
Faculty of Computing and Informatics has evolved from School status to Faculty status very recently and now it hosts four UG, three MSc and one PhD Program. The UG programs are Computer Science, Information Science, Information Technology and Software Engineering. The postgraduate programs are PhD in Information Science; Masters of Science in Information Science with two streams, namely, Knowledge and Information Management and Electronic and Digital Resource Management; Masters of Science in Information Technology and Masters of Science in Computer Networking. We enroll students to these programs since 2012. As of 2021/22 academic year three very important and timely postgraduate programs are going to be launched. These programs are: MSc in Data Science, MSc in Artificial Intelligence and MSc in Software Engineering. We believe that these programs will significantly contribute to manpower development of the country and beyond and a golden opportunity for our prospective students.
As to the staff profile at the Faculty, in total there are over 100 staff of which 80 are lecturers and above; five are assistant lecturer and eight are technical assistants. Most importantly, there are six professors who are based in USA and European Universities who are appointed as honorary professors and delivering courses, advising our postgraduate students and engaging in international research collaborations. We keep on hiring talented individuals and innovators, and researchers because such individuals are the ones that propel us to our goal!
Jimma University is designated to be a research university, a sensational achievement for JU and a bright future for its staff members, students and prospective students as well as the community! By seizing this opportunity as well as the fact that the Faculty comprises of dynamic fields of studies, we are determined to keep up with the developed world by extending our goals higher; we dare to think and attempt what seems impossible, carry out researches to solve the real world problems, bring a difference in our community’s live and gearing toward producing researchers/scientists who are problem solvers!
To our prospective and current students, you are our priority because you are in the center and the reason for us to be here! Hence, we assure you that we are at your service and promise to do our level best to capacitate you in your area of interest. We believe in a principle “If you are determined, nothing can stop you from attaining your goal because we strongly believe in nurturing human potential. Most importantly we believe the best way forward is neither only “my way” nor “your way” in all aspects, but the 3rd alternative approach which is “our way”! Thus, feel at Home because the Faculty is not only ours, it is yours too, and together we can make a difference!
To other Faculties/Schools at JiT, Colleges/Institutes/Department in JU, other universities in Ethiopia, any university in any country, and Industries, we cordially invite you to do joint research projects on cross-cutting issues and/or open new programs in collaboration. We assure you that our door is always open for collaboration.
Thank you once again for visiting our website! Please come again to see new developments at our Faculty.