Facilities and Services
The Law School is well known for its community services. It has given free legal aid service to a number of needy persons in and around Jimma . Women, people with disability, people living with HIV/AIDS and generally those who couldn’t afford hiring their own lawyer or paying for legal advice have benefited much from the Free Legal Aid Center of the Law School.
The School, in collaboration with Jimma University Community radio Agency, has given continuous legal awareness to the public at large through radio program. The Law School has built a good culture of working in partnership with many governmental and non-governmental institutions.
Apart from its close ties to the respective Justice Bureau, Supreme Court, Police Commission, Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and Prison Commission of oromia Regional State; it has well established relationships with the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission, the FDRE Institution of the Ombudsman, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian Justice and Legal System Research Institute, and Women’s Affairs Bureau.
Jimma University Journal of Law (JUJL)
An important step in the research and publication activity of the School has been the launching of Jimma University Journal of Law, a bi-annual legal periodical. The School publishes a peer-reviewed journal of law since 2010. This journal is a forum for legal scholars to publish manuscripts that meet intellectual quality. The Academic Commission, currently the Academic Council, of the Law School has adopted and issued a Journal Policy. As per the approved Policy, the Journal has its own Advisory Board, Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Committee.
The Journal has its own Editorial Policy, Guideline for authors, Manuscript Review Criteria and Review Instructions. In accordance with the Editorial Policy and the bylaws of the Journal, the Editorial Committee of regularly issues calls for contributions. Of the various contributions it regularly receives, the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Committee select those manuscripts that meet the form and content requirements of the journal. Each manuscript is then peer-reviewed by two anonymous internal and external reviewers. Those which succeed attaining the highest assessment marks for their intellectual maturity and their contributions for the legal profession and the administration of justice in general are published.
Since its first issue in 2010 the Journal is thus being regularly published and being distributed to stakeholders. Each issue of the Journal contains Articles, Case Comment, Case Reports, and Facts and Figures about the Law School.
Our Library is one of the best libraries in the country in terms of the variety of books and other collections that are relatively recent and up-to-date. The school has always been thankful for those governments, institutions, and individuals who have enabled us to own an excellent library.