BSc in Chemical Engineering Course Description

FLEN 1011— Communicative English Language Skill I (5). Aims to enable students to communicate in English intelligibly with acceptable accuracy, fluency, and the ability to use English appropriately in different contexts.

PHYS 1011— General Physics (5). Enable students to understand describe and explain natural phenomena, general principles and fundamental concepts in measurements, mechanical and thermal interactions, fluid mechanics, electromagnetism, oscillations, and waves with applications of physics in various fields of science.

PSCH 1011— General Psychology (5). Aims to provide students with an overview of the current body of knowledge and the science of psychology, and examines the role of environmental factors and the interaction of nature and nurture in determining behaviors and mental processes.

MATH 1011. Mathematics for Natural Sciences (5).  Intends to prepare natural science students with the basic concepts and materials from mathematics that necessitate a good foundation to treat fundamental mathematical tools in science.

LOCT 1011— Critical thinking (5). Concerned with the study of arguments, and it seeks to establish the conditions under which an argument may be considered acceptable or good.

SPSC 1011— Physical fitness (0). Aims to provide the students with basic concepts of the five components of health-related physical fitness (cardiovascular, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition), conditioning, hypokinetic disease, and general principles of training.

GEES 1011— Geography of Ethiopia and the Horn (5).  Attempts to familiarize students with the basic geographic concepts, particularly in relation to Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa.

FLEN 1012—Communicative English Language Skills II (5).  Pre-requisite: FLEN 1011. Aims to identify and correct common sentence problems: fragments, comma splices, run-on sentences, dangling modifiers, and agreement errors; and write a well-structured essay of different types (descriptive, narrative, expository, and argumentative)

ANTH 1012 – Social Anthropology (4). Designed to introduce the anthropology of Ethiopian societies and cultures to first-year students of Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs). It covers basic concepts of anthropology such as culture, society, and humanity.

MATH 1041 – Applied Mathematics I (5).  Pre-requisite: MATH 1011. Enables students to understand the principles of vector and scalars, definition and operation of matrices & determinants, basics of limit and continuity, basic rules of derivatives & their applications, integrals, integration techniques, and their application in volume, arc length, and surface area determination.

MGMT 1012 – Entrepreneurship (5). Designed to introduce students to the meaning and concept of entrepreneurship, creativity, innovation, and their manageable processes that can be applied across careers and work settings.

EMTE 1012 – Introduction to Emerging Technologies (5).  Aims to enable students to explore current breakthrough technologies in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Augmented Reality that has emerged over the past few years.

MCIE 1012—Moral and Civic Education (4). Designed for undergraduate students to produce good citizens. It emphasizes equipping learners with the necessary civic competence and active participation in public life.

ECEG 2052— Computer programming (5). This course is an introduction to computer programming, which is the foundation of Software Engineering. Students design, write and debug computer programs.

HIST 1012— History of Ethiopia and the Horn (5). Aims to teach students about the role of history in human life and goals of studying history. Students will also learn the importance of history in nation building and the making of identity in time and space.

MENG-2061— Engineering Drawing (5). Helps students to know basic engineering drawing concepts, Types and systems of projection, Axonometric, oblique and central projection, One-view, two-view, and three-view drawings. Projection of planar, non-planar, and irregular surfaces.

CENG-2051— Engineering Mechanics I (Statics) (5). Help the student to differentiate between scalar and vector quantities; analyze trusses and simple frames; determine the rectangular components of a force; determine the resultant of a group of forces and couple; draw free body diagrams of a plane structure or any part thereof; state and apply the conditions of equilibrium

MATH 2042— Applied Mathematics II (7). Prerequisites: MATH 2041. Equips students with basic concepts and techniques of linear algebra, differential, and integral calculus that are useful for solving engineering problems.

STAT 2171— Probability and Statistics for Engineers (5).  Aims to know the meaning of statistics; methods of data collection; methods of data presentation; measures of central tendency; measures of variation; elementary probability; random variables; probability distributions, cumulative distribution function; common discrete probability distributions.

GLTR 1012— Global Trends (3).  Aims to designed to familiarize learners with the nature and development of international relations and global issues. It deals with nations, states, national interest, cooperation and conflict among states, and the role of state and non-state actors in the international system.

ECON 1011— Economics (5). Aims to provides a general introduction to economics combining elements of micro and macro fundamentals.

SNIE 1012— Inclusiveness (3). Aims to provide the tools and strategies that help to create a convenient environment that accommodates populations with diverse disabilities and potential. This course encourages exploring the benefits of collaborating with colleagues to design and implement inclusion in all spheres of life.

TCBTP 2003 –- Demographic Survey and Community Problem Identification (5). provides students with how to collect the information/problems within the community, communicate and work with different individuals, interpret and report the data.

MENG 2052— Engineering Mechanics II (Dynamics) (5). Prerequisites: CENG 2051. Develop scientific solutions and give interpretation to the result for simple engineering dynamic systems, and analyze and select the best techniques among the various problem-solving methods for a given engineering problem.

MATH 2043— Applied Mathematics III (7). Prerequisites: MATH 2042. This course enables students to know the basic theory of linear ODEs and systems of linear ODEs together with various techniques of solution methods. Moreover, the module builds on the previously applied mathematics courses to develop more advanced ideas in differential and integral calculus

CHEG 2201—Engineering Biology (5). Aims to explain the scope of biology, describe life activities from cellular point of view, Understand the basic concepts of genetics and inheritance, and also Appreciate the practical uses of biological knowledge.

CHEG 2202—General and Inorganic Chemistry (5). This course enables students to understand the theoretical and practical aspects of general and inorganic chemistry: Understand chemical equations and the structure of atom, apply the periodic laws and principles of equilibrium

CHEG 2203—General and Inorganic Chemistry Lab (2). The course aims to practically demonstrate the principles and governing laws of important reactions in the area of inorganic chemistry, Investigates Factors influencing reactions, and the effect of Catalysts on reactions.

CHEG 2204—Introduction to Chemical Engineering (5). This course introduces the students to Units, dimensions and conversions, General material balance equation for the steady and unsteady state, Material balance problems with chemical reactions, and Energy balance.

CHEG 2205—Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I (5). The course introduces the basic concept and terminology in thermodynamics, principles of thermodynamic Laws, Properties of Pure Substances, Heat Effects and also the concepts of entropy increase in a process.

TCBTP2004—Appropriate Technology & Professional Ethics (5). This aims to provide students with how to use and apply different appropriate technologies in solving the identified problems within the community

CHEG 3106—Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineering (5). To introduce the physical properties of fluids together with basic principles of Fluid statics, fluid kinematics, and the law of momentum conservation

CHEG 3107—Numerical Methods (5). Prerequisites: Math 2043. The course teaches the student the primary and basic computational or numerical methods for Solving non-linear equations and mathematical background and algorithms for different numerical methods.

CHEG 3108—Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II (5). Prerequisites: ChEg2205, Math 2042. Apply equations of state to estimate properties of pure substances, analyze chemical processes, solution thermodynamics, and develop phase equilibria to estimate reaction extent.

CHEG 3109—Heat and Mass Transfer (5). Prerequisites: CHEG 3106, CHEG 3107. To introduce the fundamental concepts of modes of heat transfer and elaborate this with theories and applications to the solutions of practically relevant chemical engineering problems.

CHEG 3110—Mechanical Unit Operations (6). Prerequisites: CHEG 3106.To understand the theoretical and practical concepts of mechanical unit operations with equipment like size reduction, agglomeration, micro-process of fluid and hydro-separation and transportation.

CHEG 3111—Mechanical Unit Operation Lab (2). Prerequisites: CHEG 3110, CHEG 3106. Familiarize students with Crushing and grinding, Fluidization, Filtration (Vacuum), Sedimentation, thickening, and clarification, Liquid mixing and Granulometric analysis.

CHEG 3112—Applied Organic Chemistry (5). The course aims to enable students to understand the theoretical and practical aspects of organic chemistry applicable to chemical industries.

CHEG 3113—Organic Chemistry Lab (2). Prerequisites: ChEG3112. To familiarize students with Fractional Distillation, Preparation of Soap and Aspirin Preparation.

CHEG 3123— Technical Report Writing (3). To develop proficiency in English for technical communication, report writing, presentation and develop the ability to read scientific and non-scientific papers with s high degree of comprehension.

CHEG 3214—Process Industries I (5). To introduce the students to different processing methods and technologies, and able to assess current technologies and to develop new and better process technology

CHEG 3215—Transport Phenomena (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3106, CHEG 3109. To impart knowledge about individual and simultaneous momentum, heat and mass transfer, model development along appropriate boundary conditions.

CHEG 3216—Thermal Unit Operations (6). Prerequisite: CHEG 3106, CHEG 3109. To develop skills needed to design heat transfer processes, to optimize process parameters and equipment. To understand the science behind industrial heat transfer operations.

CHEG 3217—Analytical Chemistry (5). To give the fundamentals of analytical chemistry and state of the art in instrumental analysis, understand the methods to make use of analytical methods to identify and determine the concentrations.

CHEG 3218—Analytical Chemistry Lab (2). To give students practical laboratory skills in analytical chemistry with principle of sampling and sample determination, identify and perform appropriate analytical tests and investigation and result report.

CHEG 3219—Reaction Engineering I (Kinetics) (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3107, CHEG 2204, CHEG 3108. kinetics and effects of operating conditions coupled with an algorithm of designing and selecting the main industrial chemical reactors.


CHEG 3220—Fluid Machines in Chemical Engineering (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3106. To give the student practical and theoretical knowledge to mainly specification, and performance evaluation of fluid machines, methods of experimental investigation using lab fluid machine.

CHEG 3221—Fluid Machine and Fluid Mechanics Lab (2). Prerequisite: Pro CHEG 3220. To familiarize students with Pipe network, Pump characteristic Viscosity, Axial flow fan and Radial flow fan.

TCBTP3006—Action Plan and Implementation (5). This course provides students how to use update the data collected during phases I & II, and develop an action plan on priority problems.

CHEG 4122—Process Industries II (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3214. The course introduces students to inorganic process industries, teaching basic principles and steps. Expertise unit operations and apply chemical engineering in designing sugar and leather processing.

CHEG 4124—Mass Transfer Unit Operations (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3216. Introduces mass transfer kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and design concepts for separation processes in industries. Explore applications of selected separation equipment, emphasizing practical aspects.

CHEG 4125—Thermal and Mass Transfer Unit Operation Lab (2). Prerequisite: CHEG 3216 and Pro CHEG 4124. Introduces heat exchangers, boilers, evaporators, distillation columns, dryers, absorption, extraction, and leaching analyses for comprehensive understanding of industrial processes

CHEG 4126—Reaction Engineering II (Reactor Design) (6). Prerequisite: ChEG3219. Focuses on chemical reaction engineering fundamentals: reaction kinetics, operating conditions’ effects, and designing/selecting industrial chemical reactor types, understanding and practical application

CHEG 4127—Reaction Engineering Laboratories (2).  Prerequisite: CHEG 3219, Pro CHEG 4126. The course introduces the practical application of batch, single & series CSTR, plug flow reactor and chemical kinetics.

CHEG 4128—Process Dynamics and Control (6). Prerequisite: MATH 2043, Pro CHEG 4124, Pro CHEG 4126. The course introduces modeling, simulating, and analyzing chemical processes. Design and optimize control systems and hence integrate theory with practical knowledge.

CHEG 4129—Process Control and Instrumentation Lab (2). Prerequisite: Pro CHEG 4128. The course is to familiarize students with electronics, machines, and instruments, and teach them about modeling and control of chemical processes.

CHEG 4130—Chemical Engineering Apparatus Design (6). Prerequisite: Pro CHEG 4124, MATH 2043. The course provides the students with theoretical and practical knowledge in mechanical design, equipment selection, and specification for chemical engineering processes and components.

TCBTP4007—Intervention and Evaluation Phase (5). Update the data collected during TCBTP 2003, TCBTP 2004, and TCBTP 3006, Analyze and interpret the findings, Intervention on the prioritized problem and Writing the final report and evaluating the obtained results for necessary future intervention.

INEN 4202—Internship (30). Prerequisite: All Core Courses. The objective of the course is to provide students with hands-on experience in an industrial setting and allow them to apply the theoretical concepts they have learned in previous modules

CHEG 5132—Plant Design and Economics (6). Prerequisite: ChEG4124, ChEG4130. Teaches students alternative manufacturing processes, detailed design for chemical engineering equipment, and plant layout emphasizing technical, economic, and environmental factors.

CHEG 5133—Material Science and Engineering (5). To introduce students to engineering materials, their production, properties and testing techniques.

CHEG 5134—Basic Environmental Engineering (5). It is designed to introduce students to the sources and effects of environmental pollutants, solid waste management, air pollution control and wastewater treatment.

CHEG 5135—Principle of Food Process Technology (5). It is designed to give a knowledge to the students about food process engineering, preservation, packaging, related hazards, and safety.

CHEG 5136—Introduction to Biochemical Engineering (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3219. Introduce students with typical biochemical processes, enzyme kinetics, industrial application, sterilization, aeration, cell kinetics, and fermenter design

CHEG 5137—Chemical Engineering Design Project (5). Prerequisite: Pro CHEG 5132. Helps students apply chemical engineering knowledge and project management skills to real situations, design a chemical process, and promote professional characteristics and teamwork activities

CHEG 5138—Research methods and Proposal Development (5). Prerequisite: Pro CHEG 5137. Gives knowledge of proposal development on chemical engineering and open-ended project, helps to identify industrial based problems, apply state-of-the-art methods on product design and development.

CHEG 5239—Industrial Health and Safety (5). Introduce the students to process plant safety (Laboratory, electrical, and machine), prevention and protection of fires, Labor Safety and Hygiene and maintenance management.

CHEG 5240—Project Management (5). It gives students an understanding of production and project management, and also provides the concepts of project planning and management, inventory control, sales forecasting and decision making.

CHEG 5241—Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 2205. Help students to understand fundamental principles and methods of refrigeration and air conditioning, refrigeration cycles and performance evaluation, applications, and environmental issues

SRP 5252—BS Thesis (7). Prerequisite CHEG 5138. It helps students to develop their skills on how to execute projects, literature review, experimentation, analysis, interpret laboratory results, thesis writing, and presentation.

CHEG 5245— Process Modeling and Optimization (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 3107, and CHEG 3216.  Analysis and understanding of process optimization and integration. Computer software like MATLAB and Excel are used for solving process engineering optimization problems.

CHEG 5246— Energy Utilization and Audit (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 2204 and CHEG 2205. Describe the important industrial energy transition processes realistically while considering environmental and safety issues.

CHEG 5249— Water and Wastewater Treatment (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 5134. Provide students with a sound knowledge of the theory, strategies, management and practices, and technologies associated with water and wastewater systems.

CHEG 5250— Solid and Hazardous Waste Management. Prerequisite: CHEG 5134. Understand the aspects related to the generation, collection, transfer, transport, separation, recycling and composting of solid waste.

CHEG 5252— Food and Beverage Technologies (5). Prerequisite: CHEG 5135. Describe the characteristics and production methods of both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage types; analyze and measure important physicochemical parameters of beverages

CHEG 5253— Food Process Industries Quality Control (5). Describe and outline the principles of food processing design and production techniques; Analyze the quality parameters of food products from different food processing operations.