Department Administration
Name: Abiot Desta Habte
College : Law and Governance
Department : Governance and Development Studies
Qualifications : MA in Development Studies; BA in Political Science and International Relations
Academic Rank : Lecturer
Specialisation : Environment and development
Curent post if any: Head of Governance and developmental studies
Research Interest :
- Development policy research, institutions and development
- Environment and development
- Sustainable development, poverty, unemployment, inequality, migration, environment and human security
- Sustainable tourism and development
- Community based natural resource management
- Environmental governance, politics, conflict dynamics and development
- Gender and development
- Comparative and international political economy
- International development
List of Publications :
- Teaching civic education in Ethiopia: The problem of discontinuities and inconsistencies
- Institutional challenges and opportunities in sustainable community based ecotourism development around Wenchi Crater Lake: Oromia National Regional State
E-mail :
Phone No. : +251 911 750797/ +251 471 122508
Department of Governance and Development Studies |