Course Description of Materials Science and Engineering Courses 

MSE 2081—Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (5). Fundamental Concepts in atomic structure; Properties of Metals, Ceramics and Polymers; Phase diagrams; advanced materials.

MSE 2111—Thermodynamics of Materials (I) (5). Laws of thermodynamics; Heat, Work, Internal Energy, and Enthalpy; Auxiliary Functions and Thermodynamic Potentials.

MSE 2141—Crystallography (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2081. Crystals and lattices; Crystal Morphology; Space groups and symmetry; Crystal defects.

MSE 2101—Mechanics of Materials (5). Concept of Stress; Axial Loading and Pressure Vessels; Torsional loading; Beam stresses and strains

MSE 3112—Thermodynamics of Materials II (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2111. Thermodynamics of reactions; Phase transformations; Thermodynamics of solutions; Thermal properties of crystals and polymers.

MSE 3161—Fundamentals of ceramics (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2141.  Ceramics; Structure and properties of ceramic materials; Sintering and Grain growth; Diffusion; Phase equilibrium.

MSE 3142—Solid state science (6). Prerequisites: MSE 2141. Lattice vibrations; Semiconductors; Free electron models; Dielectric and magnetic properties of solids;

MSE 3151—Fundamentals of polymer (5). Prerequisites: CHEM2061. Polymers; Polymer chemistry; Thermodynamics of polymer solutions; Polymerization mechanisms and techniques; Applications of polymers.

MSE 3131— Fundamentals of metallurgy (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2141. Metallurgy; Thermodynamics and phase diagrams; Solidification and crystallization in metals and alloys; Transport phenomena.

MSE 3072—Magnetism and magnetic materials (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2081, MSE 3131.  Magnetism; Magnetism of thin films, surfaces and fine particles; Molecular magnets; Magneto resistive sensors; Nanomagnetism.

MSE 3134—Physical metallurgy (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3131, MSE 3142. Solidification of pure metal and alloys; Heat treatment; Thermo-mechanical processing; Characterization techniques.

MSE 3122—Composite materials (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2081. Composite materials; Manufacturing processes; Mechanical properties and applications; Design Project.

MSE 3171—Fundamentals of semiconductors (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3142. Semiconductors; Quantum mechanics; Electronic transport properties; pn-junction.

MSE 3091—Fundamentals of electrochemistry (5). Prerequisites: CHEM2061, CHEM3062. Electrochemistry; Electrochemical cells; Kinetics and transport phenomenon; Electroanalytical techniques.

MSE 3121—Optical materials (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2081. Optical materials; Synthesis and characterization techniques; Properties and applications of optical materials.

MSE 3162—Ceramic processing with lab (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3161. Synthesis of ceramic powders; Powder characterization; ceramic forming; Sintering and microstructure.

MSE 4143—Material characterization (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2141. Electromagnetic Spectrum; Spectroscopic techniques; Electron microscopy; Thermal Analysis.

MSE 4071—Electricity and electronic materials (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3161. Conducting, semi conducting and dielectric materials; Materials for electronic devices; Environmental impact of Electronic Materials.


MSE 4123—Biomaterials (5). Prerequisites: MSE 2081. Interaction of materials with biological systems; design and properties of different materials implants for biological applications.

MSE 4133—Metal processing with lab (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3131. Metal manufacturing processes; metal manufacturing techniques

MSE 4152—Selected industrial polymers and their application (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3151. Industrial polymers; synthesis and processing of industrial polymers; commodity, engineering and specialty polymers.

MSE 4163—Glass and Glass-Ceramics (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3161. Glass and glass ceramic formation; optical and Nano-glass; strengthening mechanism; properties, and applications of glasses.

MSE 4135— Advanced metals and Alloys (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3134. Advanced metals and alloys; Ultra-pure metals; light weight high strength, intelligent and magnetic alloys; applications of super alloys.

MSE 4132—Extractive metallurgy (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3131. Principles of metal extraction; methods of Metal extraction from ores and production of precious metals.

MSE 4082—Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (5). Nanoscience and nanotechnology; synthesis methods of nanomaterials; application of nanomaterials in different fields.

MSE 4181—Materials Selection and Product Design (5). Methodologies in material selection for engineering applications; design of engineering products; different manufacturing processes

MSE 4092—Materials for energy (5). Prerequisites: MSE 3121. Materials in energy-related applications; conventional and renewable energy sources; electrochemical energy storage devices; solar energy and fuel cell technologies.

MSE 4153—Polymer processing with lab (5). Polymer processing; post-treatment; polymer synthesis

MSE 4052—Computational material science (5). Prerequisites: ECEG 2052. Modelling and simulations for Study material behavior; Modelling and simulations approaches/methods (density functional theory, molecular dynamics simulation, Monte Carlo and first-principles methods, Matlab and Python)

MSE 5211—Smart materials (5) Smart material Properties; Sensors; Transducers; Shape memory alloys

MSE 5212—Semiconductor device technology (5). Semiconductor Device Physics; Semiconductor Device Fabrication; Advanced Semiconductor Devices; Semiconductor Device Characterization

MSE 5213—Catalysis (5). Types of catalysis; Thermodynamic principles of catalysis; Catalyst Characterization; Applications of Catalysis

MSE 5214—Carbon-based nanomaterials and applications (5). Carbon Nanotubes; Synthesis of graphene; Fullerenes; Carbon Quantum Dots

MSE 5221—Polymer rheology and morphology (5). Rheology and morphology in polymer processing; Polymer structure and behavior; Rheology of melts; Morphology, Additives, and their applications.

MSE 5222—Rubber science and technology (5). History and development of rubber; Properties and characterization; processing; Applications of rubber products.

MSE 5223—Paint and surface coating technology (5). Paint composition; Additives for paint; the physical chemistry of paint formation; the industrial paint-making process; Application

MSE 5224—Conducting polymers (5). Basic characteristics of conducting polymers; Classification and synthesis; Properties and characterization; Applications in various fields.

MSE 5231—Cement technology (5) Pozzolana cement; Portland cement; special cements; testing procedures; Concrete.

MSE 5232—Refractory materials (5).  Silica refractories; Alumina refractories; basic and special refractories; properties and applications in high-temperature environments.

MSE 5233—Advanced ceramics (5).  Electro-ceramics; Ceramic magnets; Green energy ceramics; Bio-ceramics

MSE 5234—Ceramic matrix composites (5).  Fabrication and processing of CMCs; microstructure and properties; Testing techniques for CMC materials; Applications in various fields.

MSE 5241—Electrometallurgy and Corrosion (5). Electrodes and electrochemical reactions; Electroplating and Surface Finishing; Corrosion and its Manifestations; Thermodynamics and kinetics of corrosion; Forms of corrosion; Prevention methods

MSE 5242—Metal matrix composites (5). Classification of MMCs; Design considerations; Production methods; properties; testing; and applications.

MSE 5243—Advanced Steel Technology (5).  Composition and metallurgical phases; Categories of steel; Steelmaking overview; Strengthening mechanisms; Application area of steel

MSE 5244—Powder Metallurgy (5). Metal powder characteristics; Metal powder production methods; Compaction and forming techniques; sintering; and application areas in various industries.