The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Jimma University has been established in September 1997 as Department of Mechanical Engineering, with the objective of responding to the need for rapid industrialization and the changing societal needs of the country for sustainable development. It has graduated batches of engineers. The faculty believes in cultivating the full potential of students, and the advancement of all forms of knowledge keeping in pace with international standards of academic quality, including the high skilled employment needs presented by a growing economy operating in global environment.
Statistical data obtained from the Jimma University, shows that the total number of mechanical engineers that graduated from the University with a B.Sc. degree during the period June 2002 to June 2017 is more than 1400. Further examination of the data shows that the number of graduates per year is increasing. Current intake capacity in undergraduate per one academic year about 500 students per batch.
With this development of manufacturing sector and the expansion of both public and private engineering institutions in the country, deeper knowledge of various branches of mechanical engineering is required along with other disciplines to play a leading role in the technological development of a country. Therefore, as a step towards meeting this demand, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering would like to elevate the level of training to M.Sc. to produce required mechanical engineers in the field of Sustainable Energy Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Mechanical System Design and Manufacturing System Engineering who will have specialized knowledge in these fields. The PhD in Sustainable Energy Engineering has started in September, 2017 for first time.
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