The College of Law and Governance has been playing its pivotal role to the progress and development of the country through teaching, research and community services. The Department of Governance and Development Studies, Civics and Ethics Studies and the School of Law – units under the college – run different undergraduate and postgraduate programs that equip our graduates with theoretical underpinning and practical skills which enable them to contribute significantly to ensure social justice, nation-state building and economic transformation of the country. Our graduates, who experience the practical world of job before they graduate during their internships, community service activities and practical attachments, are deemed highly competent by stakeholders having strong professional acumen.
The College has been strongly working to produce strong and hardworking graduates that develop the required skills and attitude beyond the theoretical knowledge reflected by the result of the exit examination, particularly of the graduates of the Law School, through bringing professionals and from the local and global market. Most local staff under the college have international experiences which enable students to learn from their experiences.
The College has also been engaged in research and community services beyond the teaching-learning activities. It encourages the academic staff to embark on problem solving researches across the country. Most of our academic staffs have been conducting different researches under different themes funded by the college and other institutions in the country. The community service activities, which are embedded in the hands-on courses such as Development Team Training Program of the postgraduate students and the different Community Based Training Programs of the undergraduate students, are highly relevant for our graduates in acquainting them with the community that they are going to serve. Moreover, the college, through its ten Free Legal Aid Service centers – run by the School of Law – provides free legal services for vast number of the disadvantaged section of the society – echoing Jimma University’s popular motto “We are in the Community”.
The College is working very hard to support the country’s poverty-eradication, good governance endeavors through the strong professionals it produces; problem solving researches that the staffs under the college are conducting and the community services it provides promoting multicultural teaching-learning environment, pooling professionals from the Global North and South, working collaboratively with education and research institutions worldwide.
Dr, Rahel Assefa (Assistant Professor)
Dean, College of Law Governance
Office Line: +251-472115643
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P.O.Box: 378
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Jimma, Ethiopia