Name of Office: Gender Coordinator Office Of College Of Law And Governance (CLG)
Official Name: Mery Kapito Zewdu
Gender refers to the socially constructed roles and responsibilities of women and men in a given culture or location. These roles are influenced by perceptions and expectations arising from cultural, political, environmental, economic, social and religious factors, as well as customs, laws class, ethnicity and individual or institutional bias. Gender attitudes and behaviors are acquired and could be changed. Jimma University, as a leading national institution of higher education, takes the equality of gender seriously and this is reflected in numerous ways on campus. In order to create safe and comfortable environment for female students in the university women and youth affair office work collaborating with gender coordinator office at college levels and oversees their activities. Programs have also been created to mainstream gender equality in the university, work to empower female students by providing training, material and financial support. Gender coordinator office of CLG takes the initiative to accomplish the responsibilities expected from the office.
Objectives of gender coordinator office of CLG
• To organize training on life skill, reproductive health and HIV/ AIDS, assertiveness collaborating with different office in the university and invited from out of the university.
• To motivate female students of the college to do their research on gender related issues.
• To strengthen supportive measures such as counseling, tutorial class, and improving their confidence and self stem through training.
• To increase the number of competent and assertive students.
• To increase the number of female high achievers.
• To fight violence against women.
• To promote gender equality in undergraduate and graduate program.
Duties and responsibilities
The gender coordinator office of CLG has duties and responsibilities
• Identify challenges faced by female students of the college and provide or suggest solution.
• Work on different gender related issues, report to the relevant office, to take appropriate actions and follow up on the progress.
• Mainstreaming gender equality in the teaching learning process, training and research activities of the college.
• Create network with gender coordinator office of other colleges in the University for Experience sharing and other collaborative initiatives.
• Work on financial and material support provided to the student by the women and youth affair office of the university.
All activities, responsibilities and duties of Gender coordinator office at the college level oversee by the official appointed from that collage. Accountability Gender coordinator office of at collage level is accountable to women and youth affair office of Jimma University.
Phone ;+251913958908