heat transfer (5) The basic concepts; conduction; convection; radiation; heat exchangers and their analysis, Concepts of mass transfer through diffusion

MENG 3152—Machine Elements I (5) Introduction; Failure Prevention and Stress Concentrations; Design of Joints and Torque transmitting elements; Pressure vessels, pipes, valves; springs.

MENG 3141—Workshop Practice – II (3) Pre-requisite MEng 2142 Introduction to welding TIG and MIG welding; conventional machining process (lathe, milling, shaper); sand casting practice; Production of assembled parts by conventional machines; metal forming.

MENG 3072—Numerical Methods (5) Mathematical modeling and engineering problem solving; The number system errors; systems of linear algebraic equations; non-linear equations; Curve fitting; Numerical differentiation & integration; Solution of ODEs & PDEs.

MENG 3102—Machine Drawing II with CAD (3) Pre-requisite MENG 3101; Introduction CAD hardware and software; commands and settings of drawing; dimensioning;3D modeling and parametric design.

MENG 3232—Technical report writing and research Methodology (3) Report overview; Communication; Distinguishing features of a technical report; Guidelines on identification of semester project; Research process; Preparation of bibliography.

MENG 3212—Introduction to Mechatronics (3) Introduction to Mechatronics, System modeling; Elements of Mechatronics; Introduction to Control, Microprocessors and microcontrollers, Programmable logic control.

MENG 4151—Machine Elements II (5) Pre-requisite MEng 3152 Shaft and gear design; Belt and bearing selection; working principles and important relationships in brakes, couplings; clutches and flywheels.

MENG 4211—Instrumentation and Measurement (5) Principles and function of measuring instruments; measurement error analysis; Transducers and their response; signal conditioning; Transducers and measurement systems; data transmission.

MENG 4181—Machine Design Project I (5) Engineering Standards, risks and multiple Design Constraints; Conceptual and Embodiment Design. Design procedures and special calculation; Design of typical machine assemblies; Simple machine elements.

MENG 4191—Manufacturing Engineering II (5) Pre-requisite MENG 3192, Basic concepts; kinematics of machine tools; chip formation; force analysis and tool life; economics of metal cutting; principles welding and assembly process.

MENG 4221—Turbomachinery (5) Principle of operation of turbomachines; Losses in turbomachines; Performance characteristics of turbomachines; Regulation of turbomachines; Preliminary design of the rotor and housing of a turbomachine.

MENG 4301—Metrology Lab Exercise (3) linear measurement; measurement of symmetry; measurement of parallelism; measurement of angle and arc; microscopic gear measurement; measurement of surface roughness.

MENG 4161—Mechanical Vibration (5) Introduction; Modeling of dynamic systems; Free Vibration and forced vibration of Single-degree of freedom system; two-degree of freedom systems; Vibration of Multi-degree of freedom systems; Introduction to vibration control and measurement.

InEn4202—Internship (25) Motivation, Finding Industry, Problems Identification, Design Calculation, Alternative solutions for problems, Implementation, Testing, Report writing and Presentation.

MENG 5271—Pneumatics and Hydraulics (5) Introduction; Components and Design of Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems; Hydraulic and Pneumatic control valves; Hydraulic and Pneumatic actuators; Hydraulic and Pneumatic accessories; Design of Electro-hydraulic and Electro-pneumatic Systems.

MENG 5221—IC Engines and Reciprocating Machines (5) IC Engine fundamentals and classification; Operating characteristics and Performance; Thermodynamic cycle analysis; Fuels, Mixture formation and combustion; Thermo-chemistry of mixtures; Turbochargers; Engine management systems; Engine Troubleshooting.

MENG 5241—Materials Handling Equipment (5) Basics; Theory of Hoisting Equipment; Flexible Hoisting Appliances; Arresting Gears and Brakes; Different Conveyors and Elevators; Industrial Vehicles.

MENG 5181—Machine Design Project II (5) Pre-requisite MENG 4181, Standards, risks and Constraints; Power transmission drives, specification of an automobile transmission, gear train and clutching system, assembly and disassembly of power transmission system.

MENG 5251—Maintenance of Machinery (5) Types & objectives of Maintenance; Theories of Damages; Determination of Damages in Machine parts; Decision Making; Maintenance Documentations; Reliability and Maintainability; Maintenance Planning.

MENG 5281—Refrigeration and air conditioning (5) Concepts in Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Applications; Air Cycle refrigeration Systems, Vapor Compression and Absorption refrigeration systems; Components; Psychrometry; Central and Unitary Air Conditioning systems.

MENG 5282—Power Plant Engineering (5) Introduction; Steam power plant cycles; Fuels and combustion; Steam generators; Combustion mechanisms; Steam turbines; Steam condensers and circulating systems; Internal combustion power plants; engineering economy.

MENG 5212—Regulation and Control (3) Modeling Linear Systems; Time and Frequency Domain Characteristics; analysis of stability control system; Control Systems design.

MENG 5292—Industrial Management and Engineering Economy (5) Basic Management Concepts and Industrial Organization; plant layout design and ergonomics; forecasting models; material management; Project Management and Resource Allocation; investment evaluation; basic accounting principles and budgeting fundamentals

SRP5252—BS Thesis (12). Design, optimization and fabrication of mechanical application models

MENG 5351—Design of Renewable Energy System (5) Introduction to appropriate energy technology; biomass, solar, heat, wind, water energy

MEng 5411—Heavy Duty and Construction Equipment (5) Construction Equipment Category & Product Lines; Earthmoving principles, jobs & Applications; Technologies employed in Construction Equipment; Operation & Specification; Maintenance Management of Construction Equipment

MENG 5341—Product Design Development (5) Introduction; Product development and planning; Identifying Customer Needs; Developing Product Specifications; Product Architecture; Design for Manufacturing; prototyping

MENG 5381—Process Planning & Product Costing (5) process flow pattern; Automated process planning systems-CAPP; Manufacturing cost; principle of cost accounting; cost analysis.

MENG 4391—Plant layout and Design (5) Facilities planning; System requirements analysis; Design procedures, Evaluation and computer aided plant layout; Traditional and contemporary issues in manufacturing and their impact on facilities design

MENG 4431—Fundamentals of Railway Systems Engineering (5) Railway Infrastructure: Railway vehicles and Railway Operations

MENG 5352 — Thermo-fluid system design (5) Introduction to thermos-fluid systems; air ducts; liquid pumping systems; heat exchanger design; solar water heating systems

MENG 5412—Motor Vehicle Engineering (5) Introduction; Pneumatic tires and wheel; Tire dynamics; Vehicle stability; Vehicle Road performance; Power train; Braking system; Steering system; Suspension systems.

MENG 5342—Agricultural Machinery Design (5) Agricultural Machines and their operation; design of agricultural machinery; agricultural product handling

MENG 5371—Design of manufacturing tools and dies (5) Jigs and fixtures types and design; tools classification and design

MEng5391—Operation Planning and Control (5) Operations Planning Control (OPC); Basics of Manufacturing; Production Planning; Forecasting Demand; Inventory Management; Material Requirement Planning (MRP); Just in Time (JIT); theory of constraint

MENG 5442 – Rail Vehicle Design (5); Introduction; Running gear (bogie) design; Buffer and couplers design; Brake design; Pantograph design; Railway dynamics; Passenger rolling stock design and Freight wagon design