BS in Electrical and Computer Engineering Curriculum

Course (Department, Number, Title)

All courses in the program listed by term starting with the first term of the first year and ending with the last term of the final year.

Indicating whether the course is Required, Elective, or a Selected Elective by an R, an E, or an SE.1 Subject Area (Credit Hours)
Math & Basic Sciences Engineering Topics:

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FLEN 1011 Communicative English Language Skills I R 5
PHYS 1091 General Physics R 5
PSYL 1011 General Psychology R 5
MATH 1041 Basic Mathematics for Natural Sciences R 5
LOCT1011 Critical Thinking R 5
SPSC 1011 Physical Fitness R 0
GEES 1011 Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn R 5
FLEN 1012 Communicative English Language Skill II R 5
ANTH 1012 Social Anthropology R 4
MATH 1042 Applied Mathematics I R 5
MGMT 1022 Entrepreneurship R 5
EMTE 1032 Introduction to Emerging Technologies R 5
MCIE 1012 Moral and Civic Education R 4
ECEG 1082 Computer Programming R 5
TBPTP 1001 Demographic survey and problem identification R 5
HIST 102 History of Ethiopia and the Horn R 5
MENG 2061 Engineering Drawing R 5 (✔)
CENG 2051 Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) R 5
MATH 2043 Applied Mathematics II R 7
ECEG 2101 Probability and Random process R 5
ECEG 2111 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering R 5
ECEG 2112 Electrical Engineering Laboratory I R 3
SNIE 2012 Inclusiveness R 4
GLTR 2012 Global Trend R 4
MENG 2052 Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) R 5
ECEG 2113 Electrical Workshop Practice I R 3 (✔)
ECEG 2092 Applied Modern Physics R 5
ECEG 2121 Applied Electronics I R 5
ECEG 2122 Electrical Engineering Lab II R 3
MATH 2044 Applied Mathematics III R 7
TCBTP 2002 Appropriate technologies R 5
ECEG 3102 Computational Methods R 6
TCBTP 3002 Action plan Development R 5
ECEG3123 Applied Electronics II R 5
ECEG 3124 Electrical Engineering Lab III R 3
ECEG 3093 Electromagnetic Fields R 5
ECEG 3151 Digital Logic Design R 5 (✔)
ECEG 3131 Signals and System Analysis R 6
ECEG 3132 Network Analysis and Synthesis R 5
ECEG 3152 Object Oriented Programming R 5
ECEG 3141 Introduction to Electrical Machines R 5
ECEG 3142 Electrical Engineering Lab IV R 3
ECEG 3143 Electrical Workshop Practice II R 4 (✔)
ECEG 3153 Computer Architecture and Organization R 5
 ECEG 3094 Electrical Materials and Technology R 5
ECEG 3161 Digital Signal Processing R 5
ECEG 4171 Microcomputers and Interfacing R 5
ECEG 4164 Introduction to Communication Systems R 5
IENG M4071 Industrial Management and Engineering Economics R 5
ECEG 4165 Introduction to Control Engineering R 5
ECEG 4166 Introduction to Power Systems R 5
ECEG 4163 Electrical Engineering Laboratory V R 3
ECEG 4162 Electrical Measurement and Instrumentation R 5
TCBTP 4004 Implementation and Intervention R 5
Computer Stream
ECEG 4182 Data Structures & Algorithms Analysis R 5
ECEG 4191 Software Engineering R 5
ECEG 4193 Artificial Intelligence R 5
ECEG 4201 Data Communication and Computer Networks R 5
ECEG 4311 Embedded Systems R 5
ECEG 4181 Database Systems R 5
ECEG 4321 Research Methods and Presentation R 3
ECEG 4211 VLSI R 5
Communication Stream
ECEG 4261 Digital Communication systems R 5
ECEG 4201 Data Communication and Computer Networks R 5
ECEG 4281 EM waves and Guide Structures R 5
ECEG 4292 Optics and Optical Communication R 5
ECEG 4282 Antennas and Radio Wave Propagation R 5
ECEG 4271 Telecommunication Networks R 5
ECEG 4272 Wireless and Mobile Communication R 5
ECEG 4321 Research Methods and Presentation R 3
Power Stream
ECEG 4221 Electrical Machines R 5
ECEG 4222 Power Electronics R 5
ECEG 4241 Electrical Installation R 5
ECEG 4231 Power Systems R 5
ECEG 4301 Modern Control Systems R 5
ECEG 4232 Power System Protection R 5
ECEG 4242 Energy Conversion and Rural Electrification R 5
ECEG 4321 Research Methods and Presentation R 3
Control Stream
ECEG 4301 Modern Control Systems R 5
ECEG 4221 Electrical Machines R 5
ECEG 4241 Electrical Installation R 5
ECEG 4222 Power Electronics R 5
ECEG 4303 Instrumentation Engineering R 5
ECEG 4311 Embedded Systems R 5
ECEG 4304 Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic Control R 5
ECEG 4321 Research Methods and Presentation R 3
Computer Stream
ECEG 5322 Industry Internship R 25
ECEG 5322 Industry Internship R 25
ECEG 5322 Industry Internship R 25
ECEG 5322 Industry Internship R 25
Computer Stream
ECEG 5192 Operating Systems R 5
ECEG 5323 BS Project R 12 (✔)
ECEG 5312 Introduction to Robotics R 5
ECEG 5202 Computer and Network Security R 5
ECEG 5172 Internet of Things R 5
ECEG 5331 Exit-Exam R 0
Communication Stream
ECEG 5273 Switching and Intelligent Networks R 5
ECEG 5291 Microwave Devices and systems R 5
ECEG 5323 BS Project R 12 (✔)
ECEG 5194 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence R 5
ECEG 5274 Advanced Computer network R 5
ECEG 5331 Exit-Exam R 0
Power Stream
ECEG 5223 Electrical Drives R 5
ECEG 5252 Power System Planning and Management R 5
ECEG 5323 BS Project R 12 (✔)
ECEG 5251 Power System Operation and Control R 5
ECEG 5253 Introduction to Power Systems Automation R 5
ECEG 5331 Exit-Exam R 0
Control Stream
ECEG 5302 Digital Control Systems R 5
ECEG 5323 BS Project R 12 (✔)
ECEG 5313 Industrial Process Control and Automation R 5
ECEG 5223 Electrical Drives R 5
ECEG 5312 Introduction to Robotics R 5
ECEG 5331 Exit-Exam R 0
TOTALS (in terms of ECTS) 354 61 239 (29 ✔) 54
TOTALS (in terms of semester credit hours) 207 35 141 (16 ✔) 31
Total must satisfy minimum credit hours Minimum Semester Credit Hours 30 Hours 45 Hours