
Chemical engineering is the branch of engineering that deals with physical and life sciences with mathematics and economics, to the process of converting raw materials or chemicals into more useful or valuable forms.

The chemical engineering profession is youngest science based engineering profession. In Ethiopia, it has age not more than 20 years and the program was offered only in two universities (BDU and AAU). Now, more than 18 universities have already launched the program. And this is because of the plan of the government of the federal republic of Ethiopia to establish industry based economy which demands large number of chemical engineering graduates.

Therefore, it is clear that at present the country expands and gives ambitions to industry developments but lacks technical professionals. Generally there are no enough professionals of chemical engineers in different sectors of industry which the government has given priority such as sugar industries, textiles, garments, leather, cement, food processing and in general process/chemical industries (Growth and Transformation Plan Policy Matrix, Volume II, November 2010, Page 9-11); considered as the critical infrastructure for the country to change the living standards of the people.