Faculty Dean: Mr. Birhanu Belete Asresie, MS

Email: birhbelete@gmail.com

Phone: +251937186332


Program Coordinator: Mr. Kifle Godana Heyi, MS

Email: kifle.godana@ju.edu.et

Phone: +251(0)913143830

Chair Holders of Electrical Power Engineering: Mr. Kifle Godana Heyi, MS

Email: kiflegdn@gmail.com

Phone: +251913143830


Chair Holders of Electrical Computer Engineering: Mr. Ashebir Dereje Bonger, MS

Email: ashebirdereje@gmail.com

Phone: +251917804345

Chair Holders of Communication Engineering: Dr. Isayiyas Nigatu, Ph.D

Email: isayiyas.tiba@ju.edu.et

Phone: +251911334821


Chair Holders of Industrial Control Engineering: Mr. Tesfabirhan Shoga Tahiro, MS

Email: tesfabirhan.shoga@ju.edu.et

Phone: +251916612958