BS in Civil Engineering Course Description

CENG 2051—Engineering Mechanics I (5). Prerequisite: Phys 1011. Scalars and Vectors, Resultants of force systems, Equation of equilibrium, Analysis of simple structures, Internal Actions in Beams, Centroid, Area Moment of Inertia, and Friction.

CENG 2161—Hydraulics (5). Prerequisite: CENG 2051. Properties of fluids; hydrostatics; fluid kinematics; Basics of fluid dynamics; dimensional analysis and similitude.

CENG 2101—Strength of Materials (6). Prerequisites: Math 2042, CENG 2051. Stress and strain of axially loaded members, Torsion, Flexural and Shearing stresses, plane stress, Deflection of Statically Determinate Structures and Stability of compressive members.

CENG 2191—Transport Planning and Modeling (5). Transport planning; policy formulation and economic evaluation. Transport modeling elements; travel demand and ways of forecasting.

CENG 2071—Civil Engineering Workshop Practice (2). Plumbing, wood work, plastering, masonry work, basic electrical installation and similar works

CENG 2091—Engineering Surveying I (5). Introduction to surveying, error and types of error in survey measurement, Levelling, Measuring and setting out angles, Distance measurement, Control survey, Control networks, Field Practice

CENG 2141—Engineering Geology (5). Introduction to the World of Geotechnics, Earth’s, Interior and Geologic structures, Rocks Types, Mineralogy and Stratigraphy, geological processes, Fundamentals of Geological Investigation, Geology and Construction

CENG 2102—Theory of Structures I (5). Prerequisites: CENG 2051. Stability & Determinacy of Structures, Loads on Structures, Deflections of Statically Determinate Structures, and Influence Lines (IL) for statically determinate Structures.

CENG 3092—Engineering Surveying II (GIS and Remote Sensing for Engineers) (5). Prerequisites: CENG 2091. Reference and Coordinate Systems, Topographic Survey and mapping, Setting out survey, Application of Photogrammetry for civil engineering, introduction to GNSS and GIS

CENG 3081—Numerical Methods (5). Prerequisite: ECEG 2052, Math 2042. Mathematical modelling; roots of equations; linear algebraic equations; solutions of systems of nonlinear equations; curve fitting; numerical differentiation, numerical solution of ODE.

CENG 3101—Theory of Structures II (5). Prerequisite: CENG 2102. Analysis of Indeterminate structures; Influence Lines for statically indeterminate Structures; Computer Aided Analysis of structures.

CENG 3162—Open Channel Hydraulics (5). Prerequisite: CENG 2161. Open channel structures and flows. The knowledge from this course is applied when designing open channel civil engineering structures.

CENG 3142—Soil Mechanics I (5). Prerequisites: CENG 2141, CENG 2101. Genesis of soil and soil mechanics, simple soil properties, classification and field identification of soils, soil permeability and seepage analysis, soil compaction, stress in soil mass.

CENG 3192—Traffic & Road Safety Engineering (3). Prerequisite: CENG 2191. Traffic engineering, mathematical relationships in traffic flow, highway capacity and levels of service analysis, traffic control, traffic, and road safety engineering.

CENG 3111—Construction Materials (5). The construction process involves classification and nature of materials, including cement, mortar, concrete, metals, timber, clay, building blocks, stones, bitumen, rubber, and polymeric materials.

CENG 3163—Engineering Hydrology (5) Prerequisite: CENG 3162. General principles and methods of hydrology, introduction of hydrologic processes, elements of Hydrological cycle, stream flow analysis, flood hydrograph, flood routing and flood frequency analysis.

CENG 3121—Reinforced Concrete Structure I (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3101. Development of concrete, Mechanical behaviors of concrete and reinforcing steel, Design of beam, solid and Ribbed slabs, serviceability requirements (EBCS), Structural detailing of beams.

CENG 3112—Fundamental of Architecture (5). Introduction to architecture, Landscape architecture and aesthetic design, construction of structure related to architecture, drawing of architectural, structural, plumbing, electrical and connection detail aspects.

CENG 3201—Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3192. Economic survey, route selection, drainage and filter material design, design of geometrical elements –intersections and interchanges, geometrical design with software application, quantifying volumes.

CENG 3171—Hydraulic Structure I (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3162, CENG 3143. Dams and its classifications, spillways, energy dissipaters and spillway gates.

CENG 3143—Soil Mechanics II (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3142. Soil compressibility and settlement analysis, shear strength of soils, bearing capacity of soils, soil slope stability, fundamentals of unsaturated soil mechanics.

CENG 3093—Integrated Surveying Field Practice (2). Prerequisite: CENG 3092. Control Survey, Topographic Survey, Highway Alignment, Canal Alignment, Leveling Work and Triangulation.

CENG 4181—Water Supply and Treatment (5). Prerequisites CENG 2161. Water demand and quantity, sources of water supply, water characteristics, water treatment process, and distribution of water, water supply and installation.

CENG 4122—Reinforced Concrete Structures II (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3121. Pattern loading and moment redistribution for analysis and design of continuous beams, Analysis and design of slabs, Design of column, beams for torsion, Structural detailing.

CENG 4231—Contract, Specification & Quantity Survey (3). Specifications, quantity surveying, procurement, contract law, contract documents, administration, claim settlement, bidding theory, and tender document preparation in civil engineering constructions.

CENG 4202—Pavement Materials, Analysis and Design (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3201. Traffic volume, loading, subgrade soils, pavement materials, aggregate properties, stabilized and bituminous materials, asphalt mixtures, mix design, flexible pavements.

CENG 4172—Hydraulic Structures II (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3171. Fundamental theories of river morphology design and analysis of river erosion protection works, flood protection works.

CENG 4151—Foundation Engineering I (5). Prerequisite: CENG 3143. Ground investigation, types and selection of foundations, design of shallow foundations and ground improvement techniques.

CENG 4113—Building Construction (3). Prerequisite: CENG 3111. Building drawing, functional planning, structural systems, building materials, construction details, wall finishing, plastering, painting, and roof.

CENG 4251—Technical Report Writing & Research Methods for Engineers (2). Prerequisite: FLEN 1012. Report writing skills and research methodologies, develop solid technical report and paper/thesis writing skills, analysis and data interpretation techniques.

CENG 4232—Engineering Economics (5). Basic Concepts of Engineering Economics, Cost of money, economic evaluation, depreciation and replacement analysis, financial management and project economic feasibility study.

INEN 4202—Internship (25). Prerequisite: CENG 4122, CENG 4202, CENG 4151, CENG 4231 & CENG 4113. Civil engineering design, construction, project planning, managing, market identification and assessment techniques, new business idea and intellectual property protection.

CENG 5233—Construction Equipment (5). Construction equipment: types, uses, components, operation, productivity and market aspect, environmental aspect of construction equipment.

CENG 5152—Foundation Engineering II (5). Prerequisites: CENG 4151. Analyze and design Deep Foundations; Retaining Systems, introduce the state-of-the-art concept and practice of using Geosynthetics.

CENG 5182—Waste Water Treatment (5). Prerequisites: CENG 4181. Collection and transport mechanisms of waste water, Waste water sources, waste water treatment technologies & recycling.

CENG 5183—Environmental Engineering (5). Environmental components, pollution sources, impact of humans on the environment, material balance, transport and fate of pollution, pollution minimization and treatment technologies.

CENG 5173—Irrigation Engineering (5). Prerequisite: CENG 4172. Basic irrigation engineering; Types of Irrigation system; Irrigation distribution network, Drainage.

CENG 5271—Civil Engineering Software (5). Design building, highway and shallow foundation by using different user friendly softwares and Construct 3D/2D models in AutoCAD.

CENG 5252—Integrated Civil Engineering Design (5). Prerequisites: CENG 4122, CENG 4151, CENG 4202. Introduction to important engineering software and Conducting an integrated Project having components from various disciplines.

CENG 5251—Structural Design (5). Prerequisite: CENG 4122. The course covers Plastic Analysis for slab and framed structures, Strip methods for slabs, Loads and Load effects, Lateral Load resisting systems, Introduction to capacity-based design.

CENG 5352—Fundamentals of Bridge Design (5). Prerequisites: CENG 4122, CENG 3201. It covers Introduction, Investigation, Types and their Selection, Loading, Superstructure, Substructures, Bearings and Railings, Culverts and Water Crossings, Inspection and Maintenance.

CENG 5123—Steel & Timber Structures (5). Prerequisites: CENG 3101. Mechanical properties of structural steel and timber elements, Design of tension, compression and flexural members and Design of structural connections in steel and timber construction.

CENG 5234—Construction Project Management (4). Prerequisites: CENG 4231, CENG 4232. Construction industry, construction cost and organizational management, construction project scheduling, insurance in construction, safety and healthy provision activities.