Faculty of Computing and Informatics


Faculty of Computing and Informatics has evolved from School status to Faculty status very recently and now it hosts four UG, three MSc and one PhD Program. The UG programs are Computer Science, Information Science, Information Technology and Software Engineering. The postgraduate programs are PhD in Information Science; Masters of Science in Information Science with two streams, namely, Knowledge and Information Management and Electronic and Digital Resource Management; Masters of Science in Information Technology and Masters of Science in Computer Networking. We enroll students to these programs since 2012. As of 2021/22 academic year three very important and timely postgraduate programs are going to be launched. These programs are: MSc in Data Science, MSc in Artificial Intelligence and MSc in Software Engineering. We believe that these programs will significantly contribute to manpower development of the country and beyond and a golden opportunity for our prospective students.

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Faculty of Computing and Informatics

August 22, 2024

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